Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2527: Seeds of Rebellion

Chapter 2527 the seed of rebellion

"Most of our clansmen are dead, but the arrogant demon left some clansmen who were young at the time of the incident. They were kept in captivity on an island.

Because at that time he discovered my outstanding talent, but how could I be willing to fight for someone who has harmed our race.

He said that if I was unwilling to fight for him and surrender to him, he would kill all the young children of our clan under his hands that had not been killed! "

Martina clenched her fists, her eyes were angry and murderous: "Those children are the seedlings of our family, and I can't bear to see them die.

So I can only accept this mark of humiliation, and from then on I have become Martina, one of his top ten demon generals. My talent did not let him down, with the help of some cultivation resources.

In just a hundred years, I upgraded from the eighth-order demon to the demon of the tenth-order lower main god. "

When Grandma Ye heard what Martina was telling, she touched Martina's face distressedly: "Child, you have suffered."

"It's okay, Aunt Sharon, I didn't expect you to be alive! And I just felt the blood of our family in that terrestrial man, but some faint." Martina asked curiously.

"When our family was attacked that year, my parents had to use a secret method to send me out of the demon plane. They knew that as long as I was still on the demon plane, I would not be able to escape the arrogant demon god.

I arrived on the Earth plane by coincidence, and met Ye Hao's grandfather there. Ye Hao was the kid just now, and he was my grandson. I combined with the earth species. "Grandma Ye explained.

Martina nodded clearly, and she couldn't help but worry: "Aunt Sharon, then how can you let him face the plague demon alone, I feel that his strength is only a high-level quasi-god, and the plague demon is inferior. Lord God.

Although the strength is not as good as mine, it is also very powerful! "

"Tina, don't worry. Your nephew's talent is not worse than yours. Although he may not be able to defeat the Plague Demon Lord, there is still no problem in protecting herself from the Plague Demon Lord." Grandma Ye said confidently. .

"Then what are you going to do now? Continue to fight the devil? Aunt Sharon, you should leave the earth with your family quickly.

The Demon Gods will definitely not let go of the Earth plane this time, the fall of the Earth plane is only a matter of time. "Martina looked at Grandma Ye and persuaded.

"Is it useful to escape? I used to escape from the demon plane to the earth plane, shall I continue to escape? According to the character of these demon gods, they will continue to fight until all planes are destroyed by their war!

But I think that before that, the demons will be brought into the abyss by them first! Do you see what the demon plane looks like now? Think of the land that was originally under the jurisdiction of our family.

At that time, everyone only needed to be happy and free for their own lives, but now they need to obey the orders of the demon **** and continue to conquer one plane after another.

I don’t know how many demons have left their family members and never returned to the rescue! If we don't overthrow the rule of the seven demon gods, they will destroy the demon plane sooner or later. "Grandma Ye said firmly.

Martina shook her head and said: "It's too difficult, it's impossible to do. The strength of the seven demon gods is the peak of the so-called plane.

Only the arrogant demon god, if it were not for his inability to descend on the earth plane, he only needs to snap his fingers and a thought to completely destroy the earth plane.

Those of us who are in front of him don't even need a round to be in a different place! "

"We can't do it now, but it doesn't mean we can't do it in the future. If we can't even think about it, how can we do it!

Tina, don't you want revenge! "Grandma Ye looked at Martina emotionally.

Martina raised her hand, her five fingers grasped the mark on her right face, and the five fingers were deeply inserted into it, and black blood flowed out.

"Why don't I? For so many years, I always don't want to kill that bastard. Every time I kneel in front of him, I have to endure my inner killing intent.

I'm really afraid that I can't help but do it one day. I am not afraid of my own death, but I don't want to be able to keep the last member of our family! "Martina gritted her teeth.

The wound on his face appeared, and he repaired itself quickly, only the black blood flowing out.

"So, we have to resist. Not only for our family, but also for our demons!" Grandma Ye said.

"But I am like this now, and I can't help much." Martina pointed to the mark on her face: "Because of this thing, although the arrogant demon cannot control me, I can't hurt him in the same way."

Grandma Ye shook her head: "We don't need you to do anything now, we still need to prepare a lot of things. You also need to continue to hide beside the arrogant demon, and sometimes we can do something through you.

Wait until the opportunity is ripe, we will give the arrogant demon one final blow! "

Martina hesitated for a while, and she said: "If there is such an opportunity, I am willing to help you. But before that, I have one condition. You must find a way to rescue our family.

I don't have such big ideals to protect the entire demons. I just want our people to live.

My parents, my brothers and sisters are all dead, I don't want to see them die again. "

See the look of Martina.

Grandma Ye knows very well that if it weren't for the survivors of these families, Martina would not be willing to be the minion of the arrogant demon god.

"Okay, I promise you." Grandma Ye nodded.

"Then what are we going to do now? That Ye Hao is still fighting with the plague demon...Hey, the plague demon hasn't really taken down that kid.

The law of space, the law of darkness, the law of soul, and several elemental powers. Aunt Sharon, your grandson's talent is really very strong. If you give him some time, he might really hope to stand at the height of the arrogant demon. "

Martina was also a little surprised when she saw Ye Hao show her ability.

"Hahaha, this kid is also our pride. Well, we can't remain silent, or you will arouse suspicion. As for your identity, at least you can't be exposed now.

You "fight" with me first. "Grandma Ye said.

"Actually, I can help, I can fix that plague demon." Martina said.

Grandma Ye shook her head: "This is too risky. Before you have full confidence, you reveal your identity. What if this guy escapes. So he still left it to us to solve.

You honestly act as your current top ten magic general Martina. "

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