Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1419: Western-style "marriage trouble"

"Don't be nervous, take it easy. Just treat it as a normal social banquet." Mei whispered, and then slowly stepped back to the side, her body slightly bent, her right hand stroking her chest, and her left pointing to the road ahead.

And at this moment, Liya's hand also climbed onto Ye Hao's arm. Liya, who was extremely nervous before, could not see any nervous aura at this moment.

It appeared on her face again, that kind of princess smile, although still the kind of cold and arrogant feeling.

But today, there is more joy in those blue eyes.

Ye Hao is also a person who has experienced big scenes. With a grim smile on his face, he stepped forward and walked towards the main stage with Liya little by little.

At this moment, a voice sounded.

"Since it's an engagement ceremony, don't forget our customs. I think Mr. Ye should be ready to face our challenge. But it seems that you have no companions. Are you alone?"

A man in a black gold striped suit, holding a red wine glass not far away, looked at Ye Hao with a cold smile.

At first, there was something wrong with the atmosphere.

And Ye Hao also noticed that many young men looked at Ye Hao with provocative eyes.

Ye Hao remembered what Hansenton had said before. Under the impact of culture, the younger generation had already greatly disobeyed the tradition.

It seemed that his so-called wolf king identity was nothing more than a decoration before them before he had enough strength, just like a prince with no strength.

"This person belongs to the Qiaosi family. He used to be at the same university as me and pursued me. He was a nobleman." Liya looked at Ye Hao with some worry.

She also knows this tradition at the engagement banquet. Although she believes in Ye Hao's strength, this is a wheel fight, and she is still worried about her man.

Hansenton also noticed the unpleasant atmosphere at the moment. He smiled and tried to calm down: "Ye Hao is a werewolf from the East, so this tradition may be different. Let's omit this process."

"Master Hansenton. You have always reminded us that we must abide by tradition. Isn't this our tradition. If this man can't even pass this level, how can he be qualified to marry our Princess Léa." The other combed. The man with dirty braids stared at Ye Hao.

The contempt and anger in his eyes are completely unconcealed.

Hanston's face was a bit unsightly.

Léa bit her lip lightly, and she was about to speak out.

But Ye Hao stopped him.

"Yes, traditions need to be observed. But I don't like to spend too much time on boring things." Ye Hao raised his finger to the road in front of him.

"According to the rules I know before, you are required to go one by one, right? This is too time-consuming. Instead, anyone can challenge me on the road in front of me, and once I get to the opposite side.

Please all of you shut up. "Ye Hao scanned the group of people around.

There was an air of arrogance in the words.

"Do you mean you want to challenge all of us? Orientals, don't think that the trial of the Wolf King you have completed is so rampant. It is just something left over for thousands of years, maybe the trial inside has long been rotten. Decay, you can successfully pass." said a man with tattoos on his neck and even half of his face.

"Ye, be careful. Don't be impulsive, these people are very troublesome. The man with the dirty braids just now belongs to the Hart family, and this one who likes tattoos belongs to the Martin family! They are all powerful nobles. "

Liya was a little worried about Ye Hao's impulse.

At the same time, everyone present was also surprised at Ye Hao's boldness.

The previous wheel warfare was very costly to people, but now this kid actually said to challenge everyone, no matter the order.

Could it be that he thought he was Duke of Werewolf?

The elders of those families did not want to stop their younger generations, they also wanted to see what kind of strength this person who completed the trial of the Wolf King had.

"There is such an old saying in our East China. When the mantle arm is a car, it is not at its own discretion."

Ye Hao took Liya's hand and took his own steps.

"Arrogant Chinese." A young werewolf couldn't help it at first, his body turned into a werewolf, his green eyes staring at Ye Hao, the next moment he rushed forward.

Looking at the oncoming werewolf.

"Viscount, dare to show your ugliness in front of me?" Ye Hao saw the strength of this werewolf and chuckled in his heart.

After that, he raised his hand and held it for a while, as if it happened to be patted on the werewolf's cheek. The huge force deformed the werewolf's face, all of his teeth flew out, and his body flew out directly.

It fell heavily on the ground far away.

Although the werewolf seemed to have suffered serious injuries, the other werewolf guests did not show any strange expressions.

Because the werewolves themselves are a combative race, it is inevitable that they will get injured in the fight, and even in their opinion, this will make the banquet more lively.

Of course, this is also because the werewolves themselves have strong resilience. As long as they are not killed on the spot and suffered special injuries alive, most werewolves can recover after a period of time.

"Don't worry, I'm your fiance now." Ye Hao said while looking at Liya.

Before Liya said that, although Ye Hao could not give her any promise, at least now Ye Hao could let these people know that the man Princess Liya liked was no worse than anyone else.

Liya looked at Ye Hao, her eyes blurred.

Seeing the goddess in his heart flirting with other men, more young werewolves rushed forward.

Facing the werewolves bashing around, the corner of Ye Hao's mouth curled up, and he took a step forward.

A seemingly simple step, Ye Hao's aura exploded completely.

A wave of air swept out.

The werewolves seemed to hit a wall of gas. The bodies that had rushed forward had a halt, and then they flew out and hit the ground one by one.

The wolf talents around now regarded Ye Hao seriously.

Hanston nodded in satisfaction on the stage, but he still looked at a few young werewolves with some worry.

Those young werewolves are the geniuses of the major nobles, and they are very strong. If they come one by one, they may not be Ye Hao's opponents, but it is estimated that they will be a little troublesome.

Ye Hao is still too young, and it takes a long time to walk on the road to becoming the wolf king.

"Let's go together," the filthy werewolf muttered.

The others knew that they couldn't take this Dongfang boy too contemptuously.

As for the reputation of being more bully, they didn't care at all.

After all, they are werewolves, and the wolves originally pay attention to wolf tactics. They only care about the result, never the process.

After these people were transformed, although the hair on their bodies was still gray, it was more pure than those before, and it was considered to be slightly better in the blood of the fourth generation werewolf.

The strength is also much stronger than the others.

Facing these people, Ye Hao raised his right hand, his fingers bent slightly, which looked like a Spider-Man gesture to a foreigner.

But if you let the Dali Duan family of the China Shiluohui see it, you will be surprised, because this is their unique knowledge, the **** of the Six-Medition Excalibur.

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