Unparalleled Concubine

Chapter 606: capital city

   Chapter 606 The Capital Capital

   Li Xin was not ready to fool Xiao Zheng.

In fact, if the Eunuch Xiao nodded and said that Ji Ku's death was indeed beneficial to His Majesty, Li Xin would quickly ask the fat man to write a suicide note tonight, find a rope to hang himself, and tell Xiao tomorrow morning. Yes, he did it.

   And also "fake" suicide.

   After all, he didn't have much affection with that fat man. Li Xin had already agreed with the fat man beforehand that he couldn't help him too much. If the emperor insisted on killing him, Li Xin would not be able to go against the emperor because of this.

   Xiao Zheng froze in place, frowning and thinking for a long time.

   His hands trembled slightly, he took a sip of the hot tea on the table, and then glanced at Li Xin helplessly.

   "Li... Hou Ye, what do you think..."

  Li Xin shook his head slowly.

"Eunuch Xiao, I can't intervene in this kind of thing. Your Majesty didn't speak. I will send His Royal Highness King Qin to the capital. If His Majesty speaks, or Eunuch Xiao thinks that His Majesty has spoken, then Li Xin will have nothing to say. Tomorrow I can give Eunuch Xiao a perfect answer in the morning."

   Xiao Zheng was silent.

   After a while, he looked up at Li Xin and finally got up, knelt in front of Li Xin, and kowtowed to Li Xin.

   "Also ask Hou Ye to point out the maze!"

   "The Lord Marquis stands taller than the slave maid sees. If the Lord Lord can clear the fog for the servant maid, the servant maid will be grateful for the kindness of Lord Lord for a lifetime!"

  Li Xin shook his head and reached out to help him up.

   "Eunuch Xiao, are you the only young supervisor in the inner court at the moment?"

   Xiao Zheng's voice trembled: "Yes."

   "The eight prisons of the inner court are all under your control?"

  Xiao Zheng shook his head, lowered his head and said, "The time for the servants to enter the palace is short and their age is young. Many elderly people in the palace are not convinced."

   Li Xin smiled and said, "How is your father-in-law better than Chen Ju?"

   Xiao Zheng shook his head again and again: "Slave servants are thousands of times worse than Eunuch Chen."

   Li Xin glanced at him lightly.

   "Like Chen Ju, he is also a servant of the Tian family. His Majesty sent him to guard the grave with a single word. Where did Eunuch Xiao get the confidence that after he killed the eldest son of the late emperor, His Majesty would come forward to protect you?"

  Jing An Hou Ye said coldly with a gloomy expression.

   "Everyone knows that His Majesty does not want to see His Royal Highness King Qin returning to the capital alive, but who will kill and who will take the responsibility?"

   "I don't want to carry it."

  Li Xin glanced at Xiao Zheng, and then said slowly: "If Eunuch Xiao is willing to recite it, then with just one sentence, there will be a perfect result tomorrow morning."

   "As long as those people in the courtroom don't impeach you and me."

If Ji Kui died on the way back to Beijing, no matter how he died, everyone would acquiesce that he died in Li Xin, or in the hands of Xiao Zheng. At that time, some pedantic people are likely to participate in the book. Li Xin and Xiao Zheng.

   Li Xin is likely to be fine, but Xiao Zheng is likely to be pushed out by Emperor Taikang to quell public anger.

   Of course, as Xiao Zheng's personal attendant, even if he died, it was impossible for him to die because of the crime of killing the King of Qin. After all, he killed the King of Qin, which was not much different from the Son of Heaven.

  Xiao Shaojian is also a smart person. Li Xin mentioned it so lightly, and in just a split second, he thought of these terrible possibilities.

   He looked up at Li Xin and his voice trembled.

   "Master Hou... save the slave maid!"

  Li Xin's face was calm.

   "A very simple truth, His Royal Highness King Qin must die, but not on the road, because no one can bear the consequences."

   "He had better die in the capital, in the palace of the King of Qin."

   Xiao Zheng said stunned: "Master Hou...?"

