Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2367: Ironclad Speedboat

The angry demon opened the parchment and swept his eyes.

Then, the parchment was burning in the black flame.

"It's gluttony and lust. Their plan was very successful." The angry demon sneered at the demons in the audience: "They are demonstrating with me and mocking my failure."

The demons bowed their heads and dared not speak.

The three demon gods were fighting in secret, but they were not the demons who dared to speak.

"But failure is failure after all, but I don't like failure, you understand. Next, we are ready to aggressively attack the Black Great Wall Alliance, and we must open the way to the earth plane!

For the sake of shame, we sent the commander of the Third Army to personally lead the team. "The angry demon said in a deep voice.

Hearing Lord Demon God's words, many people were startled, their eyes fell on the three-eyed demon before.

This three-eyed demon is the commander of the third legion, the three-eyed blue demon, the lower god.

The three-eyed blue demon came out: "My Lord Demon God, I am the lower main **** level, and it is difficult to descend into that void. Moreover, the Third Legion has a full 200,000 demons, all of which are brought over... Isn't it difficult?"

"What I want is an army of two hundred thousand. As for what you are worried about. Don't worry. This time I personally lead the battle, and I will definitely guarantee that you will descend into the void.

What you have to do is to wipe out all the enemies standing in front of us. "The angry demon said coldly.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Lord Demon God is really angry. You must know that even if Lord Demon God wants to send a lower main **** and an army of two hundred thousand demons to the void, it will take a lot of effort.

At least three months of cultivation for the angry devil.

The three-eyed blue demon knelt on one knee: "At the end, he will sweep the Black Great Wall. If not, I would be punished by Lord Demon God."

"Well, I hope you don't let me down." The angry demon nodded.


Today is the third day that Ye Hao came to Demon Region City.

That is to say, today, King Hei Yao Dapeng came to Ye Hao personally and told him that the trip to the ruins of the black prison had been arranged.

King Hei Yao Dapeng personally sent Ye Hao and others to the port. Naturally, this port was not the port where Ye Hao and the others went before, but a small port arranged directly on the oasis island, specifically to stop at the iron armor ordered by the King Hei Yao Dapeng to take off and land. ferry.

"It takes at least two days to go back and forth between the ruins of the black prison. I still have some things to deal with and it is inconvenient to leave the Demon Region City. So this time I can't accompany you to go together." Hei Yao Dapeng King said apologetically.

Ye Hao shook his head repeatedly: "Uncle Dapeng, this is my own business. I am very satisfied that you can arrange this. I won't bother you to go with you."

Hei Yao Dapeng King nodded: "By the way, there is one thing I forgot to tell you before. Perhaps there is something in the ruins of the black prison that is helpful to you, that is what your grandfather left behind.

It is difficult for outsiders to find, and it is also difficult to open. Maybe there are secrets of the destruction of the Black Prison City back then, but you can try to find them. "

What did Grandpa Ye Ming leave behind? The secret of Hell City?

This squeezed Ye Hao: "Uncle Dapeng knows the specific location?"

"I don't know, this thing was hidden by your grandfather with some means. It should be in the Black Prison City. The Black Prison City was destroyed, and that thing will be left behind, so it should still be in the ruins of the Black Prison.

In those years, I sent people to look for them one after another, but I didn't get anything, and then I gave up. You can try it. "Hei Yao Dapeng King.

"Okay, I'll try it." Ye Hao nodded.

After that, King Hei Yao Dapeng personally sent Ye Hao away on a special iron armored ship.

This iron-clad ship is small in size and has a structure similar to a yacht. Compared with those regular iron-clad ships, it can only carry less than a hundred people, and it does not have defensive weapons like magic cannons.

But it has three times the speed.

"Return to Master Ye, we have already set off and left Demon Region City." A cat girl said from entering the cabin.

In addition to Ye Hao and others, there were more than ten people on this ship, all of whom were responsible for the ship and attendants.

Originally, King Hei Yao Dapeng wanted to send some guards to protect Ye Hao, but Ye Hao refused.

So there are not many people on this ship.

"Just ask, the speed of our ship, how long will it take to get to the ruins of the black prison." Ye Hao asked.

The cat girl respectfully said, "If nothing else, it will be there in ten hours."

"Ten hours? Isn't this ship three times faster, why is it still ten hours. Is this place so far?" The white fox on the side said in surprise.

"A few of you don't know, the ruins of the black prison are always moving, and they drift tens of kilometers away every year. Now they are very far away from the Demon Region City. It would take a day and a night for ordinary iron armored ships to arrive. These ten hours are already fast. Now," the cat girl explained.

The cat girl paused, she looked at Ye Hao and the others in confusion: "Several people, it is known that the ruins of the black prison are a barren land, and there are void beasts all the year round.

It's a place where the Alliance and the demons don't want to go. "

"You don't care about these things, we just go and take a look. You go out first, I will call you when necessary." Ye Hao dismissed the cat girl.

For the current people of the Black Great Wall Alliance, they only know that there is a place called the Black Prison Ruins, but they don't know that it was originally called the Black Prison City.

That's why the cat girl wondered why these people, the distinguished guests of King Heiyao Dapeng, went to this ghost place.

Ironclad speedboat, let's call this thing for now.

The scenery in front of Ye Hao and others quickly retreated and passed by.

After they traveled for almost six hours, the ironclad speedboat stopped.

Just when Ye Hao and others were puzzled, the cat girl came over.

"Young Master Ye, the iron armor speedboat sailed at high speed for six hours, and it needs to cool down and rest for about fifteen minutes," said the cat girl.

It turned out to be similar to the principle of cooling the engine.

It didn't take long, only fifteen minutes, Ye Hao didn't mind either.

Bored in the cabin, he came to the deck and looked at the surrounding links.

There is still a dark void all around.

"This place, if you drive a little further over there, you may be able to see the location of an amethyst island that you have explored before." The muttering words of a crew member nearby attracted Ye Hao's attention.

He turned his head and looked over: "Did you just say there is an amethyst island over there?"

"Yes...Yes. I also heard from a friend of another probe ship." The crew heard Ye Hao's question and whispered.

Ye Hao's eyes lit up, and the amethyst could allow Ye Hao to absorb energy.

"Do you know where it is?" Ye Hao asked.

"At... almost twenty kilometers in that direction." As soon as the crew's voice fell, Ye Hao flew out and left a sentence.

"Let the ship wait for me here, and I will return as soon as I go."

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