Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 881: God playing tricks

   Chapter 881 Tiangong tricks

   After leaving Miss Yulan's room, Li Xin walked to Lin Hu's room again. Because Lin Hu was weak, he was still sleeping with his eyes closed. Li Xin was not in a hurry and just sat quietly in the room drinking tea and waiting.

   After waiting for about an hour, he opened his eyes and saw Li Xin sitting next to him at a glance. He struggled to sit up, but Li Xin had already got up and sat beside the bed.

   "Lie down in peace."

   Lin Hu was covered in wounds, he could only sigh, lay back, and said, "Brother Xin."

   "I went to ask about that girl."

  Li Xin covered Lin Hu with a quilt, and said slowly, "She was placed beside you by someone with a heart. It's hard for me, an outsider, to tell her sincerity, so you should consider it for yourself."

"Originally, this kind of person should be killed at least in my hands, but she has a skin-to-skin relationship with you, and she is your woman. If I don't want to do anything to her, I will leave it to you to deal with it yourself. I don't care if you wear shoes or accept her as a concubine, no matter what, it's up to you."

  To be honest, in the room of Miss Yulan just now, in just a few words, Li Xin tried to kill several times, but in the end, he was forcibly restrained.

He may be a good person, but he is definitely not a bad person. For the past ten years, not only did he die indirectly, but he directly killed 20 or 30 people. Killing a woman was a big deal for him. It's as simple as blinking an eye.

   But this Magnolia girl is a Huzi's woman. No matter which step the matter reaches, he can't even say hello and kill this woman.

   Directly said that she was seriously injured and died, that is, fooling Lin Hu as a fool.

   Therefore, he chose to put this matter on hold for the time being and leave it to Lin Hu to deal with it.

   In this incident, Lin Hu showed enough loyalty, even in that extreme situation, he did not live up to Li Xin's trust.

   He did what a brother should do, and Li Xin should do it too.

  Lin Hu snorted and frowned deeply.

  Li Xin clapped his hand and sighed: "Don't rush to make a decision, if you have anything, I'll talk about it when you're healthy."

  Lin Hu was in some pain, he lowered his head and thought for a long time, then looked up at Li Xin, his voice hoarse.

   "Brother, that thing is very important to you, isn't it?"

  Li Xin nodded.

   "At least in the next ten years, it will affect the lives of many people, including me."

  Lin Hu's dark face was slightly pale.

   He was silent for a long time before he smiled bitterly.

   "Brother, I actually like Magnolia very much."

"I can tell."

   Li Xin said with a smile: "Otherwise, it wouldn't have been in that dungeon. You didn't forget to let me save her."

  Lin Hu sighed and continued: "If I hadn't been involved in this matter, I might have married her as a wife instead of a concubine."

   A woman from a brothel, even if she renounces her nationality and gets married, is a concubine's fate. Unless she marries someone of the same low status, she cannot be a proper wife.

Although Lin Hu was not a high-ranking official, his position in Jincheng was extremely critical. It was foreseeable that, based on his relationship with Li Xin, it would not be difficult to become a moderate official in the future. Therefore, even Li Xin, He also said that he wanted to take Yulan as a concubine.

  Lin Hu took another look at Li Xin and let out a long breath.

   "Brother, after you heal her, let her go."

  Lin Hu closed his eyes and gritted his teeth: "Leave her life, I won't see her again in the future."

   This decision is painful, but also wise.

You must know that Tianlei's affairs are not only concerned with the lives of Li Xin's family, but also the lives of Mu Ying, Zhao Jia, and thousands of people in the southwest. , but if he is accompanied by a spy of the court, then no matter who it is, I am afraid that it will not be relieved.

  Lin Hu looks a little straightforward on weekdays, but he is very sensible and knows how to think about others.

   He understood that if he kept Yulan by his side, Li Xin would have a hard time doing it.

   Li Xin was silent for a long time and patted Lin Hu on the shoulder.

   "Huzi, I'm sorry for this, brother."

   "From the beginning, I shouldn't have involved you."

  Lin Hu grinned.

   "Brother Xin can trust me, I am very happy, and I am happy to do things for you, Brother Xin."

   The two of them have had a friendship since they were young in the Qishan Mountains. This friendship has no interests, is clean and clear, and is very precious.

  Looking at the whole world, Li Xin knew many people, but his friendship with anyone was not so pure.

   Even the master-disciple relationship with Ye Sheng has some interests involved.

  The Marquis of Jing An let out a long sigh and sat up from Lin Hu's bed.

   "I understand what you mean, and I will handle it for you."

   "Girl Magnolia will live a long life."

  Lin Hu lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

   "Thank you bro."

   Li Xin sighed: "It's me who wants to thank you."

  Lin Hu shook his head slightly.

   "Although I'm a bit stupid, I'm not stupid. If it was someone else, I would have killed her long ago. Brother, it's not easy for you to tell me this."

   said, he opened his eyes and grinned at Li Xin.

   Li Xin was stunned for a while, and smiled at him.

  The two young people who grew up in Qishan Mountain still hold the purest love in their hearts in the face of secular power.

  Li Xin bent down and covered him with a quilt.

   "Have a good rest. When you recover from your injury, brother will find you a good wife."

  Lin Hu nodded and forced a smile.

   "Thank you bro."

  Li Xin sighed slightly, turned his head and left the room.

   After he closed the door of the room, Lin Hu, who was lying on the hospital bed, couldn't bear it any longer, his eyes were red at first, and then tears slowly flowed down.

   It's just that he endured it and didn't let himself cry.

   No matter how sensible he is, he still likes that girl named Yulan very much...

  However, Tiangong is playing tricks, and there is no fate.


   After leaving Lin Hu's room, Li Xin returned to his room, and after a brief wash, he lay on the bed to rest.

   In order to save Lin Hu, he also worked hard for a day or two without closing his eyes, and now he was very sleepy.

   But lying on the bed, he still couldn't sleep, tossing and turning for nearly an hour before gradually falling asleep.

   The next morning, when the sky was bright, Li Xin got up from the bed. He usually got up very early because he wanted to practice boxing. Today, he was already in bed.

Standing in the yard for an hour as usual, Li Xin stopped his stance and washed up under the service of his servants. When he wiped his face with a towel, Mu Ying was already waiting behind him. Seeing that he had finished washing up, he took a step forward. , said with a smile: "Master Hou's boxing skills are becoming more and more popular."

  Li Xin threw the towel into the basin and smiled: "How many General Mu can I beat you?"

   Muying blinked, with a smile on her face.

   "At least you can beat ten Muying."

   Li Xin rolled his eyes at this fellow.

   "What happened to the investigation of Meihuawei?"

   "I found more than a dozen imprints, and they are still waiting to see. Maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, we can start arresting people."

   Li Xin nodded, his eyes full of chills.

   "Don't worry, just kill it if you catch it."

   Mu Ying bowed her head and said yes, and then said.

   "Master Hou, Young Master Li Shuo is on his way to Jincheng. It is estimated that he should arrive this evening."

   Li Xin smiled.

   "He should come and see me."

   (end of this chapter)

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