Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1826: New Age Ninja

Chapter 1826 New Era Ninja

Sasaki left the command headquarters and came to the back mountain, where an area has been turned into a restricted area, which is actually the most important research base.

Sasaki told the ninja next to him: "You are waiting for me here."

"Yes." The ninjas knelt on the ground one after another.

Sasaki entered the password, opened the door through the retina and fingerprints, and took the elevator to the laboratory below the mountain.

There are a lot of research equipment here, and researchers in white uniforms are walking back and forth.

Sasaki walked straight ahead and came into a bright hall.

There are many experiment containers arranged in the hall, and inside the container are people immersed in unknown liquid.

"My lord?" The head of the research institute saw Sasaki and immediately stepped forward to salute.

"How many people have completed the transformation now?" Sasaki asked.

The person in charge said: "A total of 14 people are currently undergoing transformation, and our raw materials and reagents have been used up. But if all can be completed, then we will get at least 14 special ninjas, of which there will be a few Jinin!"

"In two hours, wake them up immediately." Sasaki said solemnly.

The person in charge was dumbfounded. He hurriedly said: "Master Sasaki, some of us have not finished yet. If we wake up at this time, there may be some side effects. Give me something more.

At that time, I will definitely put these new era ninjas in front of you. "

"It's too late. The Mitsubishi community has launched a total against us. The Six Nations Island has fallen into the battlefield, and the first line of defense of our headquarters has been breached. The second line of defense is about to be breached within two hours.

If we do not have new forces to participate in, the third line of defense will be broken when the sun rises, and then the entire island nation will have no shogunate! "Sasaki gritted his teeth.

The person in charge was shocked, and now he understood why Sasaki-sama wanted to awaken these new era ninjas in such a hurry.

"That's good. Sasaki-sama, please wait a moment, it will take half an hour to wake up."

"It's okay, I'll just wait here."

"it is good."

Sasaki looked at the people in these containers in front of him, and these people would be his trump cards.


The fighting outside continued. Fighting broke out in nightclubs, casinos, and red light districts all over the six countries.

This will inevitably attract the attention of ordinary people who have not slept late at night.

This directly led to the call of the police on the island of Liukoku being broken tonight.

Director of the Six Nations Island Police Department, at the moment, that is too busy, that is very exhausted.

His door was knocked again, and a captain walked in.

"Director, there are police situations everywhere now. What should we do!"

What to do? If he knew what to do, he would still be here. Even the people above didn't bother to care about these things.

"Just tell the people who called the police that this might be a fight between the two big gangs. Let them hide in the house not to run around. Then they ordered all the brothers in the district to seal off the area where the fight occurred.

The police car’s sirens are turned on, and anyone who wants to enter the blockade will say that we are on a mission, and no one is allowed to enter. "The director said.

"Well... what if those people want to get in and out?" the captain asked.

"They want to get in and out, can you stop them?" The director said contemptuously.

They can only manage ordinary residents. As for the guys, they are powerless. The above is also an order for what happened tonight, letting them turn a blind eye.

The secretary walked to the window and looked at the night sky: "I really hope that those monsters don't exist.


On a mountain with a good view, Ye Hao was standing here with Meako Hingino, looking at the battlefield on the hillside in the distance.

"A dozen high-level ninjas, hundreds of middle-level ninjas. The scale of this battle is not bad." Ye Hao said with emotion.

Hingye Meeko constantly scanned the fighting crowd, as if looking for something.

Ye Hao knew what she was looking for, she was looking for her adoptive father, and she wanted to know the truth.

"Why didn't you see Sasaki. If they don't send people to support the second line of defense, they will be broken through by the people of the Mitsubishi community." Ye Haomam said to himself.

On the frontal battlefield, that is completely the advantage of the Mitsubishi community, and Ye Hao has not yet discovered their main combat strength, such as He Tian Eisaku himself has never appeared.

"It looks like the main show hasn't started yet, but this second line of defense can't be held." Ye Hao rubbed his chin, and at this moment the two Shangren of the Shogunate were killed by the Mitsubishi community. This directly led to a gap in the line of defense, and the pressure on the shogunate's other shogunate to increase sharply.

At the same time, in a hidden mountain forest one kilometer away, Ka Tian Eisaku was lurking here with a few black ninjas.

"Master He Tian, ​​we have such an advantage on the frontal battlefield, why should we hide here? If we kill at this time, we can definitely destroy the headquarters of the shogunate!" a black-clothed ninja asked.

"This is not the full power of that fellow Sasaki. We have to wait, we have to wait for him to show off his true power, and exposing our strength prematurely will only increase trouble.

Remember, you are my assassin, used to deal with Sasaki's last stubborn resistance! He Tian Rongzuo said in a deep voice.

At this moment, the shogunate of the second line of defense fell once again, and the advantage of the situation here was completely placed on the side of the Mitsubishi community.

"Retreat, retreat! Retreat to the third line of defense!" Kawasaki, who was in the command room, hurriedly ordered the remaining Shinnin and other ninjas to withdraw to the third line of defense.

The ninjas of the shogunate began to retreat.

The ninjas of the Mitsubishi Society naturally started the hunt.

When the ninja of the Mitsubishi Society rushed to the third line of defense, several dark shadows appeared from the darkness.

The six shadows rushed straight to one of them.

"Damn!" The Teto hurriedly performed ninjutsu, but it was over, his body was penetrated by several katana.

Because the six people who attacked him were all Tolerance.

In addition, there are three Shangren and one Tenin who died here in a short contact.

"Appeared!" He Tian Rongsaku and Ye Hao had this idea almost simultaneously.

Sasaki appeared on the battlefield with a samurai sword, and 14 ninjas appeared around him. The aura of these 14 ninjas was somewhat different from that of ordinary ninjas.

But for these 14 of them, Ye Hao felt a bit.

Including Sasaki, the pinnacle of the ninja, there are two ninjas, six special ninjas, and seven upper ninjas.

This is definitely a powerful supplement for the current Mitsubishi community camp.

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