Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2467: Sorry to disturb

Chapter 2467 I'm sorry to disturb you

"Floating technique!" Fengling hurriedly used floating technique on several people.

Several people floated to an altitude of several tens of meters, and only then did they see the back of their team, a distance of almost one or two kilometers.

A large group of three-tailed rhinos have appeared.

And among them, there are some huge ones, with purple horns on their heads.

"No, there are five purple-horned three-tailed rhinos! Those are all legendary!" Feng Ling'er exclaimed.

"Moreover, there are hundreds of them, at least five thousand!" Feng Chun'er covered her mouth.

Feng Qiu'er on the side thought, "The most terrifying thing now is not this, if... if some of the ancient books I read in Stormwind City are correct.

If there are more than five thousand three-tailed rhinos, there will be a legendary purple-horned three-tailed rhino, in addition to a holy three-winged rhino king! "

"Holy three-winged rhino king!" When Feng Chun'er and Feng Ling'er heard the news, their pupils dilated.

"No, their direction is the direction of our team. At their speed, they will catch up with our team in less than ten minutes.

Ling'er, Chun'er, Qiu'er. You guys rush back to the team now, let the team turn as soon as possible! Avoid these three-tailed rhino herds anyway! "Feng Hailong said in a deep voice.

Feng Linger heard that there were some intentions in her father's words, and she hurriedly asked: "Father? What do you mean by this, what are you going to do?"

"I stay and delay these three-tailed rhino herd as much as possible to see if it is possible to transfer their target." Feng Hailong said.

"No! Dad, you are just a legendary powerhouse. This is the group of three-tailed rhinos who stepped forward, not counting the purple-horned three-tailed rhinos. The black-stellar three-tailed rhinos alone can make you..." Feng Ling'er can't bear it Said the following words.

"I know what the outcome will be. But someone must stay, otherwise our Wind Clan's team of thousands of people will not have enough time to escape!

Rather than putting the entire Wind Clan in danger, Dad would rather take the risk on his own! "

Feng Hailong stared at his daughter: "Ling'er, this is Dad's decision. As long as you can survive, Dad can rest assured. Now you, Dad can safely hand over all the young and old Feng Clan to you."

"Father!" Feng Ling'er had already shed tears.

The Feng Chun'er sisters next to her all left tears that she couldn't bear.

"Observe." Feng Hailong said.

The time limit of the floating technique passed, and several people fell to the ground.

Feng Hailong rode his mount and walked towards the front without hesitation.

Fengling clenched her fist, still reluctant to leave, she couldn't help but think of the man at this moment.

Brother Ye, where are you? Ling'er has encountered something again. Ling'er thought she was strong enough, but it was far from enough.

Please, if you can hear Ling'er, Brother Ye, please help us.

I... I don't want to see my dad die here like this.

"Ling'er, father was not good to you before. If you are still willing in your next life, father will treat you well." Feng Hailong shouted.

Windbell covered her mouth, sobbing silently.

Feng Chun'er and Feng Qiu'er both held Feng Ling'er.

"Excuse me, interrupt your sad scene." Suddenly a sudden voice came.

Several people looked up at the top of their heads.

I saw a familiar man, flying in the sky with a cynical smile.

Ye Hao slowly fell on the ground and touched his head. He didn't expect that he was here at such a time, and he happened to encounter such a scene of parting.

Seeing to continue like this, the rhythm is a bit wrong.

He could only come forward and interrupt the occasion.

"Big Brother Ye!" Feng Ling'er saw Ye Hao and was stunned for a long time, and then directly plunged into Ye Hao's arms.

When Feng Chun'er and Feng Qiu'er saw Ye Hao, they burst into laughter.

Feng Hailong looked at Ye Hao who appeared suddenly, and hadn't recovered for a long time.

"A pretty big girl, she cries when she sees people. Just cry, don't wipe my nose on my clothes." Ye Hao teased.

"I hate it!" Feng Ling'er slapped Ye Hao's chest shyly, and walked out of Ye Hao's arms with some dismay

"Big Brother Ye, how did you come?" Feng Ling'er's worry at the moment has completely disappeared.

In her opinion, as long as Brother Ye is here, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

You should know that when we first met, Big Brother Ye was already a Saint-level powerhouse.

It is nothing to deal with a few legendary three-tailed rhinos with purple horns.

In this way, her father wouldn't have to do dangerous things.

"I just passed by here and felt your breath, so I wanted to drop by and say hello." Ye Hao said.

In fact, it was the reason why he felt that there were some powerful monsters here, and worried that Fengling and the others would be in danger, so Ye Hao took the time to come.

I just saw the parting scene of the father and daughter.

"That..." Fengling looked at the direction of the three-tailed rhino herd.

At this time of speaking, the three-tailed rhino herd has reached a distance visible to the naked eye, and the speed has increased a lot.

I don't know if I smelled the **** smell of their companion's death.

"It's okay, I can handle them when I come." Ye Hao raised his hand casually.

Twelve black circles appeared on Ye Hao's arm from small to large.

Hades 12 heavy artillery!


When it was shot, it showed a parabola in the air and landed directly in the group of three rhinos.

This shot alone directly obliterated seven or eight hundred three-tailed rhinos. At the place where it hit, there was only a scorched open space with three-tailed rhino corpses scattered on the clearing.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!" A purple-horned three-tailed rhino saw so many companions being hunted, and let out an angry roar, kicked its heels on the ground, and then launched a charge towards Ye Hao.

"It's just a legendary monster." Ye Hao dismissed it.

The legendary rank is only the seventh rank.

Ye Hao put his hand down a little angle, this time directly aimed at the purple-horned three-tailed rhino.

Hades 12 heavy artillery!


The black beam of light rushed out against the ground, forming a gully directly in front of Feng Ling'er and the others.

The first purple-horned three-tailed rhinoceros was directly swallowed by the black beam of light. In this way, the black beam of light had not stopped and rushed into the group of triangular rhinos.

After rushing for a few kilometers, it dissipated.

And this time, hundreds of three-tailed rhinos, including the purple-horned three-tailed rhino, were all accounted for.

Fenglinger and the others looked at Ye Hao with admiration, staring at them.

After so many months, their big brother Ye is still so handsome.

Ho Ho Ho!

At this moment, a loud roar broke out among the triangular rhino group, and a figure slightly smaller than the purple-horned three-tailed rhino flew into the air.

Its horns are golden, and there are three pairs of black wings on its back.

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