Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1678: Order of the local government

Chapter 1678

"Now should you explain your identity to me."

Ye Hao looked at Tang Yuan beside him.

Tang Yuan sighed, her eyes became solemn: "There are some things, you should also know now.

Let me talk about my identity first. One of the five ghost emperors of the underworld, the Western female emperor Tang Yuan. "

Empress Tang Yuan.

"As for why Tang Sect joined the netherworld, this is a long time ago, and I can't explain it clearly for a while. But you can rest assured that I have absolutely no malice against Ye Gongzi, and we can even say that we are friends. "Tang Yuan explained.

"Friend?" Ye Hao looked at Tang Yuan suspiciously.

Tang Yuan went on to say: "Presumably Young Master Ye should have known a lot about the underworld from Meng Po and Heihuawuchang. The present underworld is divided into two factions. The two factions are actually quite different. I have become conservative and ambitious. send.

Ambitionists are naturally those guys who often make trouble in China, among which the Northern Demon Emperor Guijiao and the Eastern Bone Emperor Bone Girl are the most excited.

The Bone Girl is the name of the woman who attacked you just now. Her strength is also in Wonderland, and she also possesses a kind of highly poisonous. You must have tasted the taste of Bone Poison. "

With that, Tang Yuan looked at Ye Hao's unhealed wounds.

She took out a blood-red worm and placed it in front of Ye Hao: "Put this poisonous worm on your wound, and it will **** up the poison in your body."

Ye Hao hesitated for a while, he took the worm and put it on the wound on his arm first.

The poisonous insect was like a bee smelling honey, and it immediately pounced on and started to suck.

Ye Hao could clearly feel the toxins being sucked out of his body little by little.

From this point, Ye Hao could judge that Tang Yuan did not lie, at least she did not have any hostility towards herself now.

Sustaining this process of poisonous insects.

Ye Hao looked at Tang Yuan and continued to ask: "Then what is the conservative you are talking about."

"Conservatives follow the earliest purpose of the underworld, hide from the world, don't fight with people, practice with great concentration, just to destroy the enemy. Among them, the Meng Po and the black and white impermanence you know are all conservatives.

But now in the underworld, the ambitions claim rights, and three of the five ghost emperors have clearly stated that they want to join the WTO!

Ye Gongzi, do you know what will happen to the underworld once it joins the WTO? "Tang Yuan asked Ye Hao seriously.

"What will happen?" Ye Hao asked suspiciously.

Tang Yuan said solemnly: "The world thinks that the underworld has fallen. But I can tell you that the power of the underworld is spread all over the world. As long as there are Chinese people, there are people from the underworld. Up to now, there are enough outside members of the underworld. There are more than 100,000 people, from the government confidential to the traffickers, and they are all members of the periphery of the underworld.

Some people are casual cultivators, and some have certain rights.

The underworld gave them some benefits, and they were naturally willing to work with the underworld.

In addition, there are thousands of people in the backbone of the underworld! Among these thousands of people, there are nearly a hundred people in the Innate Realm alone!

It can be said that as long as the prefecture thinks, we can destroy any family in the Shirao Association before an instant.

The only Chinese people who can compete with us are Dragon Group and Tianmen, as well as Buddhism and Taoism.

Once the underworld officially enters the WTO, China will face catastrophe, and the current peaceful life will completely disappear, and the true side of this world will be completely revealed to the world! "

Listening to Tang Yuan's remarks, Ye Hao knew the danger very well.

Why is China now so peaceful? Why is the vast majority of the world peaceful in the past century?

All of this is for the upper class to conceal the real world from the people. Once this film disappears, not only China, but even the whole world will change.

"You just said that there are three ghost emperors from the Five Sides who clearly stand on the side of the ambitions. Doesn't that mean they have the majority? They can start a war at any time. What are they waiting for?" Ye Hao was puzzled. .

"You don't understand the underworld, although the power of the underworld is the ghost emperor of the five directions. But there is only one real leader of the underworld: that is the lord of the underworld, the lord!

The prefecture has always been based on loose management, and everyone usually does their own thing. Even the five ghost emperors can hardly command hundreds of thousands of ghosts directly.

But as long as you can get one thing, the order of the prefecture! Then you can order all the manpower and material resources of the underworld. Violators are regarded as rebellion. "Tang Yuan said solemnly.

Order of the local government?

"Why is the order of the prefecture so good?" Ye Hao was a little confused.

Tang Yuan suddenly untied his clothes, revealing his smooth mind.

Ye Hao felt Tang Yuan adjusting her breath, and a few seconds later, a skull pattern appeared on her chest.

"This is the Earth King Curse. According to the rules of the Earth King, everyone who joins the Earth King will take a pill containing the Earth King Curse. No one knows who created the Earth King Curse.

Anyway, in the warehouse of the underworld, there are tens of millions of Earth King Curse.

The curse of the earth king usually has no effect, does not have any effect on the human body, and can even help the underworld warriors to practice the ghost art.

However, if you have an Infernal Order, the holder of that Infernal Order can control all people who have an Earth King Curse in their bodies, and can determine the life and death of that person!

Therefore, those who hold the order of the underworld are in power! "

"Even the martial artist of Wonderland can't rule out this Earth King Curse?" Ye Hao asked curiously.

"There is a rumor that 1,500 years ago, a fairyland ghost emperor rebelled against the underworld and fled China in a moment, but the mansion at that time presided over the underworld order, and his heart moved.

That ghost emperor died violently from a thousand miles away.

The Holy Land is not clear, anyway, the fairyland is absolutely unable to disobey the order of the underground. "Tang Yuan said.

The earth king curse that the fairyland can't resist, one can imagine how terrifying this underground order is.

"Then where is this subordinate order now?" Ye Hao asked.

"The order of the prefecture disappeared a hundred years ago. However, it is said that there are two decrees of the prefecture, one of which is buried in the coffin of Qin Shihuang." Tang Yuan explained.

No wonder the two ghost emperors of the underworld came this time, it seems that they are all for this underworld order.

"So I asked you to cooperate for two purposes. The first is to find the emperor's notes, which contains a secret that has something to do with the existence of the underworld. I told you just now that the underworld seems to be to welcome the arrival of a powerful enemy. And established.

So I want to know, what kind of enemy is it?

The second purpose is to get the order of the prefecture first! At least they can't let the ghosts get it, and endanger the world! "Tang Yuan said very seriously.

Ye Hao thought for a while, he looked at Tang Yuan and stretched out his hand.

"I choose to believe you again, but when the time comes, if there is an order of the prince, I cannot give it to you." Ye Hao said.

"Compared to the ghosts and the others, you can get the order of the underground palace, which is also a good choice. In fact, what I hope is that the order of the underground palace can be silent forever in this tomb." Tang Yuan held Ye Hao's hand.

The two collaborated once again.

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