Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2045: Coma for March

Chapter 2045

Mid-March 2020

It is now spring, the season of recovery.

Jiangnan Province, unparalleled city.

Wushuang City, with a population of tens of thousands, is very lively.

Markets, shopping malls, restaurants, stadiums, swimming pools.

There are everything in ordinary society.

There are also things that ordinary society does not have.

The demons, half-bloods, and normal people walking dignifiedly on the street chat, drink, and chat there.

"Do you know how to play! Skills, skills!"

In an Internet cafe, a rabbit girl shouted at a bullhead: "My nine-tailed monster fox is super god, because you are a scam, and we lose!"

The Rabbit Girl angrily pointed at the two big characters of failure displayed on the screen.

The tauren on the side said helplessly: "This tauren is too difficult to play..."

If this scene is seen by ordinary people, the chin should not be scared to fall on the ground.

And their teammates may not know, maybe that bullhead is really a bullhead?

In addition, there are some more buildings around the inner city of Wushuang City.

A large stadium with a training hall for supernatural powers.

From time to time there will be the sound of explosions or smoke.

People passing by here have long been used to it.

Compared to the magician academy next door, the movement inside is still relatively small.

In addition to these things, there is also an ancient martial arts school. In addition to the Wu Shi martial arts hall, various things are also added.

Wu Tian is teaching leg techniques, and Xue Lao is teaching marksmanship there.

In addition, there are some people who are a little bit accomplished in all aspects, teaching others their own skills.

Boxing, footwork, hidden weapons, etc.

"Miss Su, four-fifths of the construction of the outer city north of the city has been completed. Acceptance can be done in half a month." A middle-aged man followed a woman.

At this moment, the woman has long hair fluttering, wearing gold-wire glasses, and wearing a professional skirt with a hip covering her hips. She looks like a professional woman.

"Okay. Remember, you must be strict and careful when accepting, I don't allow any mistakes!" Su Xiaoxiao said very seriously.

"No problem. If there is a floor tile wrongly installed and one wall is thin, I will ask them to demolish and rebuild it for you." The middle-aged man promised, patting his chest.

"As long as there is no problem with the quality and the total payment is 2 billion, I will call your company account." Su Xiaoxiao said.

The middle-aged man shook his head repeatedly: "Miss Su, our company has always been serving the Dragon Team. This time it is our honor to serve the famous Wushuang City.

This payment is no longer needed, it's all regarded as a meeting gift for Wushuangcheng from my below. "

Two billion of funds, in one sentence, is regarded as a meeting ceremony, which will surely be shocking when people outside hear it.

But the middle-aged man didn't think so. He learned some inside information about what happened in Antarctica before.

So he left some relationships and took over the project of Wushuang City expansion.

He sent the top engineering team, the top equipment, and the best materials to serve Wushuang City.

Let alone make money, it doesn't matter if he loses money.

"We Wushuang City never bullies people, and we don't need a meeting ceremony. The agreement we made before will be completed as long as you meet our requirements. We won't lose a cent for the amount of money."

Su Xiaoxiao handed the copy of the report to the other party: "The most important thing in Wushuang City is money.

And if your project makes us dissatisfied, you will also bear the consequences of the agreement.

Okay, I have another video conference to be held in the afternoon, so I'll leave first. Goodbye. "

Su Xiaoxiao turned and left.

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief. He did not expect that he was in his 50s or 60s and had gone through shopping malls, but he still felt an invisible sense of pressure in front of this young girl in her twenties.

The middle-aged man wiped his sweat and looked at Wushuang City around him.

I couldn't help but sigh, this place is simply the 11th district of China!

He also knows the dragon group base and the ability group base.

But compared with here, it can't be put together.


Wushuang City, inside a magnificent room.

A table with a few chairs next to it.

Su Xiaoxiao and Tang Yuan are sitting here.

A projection appeared in front of them, and then a box video appeared in front of them, and everyone on the screen was very familiar.

The one on the far left is the Greek Temple Yakina, the other is the Cardinal Judy of the Holy See, the Black Butterfly of the Demon Butterfly Organization, Constantine of the Bear State, and Smith of the United States.

"Good afternoon everyone." Su Xiaoxiao said hello politely.

"The Pope hasn't recovered yet?" Smith asked.

Cardinal Judy sighed and shook his head: "Since the First World War in the Antarctic, His Excellency has become very poor. Although he is still awake, he spends most of his time in his yard every day. mobile."

Everyone expressed their blessings to the old pope.

"What about Mr. Ye Hao? How is he." Constantine asked.

This question changed the eyes of several people everywhere.

In the First World War in Antarctica, they saw the power of this young Chinese.

Demigod-level combat power, that is not something everyone can have.

"Still in a coma." Su Xiaomei was a little in love.

"Although Ye Hao is still in a coma, he is not life-threatening. Our doctor checked him. He said that he was in a dormant state of self-protection because of excessive consumption." Tang Yuan said.

"If Mr. Ye wakes up, please be sure to notify us as soon as possible." Judy Cardinal said solemnly.

"So are we." The others spoke.

"Okay. Let's now talk about the situation in various places this week. This week, in our Asian region, there have been two third-level strange animals, one in the island country and one in the Asan region.

We have sent people to solve the problem before it has caused a major impact.

In addition, there are eleven second-level alien beasts and 67 third-level alien beasts, and we have effectively dealt with them, without causing a huge impact on society. "Su Xiaoxiao reported the situation in Wushuang City's area.

Others also reported their own situation this week, both good and bad.

"Three days ago, a flight was attacked by a second-class rare flying beast over southern Australia, and all crew members died. Our people have killed it.

We have announced that the incident was caused by thundercloud weather. "Black Butterfly said.

"Five days ago, a small town in northern Europe was suddenly attacked by more than 30 first-class beasts. Although our knights arrived before the incident escalated to eradicate these beasts.

However, all 24 residents of the town died. "Bishop Judy reported sadly.

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