Chapter 1409

"Miss Zhou, don't be sad. I know that I'm talking about this at this time. It's a bit of a risk. But this is also a way."

Mike looked at Zhou Qianyi emotionally: "As long as you are willing to marry me, your company will be the same as our Orr Group. Then I can inject you 100 million! No, 300 million euros!

At that time, I can build your company into a large group, and you will have the capital to cooperate with those people and talk about your ideals. "

Mike launched the offensive.

Drawing a beautiful blueprint for Zhou Qianyi is tantamount to telling her indirectly.

Follow me, these are all yours.

Often most women bow down below this, after all, these are really tempting.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether it will be realized in the end, as long as you can win the opponent.

Zhou Qianyi's eyes were bored: "I'm sorry, I don't want to consider these men and women issues now. Now that everyone is gone, then I will go to checkout."

With that, Zhou Qianyi pressed the service button next to her and took out her wallet.

Mike has a vague look.

This Chinese woman really doesn't buy rice and rice.

Since you are so ignorant of good and evil, let you shed some blood first.

After a while, the waiter came.

"Miss, do you need any service?"

"Pay the bill." Zhou Qianyi said.

This time she invited them to dinner and negotiated cooperation. Of course, she had to pay for the meal.

"Okay." The waiter took out the instrument in his hand, and then issued a long invoice: "Miss, you spent a total of 800,000 euros."

Zhou Qianyi, who was about to take out the card, instantly lost her expression.

"How much do you say? Eight hundred thousand euros!" Zhou Qianyi looked at the waiter in surprise: "You can't make a mistake, how could we have eight hundred thousand euros for a meal!"

What is the concept of 800,000 euros?

Nearly seven million yuan!

Zhou Qianyi’s family is not without money, but the problem is that this time she came to France and brought only 100 million euros from her home. Up to now, three-quarters of it has been invested in the company.

After all, a technology research and development company is a bottomless pit and requires constant investment.

And so far, she still cannot make ends meet. Although she has developed some small industries in addition to the technology industry, she cannot change the huge investment at all.

Eight hundred thousand euros, Zhou Qianyi's private bank card, there is not so much added together.

She knew that this time she would eat a lot of money, but she only prepared two hundred thousand euros.

"Miss, the bill is clearly written on it, there is nothing wrong. Your table has a total of nine bottles of limited edition collection red wine." The waiter explained.

Zhou Qianyi took a deep breath, which was a bit too scary.

"Ms. Zhou, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect them to eat so much. They usually like to drink. It should be the red wine they ordered when we were out." At this time, Mike came out to cause trouble again. , A look he didn't know.

"No... it's okay." Zhou Qianyi hesitated to search for her bank card, calculating the amount in it, and even the amount of overdraft.

You must know that except for the 100 million euros she brought over when she came to France, she did not bring any money afterwards.

She clicked, and the money she brought with these cards was not enough to pay the bill.

In order to maintain the operation of the company, she put most of the money in the company's account.

What should I do if I have no money? As far as she knows, credit is not allowed in the Golden Swan Hotel.

And because all the wealthy French businessmen gathered here, if you take credit here, it would be tantamount to beating yourself in the face.

It will become a joke for the entire French business community, and no one will cooperate with a boss who has to pay for meals.

"What's the matter?" Mike looked at Zhou Qianyi knowingly.

He knows clearly that this meal is expensive, and even for him, such consumption is only a few times a year.

He was deliberately putting on Zhou Qianyi. If he wants to conquer a woman, she must first destroy her self-esteem and let her beg you.

When the time comes, I can still ask her constantly on the grounds of paying back the money, plus my own charm, so she will always be conquered by herself.

And the pressure on her career was actually caused by Mike.

Zhou Qianyi bit her lip and looked at Mike. Instead of affecting herself and the company, she had to go back and borrow money from Mike.

"Mr. Mike, can you please lend me some money, I will return it to you within three days. And at three times the market interest..."

Zhou Qianyi hadn't finished her words, the smile on Mike's face just appeared.

The headset of the waiter next to her moved, and then she looked at Zhou Qianyi with a strange look.

"Miss, the consumption of your boxes has been waived by our hotel." The waiter said respectfully.

For an instant, Zhou Qianyi and Mike were dumbfounded.

I was still worried about the checkout problem, but now I tell myself that your bill has been waived?

You have to know that this is not a few hundred or several thousand, so you can avoid it.

This is a full 800,000 euros, which is equivalent to a mid-range restaurant with a year's profit!

"Which... Did you make a mistake?" Zhou Qianyi asked in surprise.

"No mistake, you are Miss Zhou Qianyi from China. Your meal this time has been waived by us, and you have joined our VIP customer list.

Next time you come to our restaurant for a meal, you only need to show your passport ID and other relevant documents, and you can enjoy a 30% discount.

If you don't have any needs, Miss, I will withdraw first. Welcome next time. "The waiter smiled at the service, bowed and left after speaking.

Two dumbfounded left.

Mike swallowed and looked at Zhou Qianyi in surprise.

What is going on here? The original plan was to make Zhou Qianyi make a fool of herself because of the huge bill, and then she would help herself.

He is also a VIP customer of this restaurant.

But he holds a card, which was given to the Or Group, and this time Mike finally lent it out.

But in the blink of an eye, they gave Zhou Qianyi a place.

And there is no need for a card at all. People only need to swipe their face and show their identity.

It also waived the 800,000 euros for meals.

Is it possible that she has any identity? I shouldn't. I have inquired before that her family business has a certain status in China.

But there is no background at all in Europe.

Just when Mike was guessing, Zhou Qianyi had the answer in her heart.

Only the man can do this.

"Mr. Mike is embarrassed, I have some things to leave first, let's talk about cooperation next time." Zhou Qianyi picked up her purse, remembered the room number Ye Hao left him before, and left with a word. .

Only Mike was left in the empty box.

Mike's face was blue and white: "Damn it. It looks like this can't be consumed anymore, she needs to be given some strong medicine!"

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