Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1439: 1,500-year-old elder

Chapter 1439: One Thousand Five Hundred Years Old

The night gradually fell, slowly shrouded in this mysterious castle.

Except for the dim flames and the attendants who had been patrolling, everything was very quiet.

Inside a room in the old castle.

Edward sat on the sofa, slapped on the table in front of him, and slapped the table in half.

"I'm still angry, that Huaxia guy made me lose face in front of so many people. If I don't kill him, I won't be reconciled!"

Almost all the time, Edward's injuries have recovered, but the humiliation in his heart is difficult to eliminate for a while.

"Don't forget when it is now and why you came back to the Ashley family. Don't ruin our big business because of your temporary anger!" A woman next to her drank a red drink and said lightly.

This woman is the one who discouraged Edward before.

"Ma La, if I could use this power. How could I be defeated by that kid!" Edward stood up, his body was enveloped by a black air, his eyes were completely black.

It looks pretty scary.

Ma La frowned, and she scolded: "You forgot how I reminded you before! Here, you can only use the power of the blood race!"

Edward clenched his fist, the black air on his body disappeared, and his pupils returned to their original form.

Ma La walked behind Edward, pressed his shoulders, told him to sit down again, and then wrapped his arms around his neck from behind Edward.

"China has an old saying that those who do big things don't stick to the trivial. Your task is to become the successor of the Ashley family, and once you use this power, it will bring you and our organization a lot of trouble.

So you can't use it. As for the Huaxia, he won't be too long. When you complete the task this time, the organization will improve your strength. When he is in front of you, he will be nothing more than an ant. Why are you angry for an ant? "

Edward took a deep breath. He looked at the table that was photographed in half before him. He picked up the wine bottle next to him and took a few sips directly into his mouth.

Putting down the wine bottle, his eyes showed greed: "This time the heirs showdown, are you sure I can win?"

"Of course there is no problem, I am 100% sure, and I still have a hole card." Ma La looked like she was ready.


"My grandpa usually doesn't live in the old castle. Although our place is an old castle, it is divided into several areas. The main area is the old castle, and there are also woods, squares, and old houses."

Ye Hao and Catherine were walking on the gravel road in the forest, and Shalin led the way with an oil lamp in front.

"By the way, you are six or seven hundred years old. How old are your father and your grandfather." Ye Hao asked curiously.

"My father is a thousand years old, and my grandfather is 1,500 years old. According to the life expectancy of the Duke class, 1,500 years old is already a longevity. So my grandfather doesn't walk around often now, but stays in his yard. , More than three hundred days a year, nine-tenths of the time I sleep." Catherine said.

One thousand and five hundred years old!

Ye Hao took a breath. According to the current world history, isn't Elder Asley born around 500? He was about to catch up with BC.

Walked for a while.

Ye Hao finally saw in the candlelight an obviously very old small house in front. It felt like it was a small castle, but the area was much smaller than the old castle.

A few people just walked to the door of the house, and the door opened on its own. There were many bats hanging under the eaves, and a pair of eyes glowed with gloomy light.

This scene is simply more horror than a horror movie!

"My grandfather is awake. Shalin, you stay outside. Ye Hao, follow me in." Catherine asked, and she led Ye Hao into the door.

The moment Ye Hao stepped across the door, the door closed by itself.

A cold wind blew around.

Then the door of the house opened automatically.

Catherine and Ye Hao stepped into it. The originally gloomy room was lit up with candles in the aisle, as if they sensed Ye Hao's arrival.

And these fire candles also pointed Ye Hao and the others.

To Ye Hao's surprise, Huo Zhu led them to go underground, spreading downward along the long corridor.

After walking all the way to the end, there was a bright light in front of me. It was a big room with few furniture or anything, and it looked a little shabby.

There are many weapons and even human skulls hanging on the walls.

The most conspicuous one belongs to a coffin in the center.

It's not the eastern coffin, but the hexagonal coffin with a large middle and narrow upper and lower sides that is exclusive to Western vampire movies.


There was a harsh wood rubbing sound, and the door of the coffin opened.

Elder Eisley appeared in front of Ye Hao and Catherine. He was wearing a black robe and cloak, with his eyes closed.

Not to mention, with such a dress and such a scene, Elder Asley is more like a vampire than all the vampires Ye Hao has seen.

"Grandpa." Catherine saluted her chest with her right hand.

"You are here." The old man Eisley opened his eyes, and he walked out of the coffin. With a wave of his hand, the coffin closed and floated, sticking to the roof like an ornament.

Elder Asley waved his hand again, and the sofa, tables and chairs appeared.

"Young man, please sit down." Elder Asley sat down first, his sleepy eyes looked dim, as if he was not awake at all.

"It doesn't work when you are old, lethargy. It's better for you young people."

Asley looked at Ye Hao, he smiled kindly: "Young man, what would you like to drink? I have a lot of treasures here."

Asley clapped his hands, a wall next to it sank, revealing the secret room hidden inside.

Inside the secret room are all bottles containing red liquid.

A **** hand formed by the condensed red breath appeared in Eisley's hand, flew to the side of the cabinet, and the **** finger pointed to a bottle.

"This is the blood of a pure woman eight hundred years ago. It is delicious. It makes people feel like first love."

The **** hand pointed to another bottle next to it.

"I got this when I went to Africa. Although the blood of black women is not as sweet as that of whites, it has a wild taste. It's like your oriental white wine."

Listening to Elder Asley introducing them one by one, it was as if he was introducing his own Tibetan wine.

But there was blood in that bottle.

Ye Hao waved his hands again and again: "Sorry, I...I just drank it when I came. I don't need these anymore."

"Where's Catherine?" The old man Eisley looked at his granddaughter.

Catherine shook her head and said with a look of disgust: "Grandpa, all of your things have changed, and they don't taste good."

"Nonsense. Children nowadays don't know what a delicious drink is." The old man Eisley said, and gave himself a bottle of red liquid.

Elder Asley looked at Ye Hao: "Let's talk now, interesting Oriental."

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