Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1534: Unknown god

Chapter 1534: Unknown God

"I believe, but I think the so-called gods are just more powerful organisms." Ye Hao said.

Hei Butterfly nodded: "Yes, you are right. They just have more strength than us.

At that time, there was such a group of people who claimed to be gods. They descended into this world with the help of the bodies of people on earth. They possessed a completely different power from ours, and they were very powerful.

In the Western world, the two systems of angels and gods came.

As far as I know, immortals and Buddhas descended from your eastern world.

Although they have different names, they are generally powerful gods. They fought the demons and achieved great victories.

But these gods are different from these demons. They cannot directly come to this world, they can only come to this world with the help of their bodies.

With the help of these gods, the black holes in the sky all over the world were blocked, and the demons that came to the world were wiped out one by one. The world finally returned to calm.

At this time, those gods made demands on the people at the time, because after hundreds of years of fighting, although humans suffered heavy casualties, many people still survived and possessed great strength.

At that time, there were thousands of powerful people of Tier 6, and there were hundreds of powerful people of Tier 7, and there were even a lot of Tier 8 and Tier 9, unlike now, Tier 6 can be called on a piece of land. The king ruled the hegemony, and the seventh rank was even rarer, and now this situation is due to the requirements of those so-called gods. "

Black Butterfly's eyes showed anger.

"What exactly did they ask for?" Ye Hao asked suspiciously.

"I don’t know this very well, but there are some rumors. One of the most credible is that the gods said that because of the previous fighting beyond the rules, this world has caused great problems in the whole world. Some powerful people must Follow them.

On this issue, people in the world are divided into two groups. One group agrees to leave the earth and go to the world of the so-called gods, pursuing longevity, and pursuing greater power.

Another group of people hope to stay on earth.

In this way, the second battle began. Organizations that believed in those gods began to encircle and suppress those who did not want to leave the earth, and those who did not want to leave also spontaneously organized and fought against it.

After that, I don’t know what happened. God’s power could no longer intervene in this world, and those rebels gradually disappeared. After thousands of years, because God hasn’t descended into this world for a long time, these things are slowly forgotten.

It was also from that time that the aura of this world began to be lacking little by little until it became the age of advocating science. "Black Butterfly said.

Gods, demons, humans.

Three things like this happened three thousand years ago. Is this the truth?

Ye Hao took a look at his punishment mission, but the mission showed that it had not been completed.

Ye Hao's heart tightened.

Is the black butterfly lying to himself? Or is it that these don't include all the truth?

The probability of the latter is relatively large.

Ye Hao recalled something. He stared at Black Butterfly: "Miss Black Butterfly, I have another question. Have you seen this sign."

Ye Hao raised his hand and formed a pattern in the void with his Qi.

When Black Butterfly saw this pattern, she showed an unexpected expression: "Have you ever seen this pattern?"

"Yes. I want to know what this group represents? And according to the news I got accidentally, the leader of the Demon Butterfly Organization seems to have something to do with this pattern." Ye Haoxu stared at the black butterfly.

The leader of the Demon Butterfly Organization, this is naturally the black butterfly in front of you!

Ye Hao asked this question for Nightingale.

Hei Butterfly suddenly turned his back to Ye Hao and pulled down his black gauze, revealing a smooth back.

"is it this one."

A black air appeared on the black butterfly's back, and then a black tattoo appeared on her back.

Ye Hao's pupils dilated, and this tattoo was exactly the same as the pattern that Ye Hao just described.

Ye Hao had also seen this pattern on the ghost card organization and the sixth-order magician.

"What does this pattern mean?" Ye Hao asked solemnly.

He felt that the secret behind this pattern was definitely not small!

"You want to know? I can tell you, but not now." Black Butterfly smiled slightly, she pulled up her clothes, and then turned to face Ye Hao and sat cross-legged: "Wait until my seventh door opens. , I will tell you."

Ye Hao looked at the black butterfly, he nodded: "Okay, let's start."

The two sat opposite each other.

This time Ye Hao put his hand under the neck of Black Butterfly Baijie.

This sixth gate is Jingmen.

Because of the five previous experiences, Ye Hao is already familiar with the road. He mobilizes the energy in the black heart and transmits it to the body of the black butterfly through his arms.

What is worth wondering is that the energy in this black heart seems endless, no matter how Ye Hao mobilizes, the energy in it has not diminished at all.

As time went by little by little, sweat appeared on Ye Hao's forehead.

At this time, the seal of the black heart wavered again.

"It can't be retrieved anymore, otherwise it will affect the seal!" The female emperor's worried voice came.

Ye Hao's transmission volume also subconsciously reduced.

The Black Butterfly, who was at an important juncture at this moment, of course felt that the amount transmitted by Ye Hao had decreased, and she said sharply: "More work, I need more energy, hold on!"

Ye Hao can only clenched his teeth and insisted, as the power in the black heart continued to gush out, Ye Hao's mind also changed.

There were a few things in his mind. It was a dark field. There were black and unclear objects everywhere, like horses and people, some as high as a mountain, some soaring in the blue sky, with wings like black clouds. Cover the sky and the sun.

When Ye Hao tried to see these things clearly, a pain in his mind made him come back to his senses.

He opened his eyes, and the aura on Black Butterfly in front of him rose again, and Ye Hao knew that the sixth door had been successfully opened.

The black heart in his endoscopy originally showed a flaw in it, which is now three times larger than before.

The cell structure of the body around the flaw appeared light black.

"The seal is more damaged. There are two more doors next. If you continue in this situation, the seal will soon be broken, and the black heart will swallow you again, and I can't save you again.

You have to think carefully! "The empress's solemn voice sounded.

Ye Hao took a deep breath, he also knew what the consequences would be if the seal was broken.

"Mr. Ye, thank you. In less than ten days, I have opened six doors, thanks to Mr. Ye's help." Hei Butterfly looked at Ye Hao with gratitude.

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