Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2441: Plan ahead·The killing begins

Chapter 2441 the plan ahead, the killing begins

After Ye Hao separated from his father and grandfather, he sneaked into his target location.

Ye Hao displayed his invisibility technique and avoided the patrolling demons very cleverly and smoothly.

The target appeared in front of Ye Hao.

It was a magnificent warship, its area was two or three times that of other warships, showing the particularity of this warship.

Ye Hao leaped and landed on the deck very smoothly while invisible.

Observing the surroundings, Ye Hao noticed a group of coquettish maids walking towards the cabin with a plate of food, and Ye Hao quietly followed behind.

After a while, Ye Hao followed these maids and found the senior demon general who was looking for fun here.

The cabin is divided into three floors.

On the bottom floor are dimly lit rooms. Although some soundproofing arrays have been installed, Ye Hao, who is good at space laws, can hear some sounds of overwhelming rivers and seas with just a few tricks.

And there are constantly demons coming in and out with all kinds of female demons in their arms. Naturally, there is no need to say more about this.

The second floor is a banquet hall, where a lot of food is prepared, and the high-level demon generals are there to chat and talk to each other.

As for the top floor, it is a place for the demon generals to rest and recover.

Ye Hao cautiously opened up his soul perception, not daring to be too obvious, just to determine roughly how many people there are here.

And judge their strength through some of their characteristics.

As for identifying targets based on characteristics, this is the method Ye Hao gave to Ye Hao.

The demon clan pays much attention to bloodlines. People with good bloodlines are generally not low-strength, and these bloodline demons will have their own clan emblems, so just look at those people who have clan emblems to know that their strength is high.

"There are a total of 178 guards and maids in the cabin. There are a total of 149 of those resting demons, and eight of them have clan emblems." A detailed map soon appeared in Ye Hao's mind.

Ye Hao confirmed the location of almost everyone.

Ye Hao confirmed the time, there are still a few minutes of wealth.

"You can prepare some big meals for them." The corner of Ye Hao's mouth curled up, and then he began to lay out some magic circles in some positions and prepared a large number of magic scrolls.

When Ye Hao was halfway through, suddenly there was a huge explosion outside.

"what happened?"

"It seems to be the movement from another ship of rest and recuperation."

"It's still on fire? Is it attacked?"

"How is it possible to be attacked. At this time, who would dare to attack our demon army at the risk of offending the three demon lords? I guess some people have gotten angry and started fighting."

In the cabin, some people became worried, while others thought that there was something wrong, just a small thing.

"It's the movement from Dad. It looks like there was an accident, and he took the lead in doing it." Ye Hao muttered to himself.

In this way, you must do it in advance, otherwise if a large number of demons are attracted to Dad, then Ye Zhan will be in danger.

"Although I haven't arranged everything, but it's half of the completion, enough for this group of people to drink a pot. Then start the decapitation plan now."

Ye Hao came to the deck, which was the top of the three cabins below.

Ye Hao raised his hands.

A four-fold destruction star ring appeared, but Ye Hao did not stop.

The second, the third, the fourth.

By the time the fourth quadruple Destroying Star Ring appeared, Ye Hao began to feel a little unable to hold it, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

But at this time, because of Ye Hao's powerful skills, the fluctuation of the skills lifted Ye Hao's invisibility, attracting some demon guards on patrol.

"Who is there!" A group of demon guards found Ye Hao.

And at this moment, Ye Hao was gritting his teeth and condensing the fifth quadruple Destroying Star Ring.


Ye Hao shouted angrily, and the five four-fold Destruction Star Rings fell simultaneously, smashing the floor.

On the first floor of the cabin, a demon is resting cross-legged, with a badge on his chest.

In the next second, there was movement overhead.

The devil raised his head, and then a black ring rushed down.

Without saying a word, the devil released a black stand to resist the attack.

But his current strength is less than 10%, and the energy gathered in haste, the position released is only to resist a breath of effort.

The next moment, the top of his head was pierced by the Destroying Star Ring, and then an explosion occurred, affecting many demons around him.

This is only the first Destroying Star Ring, and the other four Destroying Star Rings each locate four targets.

The center of the second floor lobby.

A demon with an arrogant face is listening to the flattery of the demons around him.

"Congratulations, my lord, I broke through to the main **** level recently!"

"If you break through to the main **** level, the demon **** will definitely reward the adults. Congratulations."

"I think I had the same starting point as the adults. Who would have thought that I am now an intermediate quasi-god, but the adults are already the lower-level main gods, ashamed."

"Whoever makes our adults' blood is noble, it is inevitable to become the lower Lord God.

The flattery of the surrounding demons made this lower-level main god-level demon a little fluttering. He also raised his chest specially so that everyone could see the badge on his chest.

Then the explosion sound upstairs startled them, before they could react.

A ruining star ring smashed the floor above his head.

Directly towards the lower main **** demon.

"Damn it!" Upon seeing this, the lower main **** demon immediately raised his hand, and a demon shield blocked him.

Boom boom boom

The huge explosion blew up the dust in the entire hall, and the lower main **** and demon saved his life in a hurry, but the aftermath of the explosion knocked him off and hit the stone pillar.

"What the **** is going on?" the lower main **** demon roared angrily.

And the next second, a purple spear full of dark laws pierced his chest, and a man appeared in front of him with a smile.

"Human...human race..." the lower main **** demon said in astonishment, and the wound on his chest corroded rapidly under the black law and could not be repaired.

In the next second, he fell to the ground with no breath.

"The next main **** is a big fish." Ye Hao put away the demon's body without saying a word.

The third, fourth, and fifth explosions also appeared one after another.

Ye Hao opened up his soul perception.

Three people died and two were seriously injured.

Although only 10% of the strength, but after all, they are still powerful, among them there is the main **** level, it is still a bit difficult to kill all of them.

"Who are you!" The surrounding demons surrounded Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled slightly and snapped his fingers: "He who gave you gifts."

The next moment, the entire warship shined in extra places.

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