Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1558: Qin Ling is about to open

Chapter 1558 Qin Ling is about to open

A month ago, the only thing that made the whole world madly focused was the black cube.

"This matter is actually just a function of a liaison person. It is not me who wants to talk to you. It is someone else, can I invite you and me to a place where no one is there. After all, this matter is relatively confidential." Feng Jiu'er said.

Ye Hao nodded.

Five minutes later, in an empty room, Ye Hao sat on the sofa.

Standing in front of him, Feng Jiu'er, she took out a miniature projector from her pocket and put it on the ground, and then took out the communication equipment: "Hey, it's me, Jiufeng. I have already contacted Ye Hao, and can now communicate on the screen. ."

A few seconds later, a ray of light was emitted from the projector, and a 3D projection screen appeared in front of Ye Hao.

This picture is a conference room with five people sitting in the conference room.

Four men and one woman, several of whom Ye Hao still knew.

When that woman was Feng Jiu'er, she had seen Emei flowers in the United States.

In addition, there are Huang Peng from the Dragon Group and Huang Group, Xiang Yisu from the Xuan Group, and Tangcheng, an old acquaintance of Ye Hao, who has not seen him for several months.

"Hello, Mr. Ye Hao." The only middle-aged man Ye Hao didn't know smiled at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao nodded slightly, then looked at the other people.

"I don't know what you are looking for?"

The middle-aged man was angry without Ye Hao's actions. He smiled and said, "I know that Mr. Ye Hao and our Dragon Team are old friends, but I'm still troubled by Team Leader Xiang to introduce you."

Xiang Yisu stood up, and he started pointing at the crowd to introduce: "Member of the Tian Group, Emeihua. Huang Group leader Tang Cheng, Xuan Group leader, Huang Peng, the next group leader Xiang Yisu, and this Tian Team leader Long Yi."

After listening to these introductions, Ye Hao looked at Tang City in surprise, but didn't expect Tang City to see him for a few months and become the leader of the Huang group.

Xiang Yisu and Huang Peng were both upgraded one level, and these should be due to the death of the original field leader Yang Hui.

Yang Hui's death was related to Ye Hao again, and this matter was a bit complicated.

In this way, Ye Hao was familiar with the leadership of the Dragon Group.

Ye Hao's gaze fell on Long Yi, the leader of the sky team.

"Let's talk, what can I do. Leader Long."

Long Yi began to say: "What we are going to talk about this time, presumably Jiufeng should have revealed something to Mr. Ye, it is about the black Rubik's cube a month ago.

Since that time, there have been three almost magical black Rubik's Cubes in the world, and one of them was handed over to us by Mr. Ye. Here I first express my admiration for Mr. Ye's selfless spirit.

Mr. Ye is really the hero of the country, but we still hope that Mr. Ye can explain why there are three identical black cubes. "

Long Yi's gaze seemed to pass through the space and fell directly on Ye Hao.

The strength of the leader of the sky group is definitely around the sixth-order peak, and his eyes are very sharp.

And Ye Hao really knew about the three black Rubik's cubes he was talking about, because it was Ye Hao who came up with it, and two of the "counterfeit" pieces were made from Variety Crystals.

"This matter is a bit complicated, but I can be sure that the black Rubik's Cube I handed over to Team Dragon is a genuine black cube." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"But we opened the Rubik's Cube, and there were some things in it that didn't match what we heard." Long Yi stared blankly.

It seems that the dragon group also knew that the most important thing in the black cube was the black heart, and after opening it, they only saw the important research data, but there was no black heart. This thought of Ye Hao.

Reminiscent of the eruption of Huangshi Volcano, they are not fools, guessing that Ye Hao must have opened the black Rubik's Cube.

"Okay, I admit it. I opened the black cube before, and there was a dark thing in it, but I was fighting with people at the time, and I couldn't care too much. The black guy disappeared all at once. I can only I took back the black Rubik's Cube." Ye Hao lied calmly.

Anyway, the black heart has been fused by him now, and no one can expose his lies.

Long Yi was silent.

"Ahem... that leader Long, I don't think we should talk about this matter. Although we didn't get that thing, according to our intelligence, the other organizations didn't get that thing either.

On the contrary, we have also obtained the top research data of the United States in recent years, which is enough to shorten our country’s road to catching up with the United States by 20 to 30 years. This time, other organizations have lost their troops. We are already considered winners. . "

As Ye Hao's old friend, Tang Cheng stood up to speak for Ye Hao.

However, Ye Hao heard other signs from these words. It seemed that Dragon Group was looking for himself, not just for the Black Rubik's Cube.

"Leader Long, I'm going to get straight to the point if I have anything to do. I don't like to make rounds." Ye Hao said.

Long Yi looked at Ye Hao, his fingers tapping on the table.

"Then let's talk about business. It's about Qin Ling. Our Dragon Group hopes to cooperate with Mr. Ye..."


As the night gradually deepened, Ye Hao walked out of the green breeding garden with a satisfied expression on his face.

After this period of time, the Emerald Exquisite Flower has matured a lot, because the base number continues to increase, Ye Hao can absorb more and more skill points.

This time alone, he has absorbed more than 5,000 skill points.

[Current remaining skill points: 9851]

This afternoon, he also did a lot of things, such as reinjecting the aura in the mountain map into the central system of Wushuang City's aura.

A separate room was also set up next to the central system, and a portal stone was placed there, so that Zi Ye Hao could return to Wushuang City from outside at any time.

Whenever you miss Song Ying and others, you can come back.

It's just a pity that there are only three Portal Stones. If there are enough, Ye Haoda can spread the Portal Stones all over the world. Then it will be easy to walk around the world.

"Brother Hao." Xiao Yan said hello when he saw Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked at Xiaoyan: "There has been no problem in training recently, is there anything unusual in your body?"

Xiao Yan's current strength has broken through the Qi Refining Realm, and has officially entered the Innate Realm.

And now Ye Hao has figured out what the black aura in Xiaoyan's body was before, which is exactly the same as the aura in the black heart in his body.

It seems that some TE laboratory used the power of this different world to do experiments on people on earth.

Xiao Yan is one of the experimenters.

"No, it's been very stable recently." Xiao Yan shook his head. He and Ye Hao walked on the trail together. He also reported a situation to Ye Hao.

"You said that there are many Europeans who often wander around our Wushuang City during this time?" Ye Hao frowned and asked.

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