Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2475: Thirty-six circle

Chapter 2475 thirty-six magic circles


In the half month since the alliance was established, after several orders were issued, people of different races in various places began to migrate.

On the 12th day, all the elves moved to the designated destination.

On the 13th day, all human tribes moved to the designated destination.

On the 14th day, the giants, dwarves, and goblins moved to the designated destination.

On the 16th day, the orcs all moved to the designated locations.

In the past half month, the races originally located in various parts of Atlantis have all come to the most central part of Atlantis.

Although many races have gathered together, there is no overcrowding, but it is more crowded than before.

This will naturally cause some contradictions.

But every conflict, someone will come out to stop it the first time.

The large-scale contradiction, the two sides stopped as soon as the dragon came forward.

And every time the main person who caused the chaos would receive a very severe trigger, even if he was originally the city lord of a certain powerful city, or the strongest person.

Will accept the most severe punishment.

After all, the leader of the alliance, but the four largest organizations on Atlantis, four demigod powerhouses.

On the continent of Atlantis, no one can disobey their intentions.

Beyond that cliff.

The Elf Queen was standing outside the cave. She had been waiting here for half a month.

At first, she still let her clan guard here, but in the end she felt a little uneasy, so she took care of herself.

The elf queen looked up at the top of her head.

Three figures appeared in the field of vision.


Three people fell on the ground.

"Beast King, Torrent Sword Saint, Dragon King." The Elf Queen came to see the three people.

"Ye Gongzi hasn't taken care of it yet?" Torrent Sword Saint looked at the blocked entrance.

The elf queen shook her head: "Since Ye Gongzi entered it half a month ago, there has been no movement. During this time, our elf clan found more than 20 places similar to this grotto in various places in Atlantis."

"More than twenty places? If it takes him half a month for each place, three months is not enough." Beastmaster frowned.

"Can we see Young Master Ye, can we interrogate the progress?" Dragon King asked.

"No, Ye Gongzi specially ordered before that no one is allowed to enter the grotto during this time." said the elf queen.

"When is the time now, we are almost done here. The key is to send things, we must understand his progress.

And he alone, if you count us, he might be of any help. "The Beastmaster said, he couldn't help walking towards the entrance of the cave.

The few elves guarding the entrance of the cave immediately raised their bows and pointed them at the Beastmaster: "Please don't come close, we are instructed to hold your hands here. No one is allowed to enter unless the Ye Gongzi inside allows them."

"Hmph, do you think you guys can stop me?" The Beastmaster smiled disdainfully, and the half-god breath on his body made no secret of it.

"If you count me." The Elf Queen stood in front of the Beastmaster.

The Elf Queen raised her hand, and a staff appeared in her hand: "Ye Gongzi said, no one is allowed to enter during this time. And I promised him, as long as I stand here, I will not let any People disturb him.

If Lord Beastmaster is determined to go in and see Young Master Ye, then please defeat me first. "

"You..." The Beastmaster didn't expect the Elf Queen to stand in front of him.

Although both were demigods, he still had no idea in his heart to defeat the Elf Queen.

"Hey, you two hurry up to persuade this woman. We don't have much time to waste!" The Beast King wanted to pull his accomplices, and looked at the Torrent Sword Saint and Dragon King beside him.

Torrent Sword Saint and Dragon King looked at each other, and they didn't move.

"You don't want mother-in-law, when is this. We don't have time to waste!" The Beastmaster shouted anxiously.

Boom boom boom

At this moment, the whole earth began to shake.

"What's going on?" Several people looked at the shaking mountains around.

"It's not good, here is going to collapse. Hurry up." Dragon King exclaimed.

A crowd immediately left the cliff and flew to the top of the cliff.

And they saw an amazing scene, and a beam of light appeared under their feet.

And in the next few seconds, these light beams appeared one after another in various places on the Atlantis continent.

Five Ways

Ten Ways



However, some of these beams of light are shining and bright, and some are dim.

All those who saw these beams of light thought that these were simply miracles, and some even just knelt on the ground and began to worship.

"This...what the **** is going on?" Beastmaster couldn't believe it?

Just when everyone didn't understand, a figure walked out of the beam of light.

"Young Master Ye!" The Elf Queen exclaimed excitedly when she saw the person who appeared.

Ye Hao watched the four demigods appear in front of him without any surprise.

He also heard all the things they quarreled outside before.

"I have repaired this magic circle, and I found that it has a responsive function. So I spent a little time and let it activate all the magic circles."

Ye Hao looked around: "Those beams of light are the remains of the magic circle left by the ancestors of Atlantis. There are thirty-six in total.

Thirty on the outside and six on the inside. It was these magic circles that made Atlantis teleport here from the earth. And to ensure that Atlantis will not be destroyed during transmission. "

"Thirty-six?" The Beastmaster looked stern.

"Although the number is a bit large, I have already figured out these magic circles, and I only need half a month to repair all the magic circles." Ye Hao said lightly.

The Beastmaster looked happy.

The others were also relieved.

In this way, they will have enough time to leave here.

"However, it takes a lot of energy to activate these magic circles. It is difficult to maintain it by myself. The next time. You find a way to activate more people, hunt down those beasts, and accumulate magic crystals as much as possible.

At that time, we can use the magic crystal as energy to activate the magic circle. "Ye Hao said.

"We dragons have a lot of magic crystals. Our dragons have a hobby of collecting those golden things, but our dragons don't need to rely on such things for cultivation, so we have accumulated a lot of magic crystals." said the dragon king.

"We also have some Elves." The Elf Queen said.

Ye Hao nodded: "It's good to have nature, but the more the better. You know, when the earth is reached, there might not be such a good cultivation environment here.

And if you want to cultivate, you can only rely on magic crystals and accumulate more magic crystals to be prepared. "

"Okay, I'll tell my orc cubs to do it." The Beast King agreed without saying a word.

"I will also send someone to hunt the monsters." Torrent Sword Saint nodded.

After that, Ye Hao raised his hand, and his body began to transform into a clone.

Three Ye Hao appeared in front of everyone at the same time.

"Okay, I'll fix the magic circle." The three Ye Hao spoke, and then each flew in one direction.

The four people looked at the three Ye Hao, and they all took a breath. They felt that those clones actually had the same energy fluctuations on their bodies, which was too powerful.

But... this should be just an illusion, right?

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