Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2024: Whoever violates China will be punishable even though it is far away

Chapter 2024 Whoever offends China will be punishable although far away

In a certain fleet in the South China Sea, all missile launchers on the decks of three destroyers were turned on.

In just tens of seconds, all fifty to sixty missiles were launched.

"Captain, all our missiles have been launched!" The first officer looked at the captain anxiously.

The captain looked at the sky: "I know, the order has already been ordered. No need to intervene."

"What happened? How come you suddenly entered a state of total martial law." The first officer asked in confusion.

The captain glanced at his adjutant: "Don't ask more, don't think too much, do what you should do in your post."

"Yes." The first officer stood up straight.

"Pharaoh, if I remember correctly, your family belongs to the magic capital. The child is three years old?" the captain asked suddenly.

"Yeah, what's the captain? Suddenly asked about this." The first officer looked at the weird captain in surprise.

"It's okay. After returning to the dock this time, I will give you a vacation and go back to spend time with your children. You have not been home for two years." The captain said with a smile.

"Captain, why are you so kind to give me a holiday? I wanted to take a holiday before, but you refused my request because of your busy schedule." The first officer was puzzled.

"You kid, don't ask Lao Tzu so much, ask again. I won't give you a fake then." The captain pretended to be angry.

"Don't ask, don't ask." The first officer left with a smile.

The captain sat in his seat and took out his pocket watch. There was a photo of his family on the pocket watch.

And his family is in the imperial capital.

The captain held his pocket watch and closed his eyes.


"There are still five intercontinental missiles equipped with nuclear warheads that are attacking five cities in our country! The targets are Xiangdu, Devil, Imperial, Mountain, and Yangcheng."

The secretary reported the situation to the old chief.

The old chief stood up suddenly and walked towards the stairs.

"Old Chief, what are you doing?" The secretary hurried to follow, and other officers rushed up.

"I'm old and I'm not used to staying here. I'm going outside to get some fresh air." The old chief said.

"No! Chief, your safety is very important. Now that the threat of nuclear bombs is not over, you can't leave here!" The secretary flatly refused.

People around also politely persuade.

"Okay, I know what you are thinking. This country lacks me, can you still not transfer? You are all here, if there is anything other than that, Lao Liu will accept the emergency plan in accordance with the emergency plan."

The old chief finished speaking and walked into the elevator.

"At least I, an old thing, can't hide in this place at this time. The more dangerous, the more I have to be with the people."

The secretary bit his lip, and finally walked in.

"Old Chief, I will follow you."

The elevator door closed slowly, and the people who remained in the safe house saluted and watched silently at the elevator door.

Everyone's eyes were cast on the screen, looking at the cities that were still on, and the red lines on the projector that were getting closer and closer to the target.


Wushuang City

The atmosphere in the meeting room also became serious.

Every news at this moment is like a fairy song from the outside world to everyone's ears.

"The missile that was expected to hit Atlanta, USA was intercepted and detonated at 35,000 meters in the air!"


"The missile that was expected to hit Orenburg, the bear country, was intercepted and detonated at an altitude of 80,000 meters!"


"The missile that flew to the mountain city was intercepted and detonated at 90,000 meters in the air! The danger of the mountain city was lifted!"



A piece of good news keeps coming, but this keeps everyone's heart still coming.

As long as one city is still on, their hearts cannot be put down.

"Eleven cities are left!" Huang Peng's palms were sweating, and this atmosphere made him feel more exciting than a **** battle between himself and a hundred people.

"Huaxia Magic Capital is relieved from danger!"

"The danger of Pisimak in the United States is relieved!"

"The danger of Xiong Country Baihai City is lifted!"

Tang Yuan couldn't help looking at the big screen at this moment, with a dignified tone in his tone: "There are still eight cities."

"China Yangcheng is relieved of danger!"

"The Huaxia Imperial Capital is relieved of danger!"


"The last three cities are left!" Long Yi pressed his hands on the table and pressed a handprint on the corner of the precious golden nan wooden table.

"The danger in Pittsburgh, USA is lifted!"

"Bear Kingdom Yekaterinburg is relieved of danger!"

At this moment, there is still a red line on the map!

And there are three yellow lines around that are approaching this red line.

A yellow line disappeared, but the red line still exists.

"What's going on?" Xiang Yisu exclaimed.

"It seems that an interceptor missile missed!" Su Xiaoxiao clenched his fists.

Three seconds later, another yellow line disappeared, and the red line still exists!

At this moment, everyone's hearts were cast a shadow.

They all stared at the last yellow line.

And the last line of data is lit.

(Huaxia Xiangdu, distance from the ground: 43157, estimated time: 57 seconds)

Suddenly, the last yellow line disappeared, but the red line still exists!

(Huaxia Xiangdu, distance from the ground: 23851, estimated time: 34 seconds)

"This...this..." Xiang Yisu stepped back abruptly and knocked down the chair beside him.

The White Temple of the United States.

The man in a blond suit looked at the last city on the monitor.

He sighed: "The order goes on and you are ready to guard against China's nuclear counterattack!"

Xiong Country, Red Palace.

The middle-aged bald man shook his head: "I hope the dragon of China can calm down, otherwise...the whole world will be plunged into a bitter war for it."

Wushuang City

Su Xiaoxiao and others had already looked away, they couldn't bear to see the city disappeared because of the nuclear explosion.

"Wait, there have been more air defense missiles!" Dongfang Ze said suddenly.

I saw that the energy response of multiple missiles appeared on the map, forming five or six yellow lines, respectively attacking the red lines.

At this moment, everyone's hearts were again aroused with hope.

(Huaxia Xiangdu, distance from the ground: 13851, estimated time: 24 seconds)

When several yellow lines touched the red line, the red line disappeared.

The whole room fell into silence.

Then there was a carnival.



This is one of the world's financial cities, everything is still so prosperous.

In a company, all computers suddenly went down.

"What's the matter? Why are our computers talking."

"Huh, why did we cut out the power?"

"What the **** is going on? Where is our taxpayer's money wasted? Why is there such a problem!"

Amidst the usual complaints, no one knew that a crisis still dissipated at a height of 10,000 meters.

As if the dark clouds covering the entire world had disappeared.

Wushuang City.

Long Yi, who had just answered the phone, walked back to the conference room again.

He looked around and punched, and said solemnly: "The Supreme Chief has just delivered the highest order. Those who violate my Huaxia will be punishable even though they are far away!"

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