Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1414: Marry Léa

Chapter 1414

Ye Hao stared at Hansenton.

Hansenton coughed: "Our Caroline family does circulate a secret, and because of this secret, our Caroline family's status as a werewolf royal family is established.

I can give it to you, but I have one condition. "

Ye Haoxu stared at Hansendon.

"Mr. Hansenton, didn't you still say that I am the Wolf King before, and everything in the wolf clan is equivalent to mine. Why do you give me a condition at this time?"

Hansenton looked at Ye Hao: "Some things will change. And you are not the real wolf king now, the real wolf king needs to have enough strength.

Our wolf race is a race that believes in strength. At least when you become an eighth-order powerhouse, you can truly command the wolf clan.

With your talent, I believe that you could become a true wolf king less than twenty years ago. And before that..."

Hansenton's words paused here. This is nothing more than that before this you were just a titled existence without real power.

It was like the prince before he succeeded.

Ye Hao took a deep breath and looked at Hansendon intently: "Let's talk. What conditions."

Hansenton pointed to Léa next to him: "I want you to marry Léa as your wife."

Ye Hao's pupils dilated.

Léa was also frightened. She blushed and shouted: "Father...you...what are you talking about! I...my own affairs, you don't need your intervention."

Although she said so, Léa's words did not carry any anger, instead she looked at Ye Hao from time to time.

There was expectation in his eyes.

"Mr. Hansenton, this is a major event in life. Don't you ask Leia what you mean? Don't you doubt that I am an unqualified husband? If I treat her badly, wouldn't it be the greatest harm to her? "Ye Hao said.

"Lya likes you, I can see it." Hanston said bluntly.

"Father!" Léa was so confused by her father's words that she wanted to find a place to sew it down.

At this moment, she really had no face to stay in front of Ye Hao, she covered her face and ran away.

"Moreover, as the patriarch of a clan, I have to consider the development of the Caroline family. Although the Caroline family is a royal family, in modern times, due to cultural impact, some young wolf clan no longer have this concept.

The appearance of the Wolf King will even impact the status of the Caroline family. But if Léa can marry the Wolf King, not only will it not have any impact on the Caroline family, it will also enhance the status of the Caroline family.

You can also have the support of the Caroline family before becoming the real wolf king. This is a win-win decision, and as long as you agree, I will tell you the secret about Dragon Soul Grass.

Although you can refuse, when you have enough strength to become the real wolf king, I will not disobey your orders. But I think Mr. Ye Hao can't wait. "Hanston looked at Ye Hao.

As the leader of a clan, Hanston knew how to discover something. He could feel that Ye Hao valued Dragon Soul Grass very much, and even the demand was quite large.

Ye Hao was silent, he needed Dragon Soul Grass, and he really couldn't wait.

Although Song Xiaoyue's current situation is not a major problem, the situation may take a turn for the worse at any time.

But marrying Léa as his wife, this kind of thing...

Ye Hao was meditating, Hanston next to him did not bother, quietly waiting for Ye Hao's reply.

The same empress did not say anything, she had already told Ye Hao what she knew, and it was up to Ye Hao to choose.

"Okay, I can promise you. But I have a lot of things now, I can't marry Léa hastily. As Léa's father, you don't want to see your daughter's wedding imperfect. So let's get engaged for the time being. I'll talk about marriage later.

Another thing is that I already have a woman, and I am pregnant with my child for that woman. I have said first, I cannot abandon her! "

Ye Hao looked at Hanston, he had regressed as much as possible, and for Song Xiaoyue's situation, he could only choose to compromise.

Hanston looked at Ye Hao: "You have women's affairs, it doesn't matter. The strong is respected, as long as you are strong, no matter how many women you have, no one will say anything about you.

As for the engagement. I can also promise that you and Léa can get engaged first. I'll talk about marriage later, but the deadline is within three years. "

The reason why Hanston agreed to Ye Hao's request was actually for another purpose, to see Ye Hao's development.

In three years, if Ye Hao's strength stays in place, he will question the authenticity of the prediction. If Ye Hao's strength rises, he is expected to become the Wolf King.

There will be no loss if Lya and Ye Hao get married at that time.

"That's a deal. Dragon Soul Grass!" Ye Hao stared at Hanston.

"I want you to swear first. Just swear by the woman you just loved the most." Hanston stared at Ye Hao.

This old and cunning guy is really different from Léa. Although Léa was arrogant before, at least she is very straightforward and can say whatever she wants.

Ye Hao raised his hand and swore in the name of Song Ying.

"The dragon soul grass was produced after the death of the dragon clan. In ancient times, there were indeed giant dragons in this world. But for some reason, these giant dragons gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

However, there are rumors in our wolf clan that there are actually dragon nests in this world. Although I don't know if there are giant dragons, there must be dragon soul grass in the dragon nest. "Hanston said.

"Where is the dragon's nest!" Ye Hao asked.

"I don't know where the dragon's nest is." Hanston spread his hand.

Ye Hao frowned.

"But we have a way to find the dragon's nest. The dragon soul grass is born because of the dragon, so there is induction between the dragon soul grass within a certain range. However, you must wait until the full moon of each month to drop your blood On top of Dragon Soul Grass, then swallow it.

If you can feel something calling you, it is the Dragon Nest. The strength of each induction will change with the distance.

So if you are far away, the induction will be minimal. There are only fifteen dragon soul grasses I can give you, which means you only have fifteen chances. "Hanston took out fifteen dragon soul grasses and handed them to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao took these dragon soul grasses and put them in his storage ring.

Now, at least he has a direction to fight

Ye Hao looked at Hanston: "I have another question. I heard what prediction you mentioned just now. And why do you insist on making me your wolf king?

What good is this for you? "

Perhaps knowing that Ye Hao would interrogate, Hanston sighed as he looked at the sky that had turned pale yellow at the moment.

"This is a legend and a prophecy. I have heard it from my grandfather since I was a child. Similarly, everyone who has not forgotten the traditional werewolves knows this rumor."

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