Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1455: The truth about the disappearance ten years ago

Chapter 1455 the truth about the disappearance ten years ago

Ye Hao opened his eyes, and he awoke from the memory scene.

He glanced at his watch first, and the time indicated that twenty minutes had passed.

It seems that it takes a lot more time to recall the advanced time than the previous elementary and intermediate levels.

"How about, Mr. Ye?" Mr. Frank and Mr. Parker beside them looked at Ye Hao anxiously.

I hope Ye Hao can learn the truth about Bliss' disappearance.

"I saw in this room, after your child was put to sleep by the maid that day, the maid left by herself. And shortly after, Bruce regained consciousness by herself, but it seemed like sleepwalking.

He moved the bench by himself, unlocked the lock of the room, walked out by himself, and never showed up again. "Ye Hao said.

Master Frank and Parker looked at each other.

Parker said in surprise: "He left the room himself? Bruce was only two years old, how could he leave the room by himself!"

Ye Hao glanced at Parker.

"Are you doubting my ability? I saw everything I said just now. I also know that you and your wife had always arranged this baby room at the time. You even had a little quarrel over the color of the curtains. frame.

You think light green is better, but your wife likes blue, and in the end you obeyed your wife. All the curtains in this room are blue. "Ye Hao looked at the blue curtains in the surrounding windows.

Since no one had moved in this room after the accident, what he saw now was almost exactly the same as what Ye Hao had seen in his memories.

Parker was dumbfounded, only he and his wife knew about this trivial matter.

"Mr. Ye, I'm really sorry. It's my son who is too impatient, what's next for you?" Master Frank stood up to make a round.

Ye Hao walked out of the room. There was only a corridor outside the room, which led to the hall on the third floor.

The lobby has a balcony on one side, up and down stairs on the other side, and rooms on the other side, because there are not many people on this floor, and all the rooms are currently unoccupied.

"I'll take a look here again. I hope I can see where Bruce has gone." Ye Hao said, his clone walked to the center of the hall.

Ye Hao closed his eyes, and all his consciousness entered the doll Ye Hao.

The doll Ye Hao opened his eyes, and he closed his eyes again.

Power enhancement technique, advanced time recall.

A scene similar to before appeared.

A large circle of space appeared around, and time began to go backwards. Because this is a corridor hall, many people can be seen walking up and down during the period.

Outside the windows of the balcony, spring, summer, autumn and winter alternate, changing day and night.

The layout of the corridors is becoming more and more modern, with picture frames on the walls and carpets on the ground.

Ye Hao blinked and time stopped.

The balcony is full of stars, and there is no one in the corridor. Everyone in the villa should have fallen asleep.

He looked to his left and his eyes fell in the black fog.

That direction is the direction where Bruce's room is located. Because of the range, it is impossible to see that room in the range where Ye Hao is located. During this period, there is a blind area of ​​almost three or four meters.

Ye Hao waited little by little.

Finally, a child's feet stepped out of the black mist, followed by his body and face.

It's Bruce!

Bruce still closed his eyes, as if sleepwalking.

"Where are you going?" Ye Hao muttered to himself looking at Bruce as he walked step by step.

Bruce passed through Ye Hao's body and stopped right in the middle of the corridor.

Ye Hao stared at Bruce, Bruce stopped moving, just standing there, facing Ye Hao's direction.

The moonlight passed through Ye Hao's body and shone on Bruce's body, causing a long shadow to appear on Bruce's body.

"Are you waiting for something?" Ye Hao frowned.


A shadow appeared at Ye Hao's feet, Ye Hao's pupils dilated, and he turned his head subconsciously, making a fist.

A woman appeared on the balcony, holding a delicate instrument like a harmonica in her hand, wearing a black tights, brown shawl and long hair, and black eyes.

The high nose bridge, white skin, and the five levels with a strong three-dimensional effect, look a bit mixed.

The woman passed through Ye Hao's body and took the child's hand, and then she pressed her ear.

There are miniature earphones in her ears.

"The goal has been found, now we will begin to retreat."

Ye Hao read what the woman said through his lips.

Then an astonishing scene happened. A black mist enveloped the woman and Bruce, and then the black mist disappeared with the wind, and both the woman and Bruce disappeared.

It's as if it has never appeared before.

Ye Hao opened his eyes in real time.

"found it."

The words that Ye Hao uttered made the hearts of both Frank and Parker beat.

Ye Hao pointed to this place under his feet.

"At that time Bruce walked out of the house by himself and came here. Then a brown-haired woman appeared and she took Bruce away." Ye Hao said.

"Impossible! The security of my villa was quite strict at the time, and the security of the Australian Presidential Palace was not as strong as mine!" Master Frank retorted.

"That woman has a special ability. She can turn herself and the people around her into a black mist. As for the specific function, I don't know. But it's like this in the scene I saw.

She and Bruce were enveloped in the black mist and disappeared without a trace. "Ye Hao said.

Master Frank was speechless.

This kind of ability beyond miracles, if it is so, it is estimated that entering a villa is like entering no one's land.

"As for why Bruce herself came out like sleepwalking, it may be because of some kind of control technique. The woman is holding a musical instrument in her hand, because I can only see the picture and cannot hear the sound. So I am not sure what she used. What is the method.

But before she took Bruce away, I said a word, and I read it with lips.

‘The goal has been found, now start to retreat’. "

"Mr. Ye, do you see the look of the man who took my son away!" Parker asked.

"I saw it." Ye Hao nodded, he guessed Parker's thoughts, and he said directly: "You can get the pen and paper, and I can draw it for you."

Parker immediately asked the attendant to get paper and pen. The master Frank on the side was a little worried about Ye Hao's painting skills. In fact, he wanted to ask a professional face painting expert to paint.

But then, Master Frank found that his worries were unnecessary.

Within ten minutes, a colorful portrait appeared in front of them, and it felt as lifelike as a photo!

Parker looked at the woman in the painting, he showed a thoughtful look, then his face changed a lot and exclaimed.

"is her!"

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