Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 812: Outrageous!

   Chapter 812 Rebellion!

   Taikang Emperor's body has deteriorated to this point. Although Li Xin doesn't understand what's wrong, he doesn't quite believe what destiny really is.

  If you speculate maliciously, the Zhang family in Longhushan may have made up such a pretext at random. The emperor's profession is not very easy to do, and the emperor does not like riding and archery like the first emperor, so it is inevitable that he will get sick.

   That is to say, the illness that the Emperor Taikang suffered in five years was probably just a minor illness. After taking the medicine stone, he was maliciously planted by the lying Tianshi family to confirm the prophecy of the year.

But after thinking about it, doing this is a big crime to punish the nine clans. There is no need for the Zhang family in Longhushan to do this. After all, how to explain things like destiny is just something they said casually. Even if the emperor lived a hundred years, it would be fine They said that this was the result of their "extended life" for the emperor, and there was no need to take the risk to murder the emperor.

   There must be no secret behind this incident, but now Li Xin can no longer think about it.

He sat in the chair and after a moment of silence, he said, "I have known your majesty for ten years, and your majesty should know me a little bit. If I really had any ambitions to be emperor, I could have bowed my head to be Li Shen's son. After Li Chun's death, I can probably take over the Pingnan Army, there is no need to go around such a big detour and engage in any conspiracy."

  The emperor looked pale.

   "What happened to the Hanzhou Army?"

Li Xin lowered his head and said: "Mu Ying of the Hanzhou Army is a friend of the minister. When he helped the minister to conquer Jincheng, the minister also wanted to give their clan a place to stand, so the Hanzhou city was handed over to the Mu family for management. His Majesty knew about this at the beginning, and nodded in agreement."

   "The imperial court conquered Hanzhou for no reason, no matter whether it is public or private, I can't turn a blind eye."

   Having said that, Li Xin raised his head and looked at the emperor.

   "Your Majesty said that Hanzhou is a private soldier I raised, which is completely unreasonable. I have been in the capital for so many years, how can I remotely control the southwest? The minister may be able to influence the Hanzhou army, but at most it is only an influence."

   "There is no affection, it is comparable to the word interest."

  The emperor's voice was hoarse.

   "Where was the thunder that day?"

   He hadn't been able to sleep for several days. At this time, both eyes were bloodshot. He tried his best to open his eyes wide and look at Li Xin.

   "Why do you keep this thing privately?"

   In the end, this matter cannot be avoided.

  Li Xin took a deep breath and his face was calm: "Your Majesty also knows that this thing was already there in the third year of Taikang, but until last year, it was not just that the minister did not hand it over to the imperial court, nor did the minister hand it to the southwest."

   "If it wasn't for General Pei's westward expedition, this thing might have been buried in the tomb with the minister."

   The Son of Heaven "hoho" sneered.

   "Then you gave this thing to Southwest, should you also give me a copy?"

  Li Xin lowered his head and remained silent.

  The emperor looked straight at Li Xin, but did not speak for a long time.

   His physical condition at this time was extremely bad. In the past month or two, all political affairs in the DPRK and China have been entrusted to Shang Shutai, and the emperor has no energy to deal with government affairs.


  Li Xin bowed his head slightly: "The minister is here."

   "You give me a copy of this thing."

   The emperor's voice was hoarse and a little low. If it weren't for the two of them left in the hall, Li Xin really wouldn't have been able to hear what he was saying when the needles could be heard.

   "I don't need it either."

  The emperor's words were a bit awkward. He gritted his teeth and said, "I...will lock it up and hand it over to the prince. This kind of thing can be used by Dajin, but it can't be without it."

   He said intermittently: "You give this thing... to me, the crown prince ascends the throne, you are... the emperor's teacher, the auxiliary minister! The Li family can... the prince and the prince!"

   Li Xin still lowered his head and did not speak.

   Such words are unbelievable, even when the Son of Heaven is about to die.

   "Your Majesty, Southwest...I didn't get the recipe for Tianlei either. This minister and His Majesty promise that they will never take the initiative to use this thing. For a day of peace in the southwest, this thing will be hidden for a day."

   Having said this, Li Xin paused.

   "And Your Majesty should know more or less. This Tianlei... is good at defending and not good at attacking.

  The emperor looked at Li Xin with a stern look.

   Then he coughed violently, the cough was heartbreaking, as if he wanted to cough up all his internal organs.

   Xiao Zheng, who was waiting outside the hall, rushed in immediately and asked his subordinates to bring a bowl of soup that had already been boiled and fed it to the emperor.

   After drinking the decoction, the emperor's cough stopped a little, he waved his hand, let Xiao Zheng and the others take a few steps back, and then he glanced at Li Xin with an ugly face.

   "Are you determined not to give it to me?"

  Li Xin bowed his head deeply.

"Your Majesty, this thing is the lifeline of the Southwest, and it is also the lifeline of my Li family. Although I have been forced to do so in recent years, I have indeed done a few things against the imperial court. Young and old are going to be guillotined."

  The emperor was expressionless.

   "You can't trust me."

  Li Xin looked directly at the Son of Heaven.

   "Your Majesty can't trust your ministers?"

   "I trust you and know you have no ambition."

  The Son of Heaven was silent for a while, then said: "But I can't trust others, I can't trust Mu Ying, I can't trust the Hanzhou Army, you Li Changan have no ambition, they will."

   "Besides, you have a son."

   The emperor coughed again.

   "Have a sharp weapon in your heart, and you will kill yourself. This sentence was taught to me by Chang'an."

   "Your son will inherit your family business in the future. You will not rebel, but he is not necessarily. He will not rebel. No one knows what will happen to your grandson."

  The emperor said silently: "So, I never care whether others will rebel or not, but only care whether others have the ability to rebel."

   "You, Li Xin, have it."

  The emperor closed his eyes.

   "And this ability may be passed down from generation to generation."

  Li Xin shook his head.

   "Your Majesty knows me, I am a cautious person, no matter what I do, I will always think about protecting myself first."

   "I can't take my family and become the fish on the cutting board."

   Li Xin looked serious.

   "I need to have the ability to flop a few times."

  The emperor finally couldn't bear it anymore.

   He almost gritted his teeth and let out a low roar.

   "Great Rebellion...Impossible!"

   In this era when loyalty to the monarch is a virtue, when the monarch wants the subject to die, and the subject does not want to die, Li Xin’s idea is indeed outrageous.

   But in Li Xin's opinion, this is a normal thing.

   He bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, I am willing to give up all official positions in the court, and only be a wealthy idler in the capital."

  The emperor was extremely weak at the moment. After a long conversation with Li Xin, even his mind began to blur, but after listening to Li Xin's words, he shook his head decisively.

   "You... go back, I will find you again..."

  The Emperor shook his head slightly, sobering himself up a bit.

   Li Xin sighed and stood up from his chair, ready to get up and say goodbye.

   As soon as he stood up, the Son of Heaven, who was already lying down, spoke again.

   "If possible, let Xiao Jiu go back to Beijing."

   The emperor seemed to be muttering to himself.

   "I...I'm afraid I won't last long..."

   "I...want to meet Xiaojiu."

   (end of this chapter)

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