Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2345: Visitors from Beiyan City

Chapter 2345 visitors from Beiyan City

"General, general." The calls of others dragged Naisa back to reality.

Nasa sternly said: "Okay. Then, as in the previous plan to attack Cardinal City, we used the weapons that Lord Demon gave us to sneak in.

Once we enter their city, we will destroy them in a very short time and destroy the core amethyst of their island city! "

"Yes!" A group of demon generals are ready to go.

Nasa took out a stone sculpture of a black demon with closed eyes.

Naisa urged the object, and the closed-eyed stone sculpture opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, a ray of light enveloped the demon army in it, and the demon that was irradiated by the light turned into a human appearance!

But not all, there are only a thousand demons.

But these thousand demons are all elites, and the lowest strength is at least Tier 6!

This is Naisa's stepping stone. After breaking the target city's defense, the army hidden behind will start the action.

"Remember, you can't expose your traces without our signal." Nasa solemnly reminded his subordinates in charge of the army.

"The general can rest assured that we will proceed as planned."

Naisa nodded, and then he grandly took the more than a thousand "human races", riding in the iron-clad ship specially found from Cardinal City, and also hung the flag of Cardinal City.

Drive towards Beiyan City.

The generals on the wall of Beiyan City quickly noticed the iron-clad ship appearing ahead, and they also knew the familiar flag.

"The report says that an iron-clad ship from Cardinal City was found ten kilometers ahead. It is approaching and it is expected to arrive at our city wall in ten minutes." Sentinel Hui reported.

"Come here, report this news to Lord City Lord. Let's watch the changes first." General Shoucheng said.

The iron-clad ship was still advancing slowly. When it reached five kilometers, the people on the walls of Beiyan City could even see the "Cardinal City" soldiers on the iron-clad ship beckoning to them.

Because of the good relationship with Cardinal City, some enthusiastic soldiers also shouted and waved, looking happily.

"General, the armored ships in Cardinal City show signs of battle." The sentry reported again.

"I got news before that Cardinal City was attacked. Our General Sun Yan also led a team to support. After they were attacked, they could only come to us." The general thought to himself.

Naisa on the iron armored ship, watching the approaching city wall, his heart was ecstatic, as if he had seen Lord Demon's personal recognition.

"General, we have passed the range of human demon hunting guns and their strongest defense distance." The demon subordinate next to him whispered.

"Shut up, be honest with me, and put away the fangs. We must do it after entering the city, and don't stun the snake." Nasa stared at the subordinates who looked like hungry wolves.

Naisa looked at the wall of Beiyan City that was approaching. He knew very well that as long as these inferior human races fought close to their great demons, it was the fish on the sword.

It takes less than an hour to make this city a dead city!

At this time, Nasa noticed a strong middle-aged man wearing a black armor appearing on the city wall, whose breath was at the peak of Tier 8.

Only one step away from his demigod level.

This person should be the strongest in Beiyan City, the city's lord.

Nasa has been paying attention to this person's every move. He appeared on the city wall and was discussing something with several other generals who seemed like commanders.

Then a soldier above the city wall held a flag and signaled them.

"What do they mean?" Nasa interrogated a demon who had previously captured the knowledge of a human soldier.

"This is their semaphore for contact. It means to stop us and be checked." The demon replied.

Naisa frowned. He didn't expect the city lord of this city to be so calm. The previous Cardinal City people just let them into the city, and they were very enthusiastic.

The person who died the earliest had that welcome smile on his face.

Because Nasa did not speak, the iron-clad ship was still advancing, only three kilometers away from the city wall.

At this time, the city lord of Beiyan city seemed to have issued some order. The soldiers took up their weapons. Although they didn't understand their city lord's intentions, they were still ready to fight.

"General, they are very careful. Let's do it right now, this distance. Our elite troops rushed in, and their enchantment was too late to open." The demon subordinate said.

Nasa hesitated for a while, then shook his head: "No. Human race is very cunning and scheming. This time we are a surprise attack, we must ensure that we can take this city in a short time.

Order the ship to stop and accept their inspection. "

"But General. Didn't you say that the weapons that Lord Demon God gave us have a camouflage effect. Once an outsider gets closer to ten meters, it will be automatically cancelled." The demon subordinate reminded.

"I know. We can't enter the city in this situation, but since they want to check. Let their city lord to check it personally, the devil will beat their semaphore.

Once their city lord left the city wall and came to us. We took the opportunity to kill him.

That was the strongest in their Beiyan city. Once the city lord died, it would be equivalent to a group of dragons without a leader, and it would be much easier to deal with. "Nasa said.

The eyes of the devil's subordinates lit up: "My lord is smart!"

Nasa was disdainful, you idiots, inferior demons.

He is a demon with the blood of a great demon **** in his body. Although his strength is only at the half **** level, his wisdom is equivalent to the peak of the quasi **** level, and even the main **** level!

But these stupid low-level demons are not comparable.

After that, the iron-clad ship stopped, and there was a demon disguised as a human, who spoke semaphores against Beiyan City.

"Report to the city lord. The other party expressed that they are willing to accept the inspection, but there are important things to meet with the city lord now." Qishouhui reported.

Sun Liancheng nodded: "Okay. Lao Zhang, you bring the First Guards with me to find out what they are."

This Sun Liancheng is the City Lord of Beiyan City, the father of General Sun Yan.

"Yes." Commander Zhang, with a guard team of only ten people, followed Sun Liancheng and flew to the iron armored ship wearing a hunting demon armor.

Because the distance is not very far, Sun Liancheng will soon be in front of the iron armored ship.

Sun Liancheng can even see the fighters of Cardinal City.

"Strange, this iron-clad ship seems to be after the war. But how come the soldiers on this ship are so clean and energetic." Sun Liancheng found something strange.

When he stepped on the ship's side, everything in front of Sun Liancheng changed.

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