Chapter 1579

"That's fine, that's fine. Originally, I was going to make a drama at the dinner party and let you show off. You helped me get it done in advance. Your current name must be a household name in Ten Thousand Monster City. "

Bei Ming Wuji smiled.

"Then grandpa, can we talk about your injuries, and about this Ten Thousand Demons City." Ye Hao looked at Bei Ming Wuji.

Bei Ming Wuji looked at Ye Hao unexpectedly.

"Do you see that I am injured?"

"Your breath is unstable. Although you tried to hide it outside just now, those people can't see it, but I can still feel it. Don't forget, I told you before that I have the power of a blood race."

Ye Hao looked at Bei Ming Wuji and said.

"Hahahaha, you kid, your eyesight is really sharp." Beiming Wuji smiled.

"Grandpa, can you let me see the injury?" Ye Hao asked.

"It's okay, it's all skin injuries, just two days of training." Bei Ming Wuji seemed unwilling to let Ye Hao look.

"If a little skin trauma can make Tangtang Beiming City Master's breath unstable, then this skin trauma is a bit scary." Ye Hao teased.

Bei Ming Wuji shook his head helplessly, he stood up and unbuttoned his coat.

After unbuttoning the coat, it turned out to be a body armor inside.

The armor was covered with traces of swords, and there were some coagulated blood.

It can be seen from this that this armor has gone through many battles, broken again and again, and repaired again and again. It has no longer its original appearance, but these are its military medals.

Bei Ming Wuji untied his armor and left his upper body naked.

Ye Hao frowned, his heart hurt.

What kind of body is this? There are scars everywhere, and these scars are not ordinary scars, but a festering black.

On Beiming Wuji's waist, there was a brand new wound. The scale of this wound was indeed like a skin trauma, as if it had been cut by a hand knife.

But there was a black liquid on the wound that was constantly corroding the skin and flesh next to it.

You must know the body of the eight-fold innate powerhouse, it is very powerful, simple wounds often recover quickly, but now this wound has not recovered, and is still being destroyed.

Ye Hao's eyes exuded the same, and the power of the pupils was activated. In addition to perspective, he could also see that the internal forces were gathering.

Beiming Wuji is using his internal strength to resist the erosion of those black liquids, otherwise it is estimated that the black liquid will erode faster and faster.

In addition, Bei Ming Wuji's body can be described as "wounded and battered."

There was some black liquid remaining on those scars, although it had lost the ability to corrode, it remained everywhere in Beiming Wuji's body.

It's like a piece of clean glass, covered with a little bit of stain.

"Grandpa, how do you usually deal with this wound. What's the matter with this wound?" Ye Hao asked.

Beiming Wuji also knew that Ye Hao could not be concealed, he said.

"This matter is a long story, presumably Mu Bai has already introduced you to some things about Ten Thousand Demon City. Ten Thousand Demon City is in the subspace of the earth. It is a slightly larger space, but it is still a subsidiary space of the earth.

But we are not the only residents here, there are a group of monsters living here. They have terrible combat power, have fighting consciousness, but cannot communicate, just like uncivilized beasts, only the consciousness of destroying and devouring everything.

Often haunt the edge area of ​​Ten Thousand Demons City.

In order to prevent them from causing harm to Ten Thousand Demons City, we must fight them and destroy them. The reason why I left in a hurry just now was because Mu Bai informed me that several such guys appeared in Ten Thousand Demons City. There is a kind of venom in their attack.

This kind of venom has a strong corrosive ability, and when contaminated by warriors below innate, it will be wiped out within a few seconds. And I can only rely on internal strength to resist, and then use a kind of medicine to barely recover the wound, but there are still some toxins remaining on the wound, and these scars come from this way. "

Ye Hao scrutinized these toxins, he raised his hand: "Grandpa, let me try it."

Although these toxins are nothing at all, they accumulate too much, which is a great burden to Bei Ming Wuji's body.

Ye Hao first used top treatment techniques.

The holy light enveloped Beiming Wuji's body.

Bei Ming Wuji looked at his grandson in amazement, and the soft light.

The small wound recovered quickly. Although the wound recovered, the toxin did not disappear, and finally formed something like blackheads, which gathered on the skin.

Top-level healing techniques cannot completely remove these toxins, so try another one.

Ye Hao raised his index finger and drew a trace of sacred power from the **** map, condensed the sacred power into an invisible silver needle at his fingertips, and then plunged into the place where the toxins gathered.

Then an astonishing scene appeared. Toxins slowly poured out of Beiming Wuji's skin. The originally colorless and bodyless needle turned into a very dark needle, and then fell to the ground and turned into a ball. The black powder dissipated with the wind.

"You!" Bei Ming Wuji was completely surprised.

This toxin has been found by many genius doctors and experts, but none of them can be cured completely. Only a medicine has been developed to inhibit the toxin.

"Grandpa, I can deal with your toxins. But my ability is limited, and I may not be able to completely expel all the toxins at once." Ye Hao said.

"It's okay. It's great to be able to do this, Hao'er. We have some warriors who often fight on the border in Ten Thousand Demons City, who suffer from this toxin all the year round. Although the toxin is stopped, everyone who has this toxin on their bodies people.

Over the years, life expectancy has been reduced and strength has regressed. Can you help them? "Beijing Ming Wuji asked.

Ye Hao thought for a while. The way to heal this black toxin is the sacred power in the **** map, but the sacred power is thin, and the speed of the **** map is very slow.

And if you let yourself go through the treatments one by one, it would take a long time to be wasted, so you have to think about other ways.

"I know about this. After I go back, I will find a way. Let's continue first." Ye Hao said.

"Okay." Bei Ming Wuji did not embarrass Ye Hao either.

Ye Hao continued to treat Beiming Wuji. The toxins from Beiming Wuji were sucked out bit by bit, and the scars that had no toxins quickly returned to normal.

Five minutes later, Ye Hao wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Grandpa, I'll be here today, and I will help you handle it in the remaining three days." Ye Hao looked at Beiming Wuji's body still having half of the toxin left.

The divine power in the **** map has been used up, the divine power in the heart cannot be mobilized, otherwise it will affect the balance.

Today can only end here.

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