Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2380: Tier 8 monsters afraid of death

Chapter 2380-Tier 8 Beast

late at night

Ye Hao sat on the bed in his room, and his keen hearing allowed him to hear the gentle breathing of Xiao Qi and Granny Nissan in the next room.

Ye Hao closed his eyes, running the water element in his body.

Elemental power is something that most people will learn after reaching the eighth rank.

The difference between having elemental power and not having elemental power lies in the way of fighting.

For example, a water system cultivator, no matter if he is a magician, a supernatural power, or a Taoist swordsman, as long as the techniques and fighting methods they practice are water system.

Those who have not cultivated to the point of elemental power need to rely on the surrounding elements to exert their combat effectiveness.

If he were allowed to enter a place where there was no element of water at all, they would not be able to exert their unique combat effectiveness, or even fight.

People with elemental power are different. An elemental source appears in their bodies, and they can create the element of water.

And the element of water is closer to them.

If you say that there is no elemental power, the relationship with the elemental power is a collaborator.

Those who possess the power of the elements have a relationship with the power of the elements are relatives and friends.

The power of the law is the king of the power of the elements, and can exert the power of the elements to the extreme!

"Hey, it seems that ultimate skills can only improve my ability to elemental power. I can't reach the realm of law." Ye Hao opened his eyes and sighed.

Exchange the ultimate water system skill, let Ye Hao's control of the water system reach the realm of elements.

But to reach the realm of law, Ye Hao's own efforts and opportunities are needed.

Ye Hao gave up the idea of ​​cultivating, walked out of the house and went outside.


With bleeding red wings blooming behind Ye Hao, he soared into the air and flew towards the mountain range Xiao Qi pointed at by the day.

It was originally estimated that one day's footwork, under Ye Hao's speed, flew in less than half an hour.

The closer you are to the center of the mountain, the more Ye Hao can feel the power of the monster inside.

Sixth order, seventh order, one can be seen a few kilometers away.

Generally every Warcraft has its own territory.

Suddenly a whirlwind appeared, and Ye Hao's flying body was shrouded in a huge black shadow.

Ye Hao frowned and raised his head. He saw a huge tabby bird.

The giant bird regarded Ye Hao as its prey, and its huge beak wanted to bite Ye Hao.

"Tier eight?" Ye Hao didn't expect that he would encounter a Tier 8 monster, which seemed to be the king of this mountain range.

When it broke into its sky, it regarded itself as its prey.

Ye Hao speeded up, dodging his closed beak.

The giant tabby bird saw that the prey was not killed, and was a little angry. Flames were ejected directly from its mouth.

"I still breathe fire. I just wanted to pass by. Since you brought it up by yourself, don't blame me for being polite. Give Xiao Qi a roasted bird meat tomorrow morning."

Seeing that the giant tabby bird was so chasing after him, Ye Hao gave up flying and stopped in place, and then the Ice Throne appeared under him.

Holding the trident formed by the rapids in both hands.

The giant tabby bird widened its eyes, and it seemed to understand that it had provoke a great guy.


Three minutes later, the giant tabby bird...not right...it should be said that the bald tabby bird fell to the ground, and its original feathers were sparsely drawn by Ye Hao.

The giant tabby bird was horrified, and it fled hastily, as if it had forgotten that it could fly.


A trident of ice fell in front of the giant tabby bird, cutting off the feathers on its head. If it were to slow down, it is estimated that Xiao Qi could eat a bird's head tomorrow morning.

"I want to go now? Why did you think you were so excited when chasing me just now?" Ye Hao, who flew in the air with blood-colored wings on his back, looked at the giant tabby bird below jokingly.

The giant tabby bird swallowed. It saw the terrifying trident in Ye Hao's hand again. It knelt directly at Ye Hao, and kept kowtow at Ye Hao.

This made Ye Hao a little surprised, and it was the first time he saw the monster that would kowtow and surrender.

It stands to reason that although Tier 8 monsters are powerful, their intelligence is relatively low, which is why it is difficult for them to break through in the later stages.

In this way, the wisdom of this giant tiger bird should be at the quasi-god level.

According to this situation, if it cultivates for a period of time, it will have the opportunity to break through to the Quasi-God level.

"Do you want me to give you a way out?" Ye Hao used animal language to understand the meaning of this giant tabby bird.

The giant tabby bird looked at Ye Hao pitifully, begging for help.

"But you just wanted to kill me." Ye Hao rubbed his chin.

The giant tabby bird shivered as it crawled on the ground.

"It's a pity that such a highly intelligent monster killed me, but it didn't help me much." Ye Hao thought for a while, he couldn't help thinking of Xiao Qi and Granny Nissan.

They are kind to themselves, and they want to leave.

If Xiao Qi could have an eighth-order monster as the patron saint, then Ye Hao would be a reward.

"Can you make it smaller, it's ugly like this," Ye Hao said.

Hearing this, the giant tabby bird radiated light apart from anything else, and then became the size of a parrot. It looked like a parrot without feathers.

"It's quite small. But your appearance without feathers is really a bit weird and ugly." Ye Hao muttered.

The giant tabby bird has tears in its heart. It has become like this. It hasn't been plucked by you. If it hadn't recognized it, it might be gone by now.

"I can let you go, but I have a request. I need you to be a girl's pet to protect her safety." Ye Hao said.

The giant tabby bird's eyes lit up and nodded repeatedly.

Ye Hao took out a scroll: "I know you must have a fluke in your heart, but I tell you. I have a slave contract here, and I will let you sign this contract with her."

Seeing this scroll, the giant tabby bird stepped back in horror.

"Although you will lose yourself in this way, you are at least still alive. And if you think about it, you are a monster or a Tier 8. You can live for thousands of years under normal circumstances.

And she was just a devil girl, only a few hundred years old.

After a few hundred years, you will be free, think about it. I am a very democratic person, and I give you the right to choose. "Ye Hao said with a smile.

Although the tabby bird does not know what democracy is, it can still guess the general meaning.

He cursed in his heart, are you giving me the right to choose?

One is to be a hundred-year slave, the other is death.

Most people have already answered this multiple-choice question.

What's more, it was a monster that was afraid of dying to kneel and kowtow.

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