The Marquis of Jing'an said in a low voice, "You are now writing a secret letter to His Majesty, don't say anything else, just say that His Royal Highness the King of Qin regretted leaving the capital, felt ashamed of his ancestors, and already thought of himself, and he only wanted to see him in the end. Seeing my relatives in the capital."

   "Don't mention anything else, just say this and see how Your Majesty responds."

  The Marquis of Jing'an narrowed his eyes and said solemnly, "There are still seven or eight days to go from here to the capital. Seven or eight days is enough for us to kill King Qin more than a dozen times. There is still enough time, so we won't miss things."

  Xiao Zheng lowered his head and was silent for a long time, and finally said, "Is this what Lord Hou meant?"

   Li Xin smiled dumbly: "Forget it, since you are afraid, it doesn't matter if you bring me, just write it like this, and when you enter the capital, I will make it clear to Your Majesty in person."

   Xiao As received the amnesty, and after saluting Li Xin, he bent over and left.

  The Marquis of Jing'an sat firmly in his seat and took a sip of tea leisurely.

   "In your twenties, you have been in charge of the housekeeper. I can guess that you are reluctant to die."


  When Li Xin and the others were still in Luzhou Mansion, the capital had already received the news that the Marquis of Jing'an was about to return to Beijing in triumph.

   But this news has just arrived at the top floor of the court and has not yet spread.

   But a black-clothed Yulin Wei had already returned to the capital early on a horse to report that he was safe.

   This Yulin Guard went all the way to the north, entered the Yongle Square in the north of the city, and stopped at the gate of the Jingan Houfu.

   Yulinwei is the emperor's own army. In theory, they can travel unimpeded in all parts of the capital, but Yonglefang is either rich or expensive, and Yulinwei does not dare to ride a horse in Yonglefang on weekdays.

   However, it is no problem to go to the Jingan Houfu.

   Everyone knows that the upstart Jing'an Hou Li Xin was born in Yulinwei, and he won another battle in the southwest. At this time, no one will offend Jing'an Hou's mansion.

   After this Habayashi got off his horse, he knocked on the door in a proper manner.

   "Deng Feng, Yulinwei, is here to deliver a letter to the family at the order of the Lord of the Marquis!"

  The concierge of the Marquis of Jing'an saw him dressed in Yulinwei's black clothes, and without any hesitation, welcomed him in and said, "This soldier will report to Mistress later."

   It didn't take long for the princess of Qinghe, who was in regular clothes, to lead the little girl Zhong Xiaoxiao, her maid Cui'er, and her husband and wife Chen Shiliu, who had broken hands, to the front door together.

   This Yulinwei, after seeing the eldest princess, immediately knelt down.

   "Deng Feng, Yulinwei, meet the eldest princess!"

   The eldest princess took a deep breath, barely suppressed her inner excitement, and said slowly: "Where did he... go?"

   "Return to the eldest princess, Lord Hou should be near the Luzhou Mansion by now. According to the itinerary, it is estimated that he will be able to return to the capital in seven or eight days."

   "Seven or eight days..."

The eldest princess muttered to herself first, then lowered her head and smiled at Zhong Xiaoxiao, who had grown a lot taller: "Xiaoxiao, did you hear me, your brother will be back in seven or eight days."

At this time, Zhong Xiaoxiao is no longer as autistic as before, but she is still very introverted, she nodded to the eldest princess, and then said, "Sister-in-law, brother, he has been gone for so long, will he not recognize him when he comes back? me?"

   The eldest princess smiled and touched her head.

   "Don't worry, he cares more about you than anyone else, even if he doesn't recognize anyone in the house, it's impossible not to recognize you."

   "You eat more these days and gain more weight. Before he left, he instructed me to watch you eat more."

  Zhong Xiaoxiao used to be too thin, so Li Xin kept thinking about making her eat more.

   Xiao Xiao nodded heavily.

   This charcoal-selling girl who was frozen in the snow and turned purple, is eight or nine years old this year.

The eldest princess wanted to say something else, but suddenly a sedan chair stopped at the entrance of the Marquis of Jing'an, and an **** dressed in purple stepped down from the sedan chair. With a flattering smile.

   "His Royal Highness Princess, Your Majesty called you into the palace..."

   (end of this chapter)

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