Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1624: Two-pronged approach

Chapter 1624

The man in front of him was Ye Hao who had disappeared for about five days before!

Even the Ten Thousand Demon City had rumored that he had died, that is, from the time he disappeared, the long-depressed powder barrel of Ten Thousand Demon City began to be ignited.

All forces have moved.

But now this person actually appeared in front of them.

The most surprised was Wu Xiao.

She looked at Ye Hao in astonishment, with unbelievable emotions in her eyes: "You...how could you still be alive, you...you should be in that place..."

Ye Hao smiled slightly: "I went to that place, but I am back. I said, I will make you pay, I think you should remember it."

"Young Master Ye, what do you mean by what you just said? I don't want to cause unnecessary sacrifices for our two families because of any misunderstanding." Hu Lie said in a deep voice.

"Misunderstanding? No, this is not a misunderstanding. I can tell you what is happening outside now, I have sent people to suppress the mansions of the three big monster races and the Pangwu family.

My order is: Anyone who resists, kill. "

Ye Hao's plain expression, but said such words of horror.

Everyone understands in their hearts, the Beiming family has taken action!

The Beiming family set up this grand banquet in the city lord's mansion, and welcomed the top combat power of all the families here. In just half an hour, they quietly arranged everything and attacked the major family residences.

Bring them a one-pot end.

"Okay, what a banquet. Beiming Wuji, you are going to come with us to kill the net. I don't believe that you have so many people in the Beiming family. You can attack the major families while trapping us!" Shi Yan pointed to Beiming Wuji and said.

Pop pop

"Then you see if we have this strength now, the elders and disciples of the Beiming family, don't show up quickly. lest these ‘noble guests’ say we have lost manners." Beiming Wuji said while clapping his hands.

Brush up

A person walked out of the darkness, some standing on the beam, some standing on the pillar, and some standing at the window.

These people have elders and big disciples above the Innate Realm, as well as Beiming people in the Qi Refining Realm.

Seeing these people, people from all major families can call out their names one by one. After all, they have to do something, and they have been very clear about the Beiming family these years.

At this moment they surprisingly discovered that there are 80% of Beiming family's combat power here!

"What's going on? Eighty percent of the Beiming family are here, how can they have the extra energy to attack our mansion? And they still attack our two clans and the three big monster clans at the same time." Pang Yaode frowned.

Everyone also speculated.

After all, although the top combat power of each major family is here, the family also has a lot of people left. The three big monster races and the Pangwu family are not paper tigers, just a few people can do it.

Could it be that Bei Ming Wuji was scaring them?

"Boy, you don't have so much power at all. This must be your strategy to make us mess up!" Hu Yong stared at Ye Hao and said.

Ye Hao smiled contemptuously: "The frog at the bottom of the well. I ask you, three six-fold congenitals, more than ten triple congenitals, and more than twenty quasi congenital realms. This weight is not enough for your family's heirs to drink a pot."

Three six-fold innate!

The audience is dumbfounded, the Sixth Innate Ten Thousand Demon City is not absent, but these are already here, and there are still three, and there are dozens of warriors with innate or higher levels. Where did this come from? power.

"You lie, we have lived in Ten Thousand Demons City for so many years, and we have long known the Beiming family and cannot be clear about it anymore. Even if the Beiming family has any hidden power, it is impossible for so much combat power to emerge out of thin air!" Takeshi retorted.

"That's why I said that you are a frog at the bottom of the well, with short-sightedness. You only saw the Beiming family. You just know that I, Ye Hao, is the grandson of the city lord of Beiming. Do you know my other identity!"

Ye Hao looked around, mocking in his eyes.

Ye Hao's other identity?

The vast majority of people are dumbfounded. The identity of the grandson of the Beiming family is already powerful enough. What other powerful identity does he have?

"There is Tianmen Mountain in the north, and Wushuang City in the south. The three big families of the Shiraohui attacked Wushuang City at night, and 80% of their combat power was buried in Wushuang City. Who dares to provoke Wushuang City in the Chinese arena!

And he is the controller of Wushuang City! "The white fox took off his head and walked out beside Ye Hao.

Wushuang City!

This is an unfamiliar name for people who live in the three-acre land of Ten Thousand Demon City all the year round.

But the Wu family is different. The Wu family is responsible for bringing back the monsters that become spirits. They still have some sources.

"Wushuang City!" Wu Xiao's body was shocked. Before, she was dazzled by the joy of success, and Ye Hao was dead, she didn't think much.

Now think about it, isn't the power behind Ye Hao the Wushuang City.

Although Ye Hao had never announced that he had a relationship with Wushuang City, most people knew that Wushuang City was built by Ye Hao.

And Wushuang City has the power to contend with the three big families of the Ten Brothers, and it is not surprising that these people are moved out.

"But... teleportation altar." Wu Xiao muttered subconsciously.

"Those of the teleportation altar, do you think I can't handle it without being noticed, five minutes is enough. As for how I got the people from Wushuang City into this desert, I don't have to tell you." Ye Ho smiled.


Suddenly a loud noise came, and everyone felt a strong wave of fluctuations and the howling of wolves.

"Is this the town house formation of the wolf clan mansion, the quartet wolf formation!" a person who was familiar with the wolf clan exclaimed.

Everyone looked at Langhao, Langhao's face was quite ugly, which showed that this wave of fluctuation was indeed the wolf clan's town house formation.

And the wolf clan even took out such a treasure at the bottom of the box, without thinking about it, the wolf clan mansion must be facing unprecedented danger.

"Ye Hao, Bei Ming Wuji. You really want to turn your face with us." Pang Zhen said, staring at Ye Hao and Bei Ming Wuji on both sides.

"It's not that I turned my face with you, it was you who betrayed the Ten Thousand Demon City, the Beiming family, and the kindness of the Beiming Demon Lord to you at the time. You are secretly colluding with outsiders in an attempt to endanger the Ten Thousand Demon City.

Since then, you are no longer worthy to live in Ten Thousand Demons City. Bei Ming Wuji said solemnly.

As soon as this word came out, it made waves in some people's hearts.

Pang Zhen (Hu Lie) thought subconsciously: "Does the Beiming family already know about our collusion with the underworld?"

They all thought that Beiming Wuji was referring to themselves, but they didn't know that the Underworld Ghost Jiao had made a bargaining chip in their two camps at the same time.

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