Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1809: Tier 7 Forbidden Curse·Thunder Void Ward

Chapter 1809 Tier Seven Forbidden Curse Thunder Void Enchantment

The huge explosion directly destroyed this mountain road halfway up the mountain.

And a huge pothole was formed on the mountainside of this hill, as if it had just been concentrated by a missile or meteorite.

Except for the black smoked wasteland, there are no plants or animals in this area, and there are no bones.

Ye Hao was panting, his body was extremely exhausted, just now he hit the spirit, and in a very short time, he used the triple-destroying star ring.

This directly emptied most of the energy in his body, and the five elements' physique could not be maintained, so it was directly relieved.

"Nightingale is now!"

Ye Hao shouted loudly.

In the smoke on the opposite side, the devil's left arm disappeared, and most of the scaly skin on his body was also destroyed, looking like a **** monster.

At this time, a shadow came out of the smoke, and the sharp blade in his hand pointed directly at the devil's heart.


The blade of the dagger was directly inserted into the heart of the devil.

Nightingale stared at her eyes, slammed the devil directly into the ground, pressed the dagger in her hand tightly, power was transmitted from the dagger, and completely destroyed the heart of the person in front of her.

"Cough, cough, cough..." The devil vomited blood, he looked at the nightingale in front of him with a grin: "You...you finally have your chance to kill me."

"Yes! In order to wait for this opportunity, I have killed you every night in my dreams for the past few years. By various means and methods, you have died thousands of times in my mind!"

Nightingale's frantically swollen eyes looked at the dying man in front of her.

"When you killed them, I secretly swear that I will kill you one day. I will torture you, I will goug your eyes, I will cut off your legs, I will let you The head is different!"

Nightingale roared frantically, and the murderous aura on her body was almost materialized.

"Very good, very good. The breath of hatred is really great." The devil laughed madly, and he looked at Nightingale with false eyes: "But you still can't kill me today.

Do you really think that after I know your identity, I will really come here alone?

Is there only one rank 7 powerhouse here? By the way, there is another thing I forgot to tell you. After I made the transformation, my heart is more than one. "

Nightingale's face changed suddenly. She hurriedly looked at Ye Hao, who was weak on the other side of the huge pothole. She shouted, "Ye Hao! Be careful!"

Ye Hao heard Nightingale's cry, and he also felt endangered.

"Rank Seven Forbidden Curse·Thunder Void Enchantment!"

A figure appeared in the air, holding a staff in his hand.

Countless waves of thunder fell from the sky, but it was not towards Ye Hao, but hit the surrounding area of ​​Ye Hao.

It's another seventh order!

Ye Hao didn't have time to think about it, and was going to use the void to evacuate first.

[Space is unstable, teleport cannot be used]

The reminder in his head made Ye Hao feel a sense of anxiety.

The surrounding thunderbolts were like lightning bolts, forming an enchantment full of thunder, which trapped Ye Hao.

Ye Hao took a deep breath, his eyes turned silver red.

Blood wolf physique!

Shadow turned into a sword again.

"Heaven and Earth Ten Thousand Swords!"

Ye Hao waved his sword aura, but the sword aura slammed on the barrier without any influence.

"Ye Hao, don't waste your effort. This is a seventh-order enchantment magic. No matter how powerful you are, you will be trapped in it for at least half a minute." A familiar voice sounded in the sky.

Ye Hao looked at the familiar figure.

Tarot magician, Phineas.

Phineas was holding a wand, and a magical six-pointed star array was forming under his feet, and powerful magical waves came from him.

Phineas has also become different from before. His skin is weird black, and there are two small horns on his forehead. It seems that he has received a certain degree of transformation like the devil.

This made him a seventh-order magician, so he could cast the forbidden curse of the seventh-order electric and space systems.

"Ye Hao, you let me go before. I knew you would come to find the devil, so during this time I started to make myself stronger, borrowing the latest research from the organization.

I have mastered the power second only to God, and my magic power has never been stronger than it is now.

I want you to know that there is only one most powerful magician in this world, and that is me!

The humiliation you brought me, I will return it to me today, prepare to accept my most powerful magic! "

Phineas' state is also a little sick, although not as crazy as the devil, but his thoughts are also a little weird.

Ye Hao didn't have time to think about these things. He had to fix the situation at this time first, and he had to solve the current dilemma.

But he just finished using the Triple Destroyer Starlink, it is difficult to gather enough power to fight Phineas in a short time.

Obviously, Phineas wanted to trap himself here, and this half a minute he will cast an unprecedented powerful magic.

Before the devil and him trembled, they were also part of them, let the devil consume his strength, and finally Phineas came to give Ye Hao a trick to kill.

"Damn, what the **** should I do. Nightingale is still outside now!" Ye Hao clenched his fists, the first thing he thought of was the beating heart in his chest.

If you use this powerful force at the same time, you can definitely...

"You can no longer use this power." The voice of Xingqiong sounded in Ye Hao's mind.

"But in this state, the only way to save the situation." Ye Hao retorted Xingqiong, while starting to mobilize the power of his special heart.

The aura of the black heart boiled at this moment, it seemed to feel Ye Hao's thoughts, some like bloodthirsty soldiers waiting to be summoned.


Suddenly, Ye Hao's eyes went dark, and his consciousness appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he saw the beautiful beauty in front of him like stars.

Although vague, he will be amazed by the beauty of Star Dome no matter how many times he sees it.

"That power is very powerful, but too much use will make you lose yourself. One day you will become a monster that you don't even know." Xingqiong walked in front of Ye Hao.

"But now I have no other way... Damn, I shouldn't have let this guy go." Ye Hao secretly squeezed his fist.

He didn't expect such consequences because of his promise at the time.

"Yes, there is still a way." Xingqiong whispered.

"What?" Ye Hao looked at Star Sky anxiously.

Xingqiang raised his hand, and a line of text and patterns that Ye Hao couldn't understand appeared in front of him. When he wanted to see clearly, there was a heavy feeling in his head.

This is not the power of this world.

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