Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1665: Resurgence

Chapter 1665

In an abandoned factory in the suburbs of Xi'an City.

A man in a black robe with a staff walked in here.

"Sir." A man and a woman knelt on the ground with a dozen men in black.

"How did Plum K die?" The black robe man said solemnly.

Jiang Yue glanced at his boyfriend.

Wang Zihao replied with a calm face: "Three days ago, our whereabouts were discovered by the Dragon Group and Ye Hao. They attacked our factory at night.

Your lord, you know that Ye Hao is quite strong. He killed Lord Meihua K and killed all our soldiers at the time. Jiang Yue and I were lucky enough to escape with the magic circle you left behind. "

"The rest of you all retreat." The black robe man burst in and ordered.

The others retreated.

The black robe man took off his hat and revealed his appearance.

Phineas, a genius magician of the sixth order!

Traitor of the Western Academy of Magic.

"I'll ask you again, how did Plum K die." Phineas said solemnly.

Sweat beads appeared on Jiang Yue's forehead.

Wang Zihao gritted his teeth and repeated it again: "Belong to Dragon Team and Ye Hao..."

Before Wang Zihao finished speaking, a dark ghost claw appeared and directly pressed Wang Zihao to the ground.

Wang Zihao was shocked by the powerful force, vomiting blood in his chest.

"You still lie to me here, right? I really thought I didn't know what you did?" Phineas released the powerful aura of the sixth-order mage.

Wang Zihao gritted his teeth and said: "My lord. Plum Blossom K is dead. As for how he died, is this still important? Me and Jiang Yue are both six-layer innate martial artists.

Moreover, our strength has reached a bottleneck. As long as we grab a few more in the Qin Ling, our strength will definitely go further. At that time, both the seven-fold innate and eight-fold innate are possible!

If you want to kill me, of course I have nothing to say. But the most important thing now is the Qin Ling Project, two six-fold congenital warriors who are alive and have potential, and a dead seven-fold congenital, adults, you should know which is more important! "

Wang Zihao almost couldn't breathe under pressure, and the sweat on Jiang Yue's forehead next to him dropped to the ground.

Suddenly, the strong aura disappeared.

Phineas in front of him also disappeared.

"You all prepare and act according to the plan in three hours. Remember, if you make me dissatisfied, I can ask you to bury Mei Hua K at any time."

Phineas' voice fell.

The ghost claw that was pressing on Wang Zihao also disappeared, and Wang Zihao lay on the ground and gasped.

"Zihao, you... are you okay." Jiang Yue hurriedly walked over and looked at Wang Zihao on the ground.

"It's okay, cough cough..." Wang Zihao coughed.

"Zihao, Phineas seems to know that we killed Plum K, what should we do now? Plum K is his cronies in the organization, he will not easily spare us." Jiang Yue worried. Asked.

Wang Zihao spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes look like eagles: "He won't kill us now. At least he won't kill us until Qin Ling's affairs are over. We are Sixth Innate Martial Artists, and for him there is still use value."

"Then what to do with Qin Ling's affairs? Aren't we still dead!" Jiang Yue said.

"You know, this Qinling Mausoleum is also an opportunity for us. Not only are there so many people for us to swallow and absorb, but there are also many treasures.

If we can take this opportunity to improve our strength and make Phineas recognize us, then we can replace the club K to become his cronies. Even as long as we are strong enough. "

Wang Zihao squeezed his fists, his eyes flashed with cold light: "This master magician also bows down to us."


Xi'an City Public Security Department

An area of ​​the Ministry of Public Security has been quarantined during this period, and only people with special licenses can approach it.

Today, many police officers can smell a strange smell in the air.

And they also received an order that from noon today to noon tomorrow, the entire Xi'an City shall be under private martial law.

This gives them a feeling that the mountains and rain are about to come.

The top floor of the expropriated office building.

A gap was exposed in the blinds, and a pair of eyes were looking at the black car that had been parked for decades.

"It's all arranged." Long Yi turned and looked at the three people in front of him.

Tang Cheng stood up and said, "According to your instructions, I led the fifty teams of Huang Group to act together with the supporting Tiger Group, and the local police cooperated to be responsible for the security work within Xi'an City during the period before and after the opening of Qinling. ."

"Okay. Remember, no one knows what the Qin Mausoleum is like, and we don't know what will happen then.

I don't want the people of Xi'an City to be implicated because of the Qin Ling affairs! "Long Yi solemnly exhorted: "Your previous disappearance case was handled very well.

I believe you can do this well. "

"Yes." Tang Cheng's eyes revealed excitement.

After Huang Peng stood up, he was much calmer than Tang Cheng, after all, he had seen many big scenes.

"I led twenty teams of the Xuan Group to be responsible for the security of the area of ​​Qinling and arranging the opening of Qinling. We guarantee that there will be no problems with opening Qinling.

In addition, I will keep an eye on the people in the underworld, once Qinling is opened. "Huang Peng has killing intent in his eyes: "I will execute the killing plan immediately, and we will kill the people in the underworld!" "

"Okay. Although we are cooperating with the underworld this time, it is also an opportunity before us. Qin Ling is turned on, and the key in their hands has also lost its function. At that time, we will let the underworld completely disappear!" Long Yi was stern. Said.

Huang Peng sat down and Xiang Yisu stood up.

"Our ten teams are ready. At that time, I will follow Captain Long into the Qin Ling. I will be responsible for searching for any resources that can be collected and controlling the order in Qin Ling as much as possible!"

Long Yi nodded: "Old Xiang, you are a veteran comrade. I believe you, we will act together at that time, but if there is an emergency later, I may leave the team with the people from the Tian Group.

Remember, we must not let those who enter the Qinling Mausoleum go into chaos, and at the same time ensure the interests of our Dragon Group.

If in the absence of me, I give you full command, you can mobilize any force. "

Xiang Yisu nodded. He didn't say much. He knew the weight on his shoulders very well.

Long Yi turned around and opened the blinds directly, letting the sun shine into the office.

"Tonight, it is a great battle and a fierce battle. I have given my order. All comrades involved in this operation have written their suicide notes and must be prepared for everything.

Finally, to convey my word, I wish we can see the sun tomorrow, after the matter is over. Beijing State Guest Hotel, I invite everyone to dinner. "

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