Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2424: Top and bottom rough stone

Chapter 2424 Heaven and Earth Original Stone

Ye Hao and others talked a lot this day.

I have been chatting at night and talking about what happened to Ye Hao on the earth plane these years.

Let’s talk about Ye Mingye and what they encountered here.

"It's getting late, let's go back and rest. Ye Zhan, tell everyone in your village in advance that we will soon be preparing to leave this ghost place." Ye Ming said.

"Okay, father." Ye Zhan nodded.

Many people must have been looking forward to it for a long time to leave the Burial Demon Abyss.

Ye Hao returned to his room, sat cross-legged on the bed, working on his internal energy.

At this moment, his realm is an intermediate quasi-god.

When he broke through before, I don't know if it was because of too much suppressing strength that directly caused him to break through the low-level quasi-gods one after another, reaching the realm of the middle-level quasi-gods.

"Now I, if I hadn't encountered an opponent with the power of law, I would probably be able to fight the pinnacle of the quasi god." Ye Hao looked at his hand and muttered to himself.

At this time, a voice rang in Ye Hao's mind.

"I found your friend."

Ye Hao stood up abruptly, this was the voice of Bone Kun Emperor.

"Found it? Where?"

"Your friend is lucky and landed in a dragon tomb. One of your friends is practicing there, but her breath made me feel your friend." Bone Kun Huang said.

That must be Xiaocui!

Ye Hao was relieved to hear that they were all safe and sound.

"Then how long can we get to the dragon tomb?" Ye Hao asked.

"It will be there tomorrow." Bone Kunhuang said.

Ye Hao nodded, Kunpeng could reach tens of thousands of miles a day, this distance was nothing at all.

"Thank you senior!" Ye Hao clenched fists with both hands and bowed.

"You don't need to be so polite, I just do what I promised. You helped me get that guy, and I will naturally do what you asked me to do." Bone Kun said.

Ye Hao thought of one thing, that is, the condition that the system upgrade 6.0 needs to achieve.

[6.0 system: need 100,000 skill points (achieved), need 5.0 system (achieved), need to achieve five indicators (not achieved 0/5)]

[The system will stop running for three months during the 6.0 system upgrade, except for using the skills currently acquired, other functions will stop]

[Five indicators of 6.0 system:

One: The host's own strength has reached Quasi-God level (achieved)

2: The prototype of the power of the five laws (3/5) (unachieved)

3: Obtain the power of ten elements (10/10) (achieved)

Four: Obtain the best world rough stone (unreached)

Five: Twenty ultimate skills (14/20) (unachieved)]

Compared to the previous time, Ye Hao is progressing well.

Of the five indicators, the first has been achieved.

The second and fifth have also increased, but the fourth has not yet settled.

"Senior Bone Kun Emperor, do you know the original stone of the best world?" Ye Hao asked.

"Heaven and Earth Original Stone? Why did you think of asking this thing." The Bone Kun Emperor was obviously a little surprised by what Jon asked.

"You know!" Ye Hao was overjoyed when he heard that Emperor Bone Kun knew this.

"I know this thing naturally. This can be said to be a rare top treasure in the world. Even if it is a **** king level, the powerhouse of the devil king level is not crazy." Bone Kun Emperor said.

"Why." Ye Hao said curiously.

"Because the original stone of heaven and earth is the root of the plane, in the initial stage of the birth of a plane, it is chaos. In the chaos, the original stone of heaven and earth is the first to appear.

Some of them become the sun, some become stars, and some become black holes. "Bone Kun Emperor said this amazing thing.

Ye Hao looked shocked: "Doesn't that mean that the original stone of heaven and earth is the foundation of the world!"

Think about it, how terrifying a sun, how terrifying a black hole, these are actually created by the original stone of heaven and earth.

What terrifying power is contained in this rough stone of heaven and earth.

"This thing is rarely born, and it usually appears about four or five. And the rough stone of the best heaven and earth you said is even rarer. I have lived for so long, and I just heard that one guy got one. .

And that person is now a **** king of the gods. "Bone Kunhuang said.

Get the best world rough stone and become the king of gods!

Although this may still be the cultivation of that person, but the original relationship between the best world and the earth cannot be ruled out.

"And the original stone of heaven and earth has another vital function, that is, absorbing it, it can create an inner world." Bone Kun Huang said.

"Inner world?" Jon didn't understand.

"You need to know that even the **** king can't wipe his hands with the birth and creation of the plane. That's a realm that even gods can't touch, but the original stone of heaven and earth gives us this opportunity.

A person who absorbs the original stones of the heavens and the earth will have an inner world in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he is the master in the inner world!

But that is just the beginning. It takes a lot of time and energy to make an inner world prosper. And what does a powerful inner world represent?

Endless power of faith, endless divine power and spiritual power, and even the power of law, the power of elements!

I once fought with a **** king-level who had an inner world. We fought for a full 60 years in that battle. I was born as a monster. It stands to reason that my endurance should be much better than those guys.

But in the end, I couldn't hold it anymore and I had no choice but to lose.

It has been said before that people who possess the power of the law may be very powerful, so the gods who have both the inner world and the power of the law, even the gods, must lower their proud heads! "Bone Kunhuang said.

The Bone Kun Emperor spoke highly of the inner world where the original stone of heaven and earth was born, showing how precious this thing is.

"Then which is the stronger power of the inner world or the law?" Ye Hao asked.

"These two things are not the same. They are not on the same level. The inner world allows you to live with the world, and the power of the law allows you to control the laws of heaven and earth. These two are like spears and shields.

Having only one of them can not tell who is high and who is low, and those who have both a shield and a spear are the most terrifying. "Bone Kunhuang said.

Ye Hao nodded, and he suddenly thought of a question: "Senior Bone Kun Emperor, then you are at the Divine King level, what rule do you practice...what?"

"Kunpeng law." Bone Kunhuang said.

"Kunpeng's law?" Ye Hao was a little surprised, there was such a law.

"Our monsters become gods, and often we can only practice ourselves as a law. Our Kunpeng clan cultivates the Kunpeng Law, but it is a pity... I can no longer be regarded as a pure Kunpeng. The Kunpeng Law has long since disappeared in my heart. ."

The Bone Kun Emperor was a little sad when he said this.

Ye Hao didn't know how to comfort, and he was not easy to talk.

"Okay, you have a good rest. When you get your friends, you have to go out. Going out is a bit troublesome, so you can keep your energy up."

Bone Kun Emperor left a word, and there was no more voice.

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