Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1806: The betrayal of Meeko Hino

Chapter 1806 Bingye Meeko's Betrayal

The next three days in a row.

Television stations across the island nation are reporting that many factories, villas, and private clubs have been under unknown attacks.

Inside a villa area.

A man knocked his fist on the desk.

"Asshole, how could this happen." A middle-aged man pointed to the ninjas kneeling on the ground in front of him.

"Trash, you trash. Up to now, seven of our bases have been taken away by people, one of them has been killed, seven of them have been killed, and more than ten of them have been killed!

As a result, you haven’t found out who is dealing with us, you trash! "

"Sasaki-sama. The enemy's strength is too strong. The preliminary judgment is at least the strength of Jiren and even Tianren, and every shot is quick, and the fight does not exceed five minutes.

By the time our people got there, the battle was over. "A ninja report.

"I don't want to hear this, what I want is a solution!" Sasaki roared ferociously: "Our plan is at a critical moment. I don't want to make any mistakes."

"My lord. The other party named the ghost brand's ‘devil’ by name. I have contacted the people on the ghost brand as you ordered, and they have agreed to help us solve this person." The ninja said.

Sasaki stepped forward and drew his samurai sword and placed it on the ninja's neck.

"Then tell me why they haven't done it yet, and when are they going to do it. Do you have to wait until the **** comes to my headquarters!" Sasaki roared.

"My father. Put this matter aside, our research has made further progress." A man wearing a mask appeared in the room.

Sasaki took a deep breath and waved his hand: "You all get down to me!"


All the ninjas disappeared.

Only the father and son Sasaki remained in the house.

"Kondo, how is the progress? Is the condition of the subject stable." Sasaki asked.

Kondo is the name of this masked man, the son of the shogunate.

Kondo took off his mask, his black scaly skin, and his horns were ten centimeters long.

"The situation is basically stable now. The problem of unconsciousness during the battle of the experimental body has been resolved. Although the strength has been compressed, at least it can control its body during the battle and will not appear in a crazy state." Kondo Said.

Sasaki nodded, and tapped his fingers on the tabletop: "Then what realm the subject can reach after the injection of the medicine, and what special requirements are there.

"We found that the strength of the experimental body that injects the medicine is the best second-order ninja, and the ninja who practices physical skills is the best. After the injection, there is an 80% probability of being able to survive. Now I have the strength of Jiren."

Kondo showed a proud look, his talent was very poor, he was just a ninja before he injected the medicine, but he was already a ninja now.

That is almost the pinnacle of the ninja world.

And his father is already equal.

"In addition, we have unexpected gains. We accidentally developed this kind of maddening potion. Ordinary people or ninjas will explode directly after injection. But after the injection, the subject can be artificially mad. .

The strength will be greatly improved, and after the efficacy of the drug has passed, the experimental body will fall into a deep sleep, with a success rate of 70%, but there is the possibility of reducing the life span. Perhaps an experimental body can only be injected no more than five times in a lifetime.

If we need to calm down during the battle, we also need special sleeping potions that can force them to fall asleep.

But now our research has encountered a bottleneck. The potions we obtained through cooperation with Ghost Card are almost exhausted.

But the new generation of ninjas we have successfully cultivated is less than ten. "Kondo said solemnly.

Sasaki nodded: "Twenty is not enough. If we want to support the Mitsubishi community, in the island country or even in the entire world, we need at least a hundred people for such a new generation of ninjas!

It’s impossible for the ghost cards to provide us with them. Now they don’t believe us too much. Waiting for the final experiment to end, it is estimated that our cooperation will also end.

They just came for our research base, the researchers. "

"Father, you once said that you already knew the source of that kind of medicine supply. That was..." Kondo asked.

"That kind of medicine was previously studied by the United States, Mitsubishi, and Guipai. It is said that the study is on the corpses of life from another world, with the power of gods.

The medicament is extracted from those organisms.

After the TE laboratory was disbanded, most of the medicine was taken away by the United States, and the other two parts were obtained by the ghost card and the Mitsubishi Society. There is nothing we can do in the US.

It is impossible to give us ghost cards. Our only way now is to get what we want from the Mitsubishi community. For this reason, I have come up with the killer feature I have prepared for a long time.

I believe that soon someone will deliver those medicines to our hands.

By borrowing these potions, coupled with our great technology, we can create a new generation of ninja army and rebuild our powerful shogunate! "Sasaki exclaimed excitedly.

Kondo knelt down on one knee: "My father's ambition will definitely be fulfilled. At that time our shogunate will return to glory!"


At the same time, the Mitsubishi community base has been messed up.

He Tian Rongsaku stood in his study, looking at the empty space above the Angeri interview tube bracket, and angrily knocked all the brackets to the ground.

He looked at the book on the table. The book was spread out with a mezzanine in the middle. The notebook in the mezzanine was taken away.

"Mead!" He Tianrong gritted his teeth.

Ta Ta Ta

A few ninjas ran in: "Master Ka Tian, ​​we have adjusted the monitoring, we suspect it is Miss Hino Meeko..."

"Give me an order. To seal off this area, Meeko Hingino is regarded as our number one fugitive, and he will try his best to arrest her. She carries our important research samples.

Remember my words, Hingye Sprout can die, and all the sample reagents must be brought back to me! "

He Tian Rongsaku slammed his fist on the table, and the book on the table instantly turned into powder.

"Yes." The ninjas all went down.

He Tian Eisaku sat on a chair and took out a picture from the drawer. In the picture was a woman in kimono with his arms around him. It was Meeko Himino's mother.

"You betrayed me, and your child betrayed me. It seems that I should have killed this **** with you back then! But don't worry, I will send her to see you soon.

I will make her regret betraying me! "

The photos were made into a ball by He Tianrong.

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