Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2111: The battle of the holy strong!

Chapter 2111 The Battle of Saint-Level Powerful!

"What? Someone challenged the Saint-level powerhouse!"

"This...Is this a mistake? Is it the same name as Liang Zhenghai?"

"Are you stupid? You can see for yourself if there are two Liang Zhenghai's names on the current rankings."

The audience was boiling.

The battle of the Saint-level powerhouse, this is very rare.

Since the news was released, the staff postponed all the duels. Except for the battlefield that is still fighting, the other battlefields were all empty.

Everyone knows exactly what this is for.

This is a battle for the Saint-level powerhouse, vacating the position.

After all, the Saint level powerhouse is different from the legendary level and the black Yao level.

Their strength is very powerful, and the small battlefield can't accommodate their battles, and it is only possible if the entire arena is given to them.

"The battle of the Saint-level powerhouses? It's interesting. The Saint-level powerhouse battle in the last storm celebration was thirty years ago." The Stormwind City Lord showed an interested smile.

He looked at the man in the robe beside him.

"This battle is very important, how are you preparing?"

The gray-robed man said: "The direction of the city lord. The strongest defensive array is ready. I have arranged ten legendary ranks and a hundred powerful blacks to supply energy to the defensive array.

At the same time, we also have ten legendary magic spar as a backup energy supply.

It can fully support a twenty-minute holy battle. "

"Very good. I want to see what kind of battle this person named Ye Hao will show us." Stormwind City Lord showed expectation.

A set of Long Wuhou began to search for the position of Ye Hao in the audience. He did not expect this young man to challenge the Saint-level powerhouse at the beginning.

This young man is a little crazy.

"City Lord, someone challenges you!" Liang Zhenghai's attendant whispered.

"I'm neither deaf nor blind." Liang Zhenghai had a gloomy face, and he was in a rather bad mood now.

He thought he could get the spot very smoothly, but he didn't expect that someone would challenge him.

"What the **** is Ye Hao? Why did you choose to challenge me!" Liang Zhenghai was very angry, because he had hurriedly left Jiancheng before.

It's still not clear that this guy named Ye Hao happened to have a dispute with his son in Gale Valley.

"Maybe it's because you are the weakest of these five," the attendant muttered subconsciously.

"Shut up!" Liang Zhenghai scolded.

Of course he knows that he is the weakest among the five people. If it weren't for those who are stronger than him in this year, who have exceeded the limit, how could he have the opportunity to sit here.

"Mr. Liang, please be prepared. Ten minutes later, it is your battle." A staff member specially reminded Liang Zhenghai.

You know this is a treatment that ordinary people don't have.

If a Legendary or Heiyao Platinum level person did not participate in the battle in time, the staff would not notify him, and would only disqualify the person from fighting without mercy.

"I see." Liang Zhenghai also knew that this matter was unavoidable. He asked, "Can you tell me who Ye Hao is and what force he comes from?"

"Sorry. We can't penetrate the information." The staff also smiled bitterly, they didn't even know who this person was.

The people at their registration office were dumbfounded when they heard that someone was going to challenge Liang Zhenghai, and that guy was still very young.

If it hadn't happened that Master Li Qingpo came forward to prove to that person, it is estimated that the staff would not allow such a fight.

Liang Zhenghai stopped speaking, he began to adjust his emotions, no matter what, he would get this place this time.

As long as he gets this quota, participates in it, and wins that thing, his sword city has the hope of becoming more prosperous and becoming an existence comparable to Stormwind City.


On the other side, Long Xiao was dumbfounded.

He just stood up, but his body was stiff at that moment.

The news kept echoing in his mind.

"Ye Hao vs. Liang Zhenghai?"

It took a long time for Long Xiao to recover, and fell into a chair in despair.

Is that guy a holy powerhouse?

Impossible, impossible.

That guy looked younger than himself, how could he be a Saint-level powerhouse, that would be too outrageous.

Is it a mistake?

There must be a mistake!

Long Xiao didn't want to admit that the person he provoked just now turned out to be a saint-level powerhouse!

That is a holy powerhouse, not a legendary powerhouse!

If it is a legendary powerhouse, it is estimated that Long Xiao will feel better in his heart, but a holy powerhouse?

That simply trampled Long Xiao under his feet.


The wind bells and others in the audience were also dumbfounded, and could not speak for a long time.

They thought that Ye Hao was going to teach that Long Xiao who didn't know what was good or bad, and then seized a position from the Black Yao class.

But they never thought that the person Ye Hao challenged was actually Liang Zhenghai.

They are very familiar with Liang Zhenghai, Sword City Lord, and three-star holy Liang Zhenghai!

"Could it be that Young Master Ye wanted to give us a sigh of malice for us?" Feng Chun'er said subconsciously.

"But... this is too impulsive. This kind of battle has only one chance. Whether it is a challenger or a challenged, the opponent is a three-star saint! And Liang Zhenghai is approaching his fifty-something!

Ye Gongzi... is there really no problem? "The second elder couldn't help worrying now.

Even half-holy, the second elder would not be so worried.

But this is an upright three-star holy powerhouse.

Ye Hao was still too young after all, and the second elder was a little worried about Ye Hao's combat experience.

"No matter what, I still believe in Brother Hao." Feng Ling'er said firmly, looking at Ye Hao's figure with her eyes full of confidence.

"Yes, Young Master Ye is the strongest. Young Master Ye will definitely defeat that Liang Zhenghai!" Feng Qiuer said vowedly.

The second elder looked at the enthusiasm in the eyes of the women, and he sighed inwardly, this can't be won by the support of his mouth.

This is the battle of the saint-level powerhouse.

The second elder also knew that this was already a certainty, and it was useless for them to be anxious here.

And to be honest, while he was worried about Ye Hao, he was also looking forward to such a duel of Saint-level powerhouses.

He is over half a hundred years old and has never seen a battle between a Saint-level powerhouse. If he could open his eyes this time, it would be really amazing!

Ten minutes passed, and there was not much left in the battlefield in the center of the arena.

The audience watched these battles without interest, and even booed, hoping they would end soon.

They hope to see the duel of the Saint-level powerhouses soon!

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