Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2340: Encounter in the Void

Chapter 2340 Void Encounter

The armored ship sailed in the void very peacefully.

During this period, Ye Hao and others also saw more spectacles in the void.

For example, some weird phantoms of Xiaguang, the scenes are as beautiful as a picture scroll, very sci-fi.

There are also floating mountains like corals, standing there silently, as if waiting for people to explore.

In addition, some void beasts appeared.

Although the strength of these void beasts is not high, they still have a lot of trouble if they are attacked.

Fortunately, Lin Qiangwei told Ye Hao that the fluctuations released by amethyst would interfere with the cognition of these void beasts, and would not attack anything with amethyst. Except for some very strong void beasts, most void beasts would also go around. Row.

This is also why the cities on the Black Great Wall's defense line have stood for so long without being attacked by the Void Beast.

On the contrary, it is a kind of protection for them. Some hapless demons will be attacked by these void beasts as prey.

Ye Hao sat alone in the cabin at the moment, looking at the map crystal that Lin Yanghai gave him.

"Young Master Ye." Lin Qiangwei stood at the door, watching Ye Hao's gaze: "Young Master Ye, I came in after seeing that your door was not closed."

"It's okay, just now the old Jian and the others didn't shut down when they went out." Ye Hao said casually.

Lin Qiangwei looked at Ye Hao and looked at the map crystal so carefully, she asked, "Young Master Ye, what are you doing with this?"

Ye Hao said directly: "I don't know why, I feel that the distribution of the three main cities of your 28 small cities on the Great Black Wall seems to be regular. It always feels like a big array!"

Just now Ye Hao stared at this boredly and gave him this intuition.

"Great formation? Impossible." Lin Qiangwei walked in and looked at the map: "I have lived in Chiyang City for more than 20 years. I have never heard of this statement, and I have never seen a great formation."

"But why do these cities stand here?" Ye Hao frowned.

"I know this." Lin Qiangwei sat next to Ye Hao, she deliberately next to Ye Hao, she is now wearing that kind of home clothes instead of armor.

"Why?" Ye Hao turned his head and looked straight at Lin Qiangwei.

The distance between the two is less than 30 centimeters.

Lin Qiangwei felt like a deer bumping into her chest. She pretended to be calm and said: "When my grandfather was alive, I heard him mention it. It was because of an invasion of the devil a long time ago, a battle between the demon and the gods.

Several powerful gods spread the battle into the void, and in the end several of them even blew themselves up, which eventually caused the void between the earth plane and the demon plane to be quite weak.

The demon plane often uses this gap to disturb the earth. In the earth for a period of time, there are often some evil legends, and some people who harm the country and the people appear.

This has something to do with the demons who invaded the earth, including World War II! These are all demons who want to destroy the earth.

So the first batch of ancestors formed an alliance of more than 300 people and came here. After untold hardships, a framework of the Black Great Wall was constructed.

It took them more than ten years to find these islands containing amethyst, and then separated and established their own cities in a very short time.

Constructed this black Great Wall defense line. "

Lin Qiangwei drew two spheres on the table in front of Ye Hao, with a large area separated from the center of the sphere.

Then he took up the water stains with his hands, and delineated a connected area in the center of the two spheres. Finally, Lin Qiangwei removed the dagger from his waist and placed it in the center of this area.

"This area is the weak gap between the Demon Plane and the Earth Plane, and we cannot make up for it with our existing methods. So we can only build this black Great Wall defense line, which completely blocks the gap between the Demon Plane and the Earth plane. aisle."

Lin Qiangwei pointed to the dagger lying horizontally in the center.

"In other words, in your opinion. This is just a defense line constructed for defense." Ye Hao said dubiously.

"I think so. As for Ye Gongzi's big formation, I don't know or don't know." Lin Qiangwei shrugged.

Ye Hao didn't speak, just staring at the map in front of him.

