Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1683: Yuzhong Tomb

Chapter 1683

As long as the Chinese people who have read the word Heshibi should know it.

After all, everyone knows the story of the return of Bi to Zhao, and the Bi in it refers to He's Bi!

"Why do you say this is He's Bi?" Ye Hao looked at Tang Yuan next to him in surprise.

Tang Yuan looked at the He's Bi in front of him: "He's Bi may be just a slightly better piece of jade in ordinary eyes. But we all know that He's Bi is the emperor of jade. Contains very powerful energy.

And even its scraps can be made into supreme treasures, such as the demon emperor jade of the demon clan, which is made of He's Bi. But now no one knows the production technology. "

The demon emperor jade is made from the scraps of He's Bi?

Ye Hao was shocked. What is the preciousness of Demon Emperor Jade? Those who get the Demon Emperor Jade can handle the affairs of the demon clan, and all the demon clan must be in awe of three points.

From this we can see how precious He's Bi, who is the original Demon Emperor Jade!

"Then what exactly does this and Choi have do?" Ye Hao asked puzzledly.

"He's Bi is the treasure of space. It is said that it has another identity, that is, the stone used by Nuwa to patch up the sky during the creation of the world! Anyway, no matter what it is, it can suppress the space, no matter it can explore the entire level of space. The strong are few and far between.

There are very few people who can fully master He Choi Bi, and they cannot use it. It is also an admirable shelter from the rain. "Tang Yuan said.

The background of the whole He Cho Bi is really not small.

"The Qin Emperor was also a cultivator at the time, and his practice happened to be related to space. If my guess is correct, the Qin Emperor's tomb coffin must be in this Hebi." Tang Yuan said .

Ye Hao looked at He's Bi, he stretched out his hand and stroked it on He's Bi.

With the slight touch of fingers and He's Bi, the surface of He's Bi was rippled, which was quite colorful.

Ye Hao felt that his mind was going to be silent, and for a while a picture appeared in front of Ye Hao.

It was a small tomb with lots of gold and silver jewels, boxes made of pure gold, and various things that Ye Hao couldn't recognize.

Except for a crystal coffin placed in the center, a man in the coffin with a face intact, wearing a jet black armor, lay silently inside.

You can also see that there is a booklet made of gold silk on the chest of the man's corpse, and there is a thing hanging around the waist with the word order written on it.

Tang Yuan, who also saw this scene on the side, said excitedly: "That is the emperor's notes and the order of the prefecture!"

"But we can only see it now, but don't know how to take out this thing?" Ye Hao said puzzledly.

The good things are right in front of you at this moment, but Ye Hao and the two don't know how to open it. This is really terrible.

"This..." Tang Yuan also frowned.

Ye Hao urged Tang Yuan: "Since your Tang Sect knows a little about Qin Ling, didn't your ancestors tell you some useful clues?"

Tang Yuan thought for a while, and suddenly said excitedly: "Yes! I remember an ancient book recorded He's Bi. He's Bi has a space-related function, and Qin Shihuang can even use it to create a secondary space.

Qin Shihuang liked his secondary space very much, and sometimes even stayed in this space for days and nights, calming and practicing.

When encountering a major event, the civil officials anxiously would ask General Meng Tian for instructions. Meng Tian seemed to hold something to open He Choi from the outside! As for what it is, there is no record. "

Meng Tian?

Ye Hao recalled the black armored corpse Meng Tian he had seen before. When he thought of Meng Tian, ​​Ye Hao naturally thought of the Demon Emperor Jade worn by his waist.

"I know!" Ye Hao's eyes flashed brightly: "I saw the black armored corpse Mengtian before. He wears a demon emperor jade on his waist. Will Mengtian use the demon emperor jade to turn on Heshi Bi!"

Tang Yuan thought for a while and nodded: "It's very possible. Demon Emperor Jade and He Shibi are supposed to be from the same ancestry, and they may have miraculous effects after contact."

"Then let's go to Meng Tian now and find a way to take his Demon Emperor Jade!" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Let's go." Tang Yuan smiled.

At last everything was settled, and all that was left was to find Meng Tian, ​​snatch the Demon Emperor Jade, and then turn on Heshibi.

At that time, both the emperor's notes and the orders of the local government can be obtained.


Suddenly, a few dark shadows rushed down, blocking Ye Hao's back.

"You two have worked so hard to get such troublesome things for us, this last thing will not bother you." said a man in a black robe and holding a staff.

"Phineas!" Ye Hao immediately recognized the man in front of him.

"Master Phineas, I am right. As long as we follow him, we will be able to find what we are looking for very smoothly." The prince took off his mask with a grinning smile.

"Ye, you have worked hard." Jiang Yue licked his blood-red lips.

In addition to these three people, there are dozens of people in black surrounding them, and everyone's breath is at least in the Innate Realm.

"Who are they?" Tang Yuan asked vigilantly.

"International organizations, ghost cards. There are some things between me and them, and they are directed at me. I used to think that there are only people with the underworld on the tail, but I didn't expect that there are people behind, and the hidden ones are really deep enough. "Ye Hao said calmly.

"How are their strengths?" Tang Yuan raised her hand, and the poison gas began to condense on her. She already knew that the person who came was not good and was ready to fight.

"The man wearing a black robe is a Tier 6 magician, equivalent to the nine-fold innate strength, long-range attacks are very strong, and close combat is his weakness.

The other two are of average strength, so don't worry. "Ye Hao commented.

Everyone has heard this.

Jiang Yue's face is obviously not pretty.

"Ye Hao, there is a good thing to say. Shibie will treat each other with admiration for three days. Now we are no longer the one we were in the water plant." Wang Zihao's mouth rose, and his breath began to rise.

The aura on Jiang Yue next to him continued to improve, and they did not hide their realm at all.

Six Congenital

Seven Congenital

Eightfold congenital

"It seems that they are not as simple as you said." Tang Yuan glanced at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's face was not very good, he stared at these two guys: "You guys killed someone."

"Of course. This Qinling is a feast for us. Those people are our food. I have to eat and burp." Wang Zihao burped and looked at Ye Hao greedily.

"But student Ye, what I want to eat most is you. I want to eat your meat and your blood. The shame that left you on my body and the pain will be returned to you!"

"I already let you go when I was in school, you should cherish the opportunity I gave you. Why do you just reluctantly become such a human and a ghost?" Ye Hao said coldly.

"People are not ghosts or ghosts?" Jiang Yue's crazy size, hair scattered, like a mad woman, she pointed at Ye Hao and shouted: "We will become like this, not because of you.

Why do you want to be so strong, why can't you be the bullied and useless, why! If you honestly be that trash Ye Hao.

Wang Zihao and I are still enjoying a luxurious life in Haicheng. We don't live this way every day! We will become like this because of you, because of you! "

Ye Hao was speechless, the two of them were really good matches. If something happened, he didn't find the reason in himself, and all the responsibilities were still on others without hesitation.

"Can you change the place for retelling the past? How does the aura of these two people feel a little familiar to me?" Tang Yuan noticed the strangeness of the two, their auras are very complicated, and even her familiar aura is there.

"These two people are the ones who killed your uncle in Xi'an City. They seem to have been transformed. After eating the martial artist, they can not only improve their strength, but also absorb the martial arts of the other party.

You will feel that they are familiar, mostly because they are also involved in Tang Sect Kungfu now. "Ye Hao said.

Tang Yuan's face gradually became cold, and she stared at the two men.

"Although I don't like my uncle who has a streak, he is from our Tang Clan after all. Since I met you here, then I will let you see my uncle."

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