Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1013: Dancing with Mrs. Grandson

Chapter 1013


Madam Changsun raised her hand and put her fingers on Ye Hao's palm, and the two stepped onto the dance floor under the gaze of everyone.

and many more!

Mrs. Longsun actually agreed to Ye Hao's invitation to dance!

Chang Sun Yu's mouth was almost enough to fit two eggs in. She pointed at the two of them, and then looked at her girlfriend. She wanted to say but couldn't say what was in her mouth.

"I know what you want to say! How could Auntie agree to that guy's invitation? You must be very angry in your heart right now," Situ Qiaoer said.

She looked at Ye Hao's figure with her eyes, and rubbed her chin: "But this Ye Hao looks pretty good after getting dressed. It feels like there is no gap with the male star."

"It's him, also a male star, you are putting gold on his face!" Chang Sun Yu just came back then, looking at Ye Hao's back contemptuously.

She watched as her mother stepped onto the dance floor with that kind of person, and Ye Hao's hand stroked the grandson's back.

"And you don't know, my mother dances very well! When my father was young, it was because of my mother's dancing that she was attracted to her."

"But so far my father has not dared to dance with my mother. He said that no one of my mother's dance can be her partner."

"Everyone who dances with my mother is ashamed of every dance, and never dare to dance with my mother again! Hmph, just wait for this guy to make a fool of himself."

Zhang Sunyu put his arms around his chest, as if watching a good show.

"Yes. Auntie's dancing posture is indeed unusual, this time you can feast your eyes." Situ Qiao'er looked expectantly.

Music began to slowly get into the subject.

"This tune is suitable for ballroom dancing, how about you." Madam Changsun looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled like a gentleman: "As long as the eldest sister you can, I will."

Madam Changsun smiled and looked at Ye Hao: "You are still so confident. I believe in your talent in martial arts, but this is dance. I don't know how much you can believe."

"Let's start then." Ye Hao said confidently.

[Exchange for dance master, consume skill points: 5]

[Current remaining skill points: 720]

Ye Hao and Mrs. Changsun began to dance on the dance floor, like two butterflies walking in the garden, each movement is so elegant and moving.

At first, Mrs. Grandson still had some scruples about Ye Hao.

She knows that her dance is not the top level, but at least the top level, so when she dances with others, she usually has to cooperate with each other.

But this time, she was surprised to find that from the first step of the dance, Ye Hao was scrupulous about her, and every movement was cooperating with her.

Gradually, Mrs. Changsun began to relax. She began to be completely immersed in the dance. No matter what the movements, Ye Hao could cooperate flawlessly.

Mrs. Changsun only needs to move, and Ye Hao can know his next dance steps.

The people around have stopped their dance steps and retreated to the sidelines.

Because in front of the two people in the center of the dance floor, their dance can no longer be called a dance.

"Yu'er...I...how do I feel that Auntie seems to enjoy dancing with Ye Hao, and... Ye Hao is so good, and she doesn't dance any worse than Auntie." Situ Qiao'er looked at the pair in surprise. Dancing men and women.

Although the grandson's wife is nearly fifty, nearly half a hundred years old, she is still young.

Standing with Ye Hao, the two felt like golden boys and girls.

Chang Sunyu didn't speak, because she had nothing to say at the moment, and even deep in her heart she felt that the two in front of her were a good match.

She seemed to see a bright green light on her father's head.

The song is over.

There was no applause, because everyone was immersed in the dance steps and could not extricate themselves for a long time.

Madam Changsun's face was red, she looked at Ye Hao: "Who did you learn your dance from."

"Self-taught, is the eldest sister satisfied?" Ye Hao smiled.

"You give people too much surprise." Madam Changsun exclaimed.

At this moment, the music sounded again, this time the music sounded very passionate.

Madam Longsun rolled her eyes and looked at Ye Hao jokingly: "Are you going to waltz?"

"I said, I will accompany you to dance what the eldest grandson will do." Ye Hao took a step back with his right foot and stroked his chest with his left hand, like a noble gentleman in the Middle Ages.

Mrs. Changsun's eyes lit up, and she was slightly curved while pulling her skirt with both hands.

The next moment, their bodies moved again.

The dance style was completely different from before, but it cooperated quite well in front of them.

Then the two performed Latin dance again.

After more than ten minutes, their dance finally ended.

The people around enjoyed a visual feast.

Madam Changsun and Ye Hao chatted and laughed and walked down.

"I'm getting older and I won't be able to jump for a while. If I was young, I would be fine for an hour after another." Madam Changsun took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on her forehead.

"The eldest sister danced very well."

"You can dance very well, and every dance is so familiar. You are the best I have ever danced."

"The eldest sister has a good reputation."

Madam Changsun now appreciates Ye Hao more and more, as if she has met a confidant.

The Changsun Yu who was watching was a little jealous.

"Mom, you are tired of jumping and drink some water." Changsunyu walked over with a glass of water, just squeezing between Ye Hao and Mrs. Changsun.

"Yeah." Mrs. Changsun took a sip of water, and she laughed at Ye Hao: "The dance party has just begun. There are many beautiful girls here. You don't have a girlfriend yet, so take the opportunity."

"Yeah. I also hope I can dance with the beautiful ladies here."

Long Sun Yu found that Ye Hao actually looked at him.

Her heart flickered, is he going to invite herself to dance next?

But didn't he have conflicts with himself before, and he also had such a misunderstanding.

and many more!

Did he do that just to attract his attention and please his mother, just wanting to get close to him through his mother?

Zhang Sunyu felt a little hot in her body, feeling that she had never felt before filled her heart.

She had never had so many reveries in her heart because of a man.

Ye Hao moved and walked towards her.

He is here! If... if he invites himself, then he agrees... or does not agree.

Long Sun Yu's heart seemed to waver in still water.

But next, Ye Hao bypassed her unexpectedly.

Long Sun Yu was taken aback, she turned her head blankly and watched Ye Hao stretch out her hand to her girlfriend with a smile.

"Beautiful Miss Situ Qiaoer, there may have been any misunderstandings between us before, I don't know if I have the opportunity to invite you to dance together."

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