Boom boom boom

Suddenly, there were several huge explosions outside, and even the iron armored ship was hit and the hull shook.

Ye Hao and Lin Qiangwei looked at each other and rushed out immediately.

Lin Qiangwei clicked on something on her arm, and the hunting magic armor appeared and covered her clothes. The next moment a graceful woman became a heroic female general.

Ye Hao and Lin Qiangwei came to the deck.

"What happened?" Lin Qiangwei immediately interrogated the man on duty.

"Report to General Lin. On the right 35°, 79 kilometers, there is a battle fluctuation. It seems that a human army is besieged by a demon army." The soldier on duty said.

"Human army?" Lin Qiangwei frowned: "This position should not have the city of the Black Great Wall Alliance. And this time, the Black Great Wall Alliance has issued a red alert. Who will run out?"

"It's useless to think about it here. I'll go over and take a look. The armored boat slowly approached and stopped 30 kilometers away from the target point. Hearing our order, he would move forward." Ye Hao spread his wings behind him.

Old Jian and Ximen Jiansheng also prepared to pass.

"Old Jian and Senior Ximen stayed in the iron armored boat to prevent accidents." Ye Hao said.

"Young Master Ye, I'm going." Lin Qiangwei said suddenly.

Ye Hao frowned slightly, Lin Qiangwei's strength was too weak for him.

"If there are people from the Alliance, I can also find out about the situation after passing by, so as to avoid any misunderstandings. Some demons are good at mimicry, so when they encounter the same clan in the outside world, everyone will be very careful. They are still young people like Ye Gongzi." Lin Qiangwei Said quickly.

Ye Hao did not speak, and directly took Lin Qiangwei's arm.

Although separated by the armor, Lin Qiangwei could still feel Ye Hao's thick palm.

"Young Master Ye, I can..." Lin Qiangwei shyly wanted to say that she could fly.

She felt a strong feeling of pushing her back, and in the gaps in the facial armor, there was wind like a knife penetrating in.

This speed!

Lin Qiangwei looked at Ye Hao, who was pulling her in front of her eyes in disbelief, the speed was amazing.

And it's very obvious that this speed is not Ye Hao's limit. This is because of Lin Qiangwei's concern. If it is too fast, it is likely to cause a load on Lin Qiangwei's body. This speed is just right.

Lin Qiangwei's heart is a little warm, this man is really caring, he can consider such meticulous things.

Ye Hao didn’t know Lin Qiangwei’s thoughts. After all, in his opinion, this was a normal thing. It was like men and women walking on the road on a rainy day. Of course, boys holding umbrellas should take care of girls. This is a normal thing. .

But he didn't know that there was no romantic gentleman in this world.

After all, every day is life and death, who would even consider these.

"We're here." Ye Hao stopped abruptly, they had come to the edge of the battlefield.

This is a void coral colony.

There are thousands of coral mountains floating here, forming a coral-like zone.

An iron-clad ship similar to the one in Chiyang City is being attacked by demons from all sides.

The quality of the demons is not high, but there are five to six thousand in number.

However, there were only a thousand soldiers on the iron armored ship, and there was no positional defense like Chiyang City, and the defense of the iron armored ship itself was about to be destroyed.

Some demons have even attacked the deck.

"That banner! It's the iron-clad ship of Beiyan City!" Lin Qiangwei exclaimed, and then quickly explained to Ye Hao: "North Yan City is also a city commanded by the Eastern tribe, more than 400 kilometers away from Chiyang City. , Located on the only way from Chiyang City to Demon Region City.

So we have some connections, and I know many of their peers. Huh... That is the second young lady of the City Lord of Beiyan City, Sun Yan! "

"You stay here, I will help them. Otherwise, if they are like this, they will not last an hour, and they will be wiped out." Ye Hao let go of Lin Qiangwei, and Fang Tian painted a halberd in his hand.

This weapon is very suitable for such group battle occasions.

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