Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2559: The man standing on the Golden Lion Square

Chapter 2559 the man standing on the Golden Lion Square

Ye Hao had no fear in the face of the terrifying ‘quick sand burial’ around him.

He spread his hands as if drawing a circle.

But there was a faint gas flowing through his palm.

Ye Hao has also further improved his strength to the seventh-tier level at this moment.

Faced with this move, if you don't use the seventh-order realm, it will take a little effort.

"Strange? Why does a protective cover appear around this guy? Quicksand burial has no effect on him?" A cultivator noticed some details.

Four or five seconds have passed.

Such a powerful quicksand burial, it stands to reason that the person should have been submerged and crushed by now.

But now Que was just surrounded by that person, and did not cause any substantial impact on that person.

"Level 7, he has only used the power of Level 7 until now!" Pharaoh Petra on the golden lion statue said in surprise.

This person is really crazy. He even hid his strength before entering. Even now, he probably hasn't used his full strength yet.

"Asshole, I don't believe it. Our group of people can't crush him!" Niluf gritted his teeth, and the desert coral in his hand is to strengthen the desert burial that has been displayed as much as possible.

"Everyone work harder, I guess this guy is just holding on." The other person shouted loudly.

The rest of the people are very bottomless at the moment, after all, the man's appearance doesn't seem to be strong at all.

But at this point, they have no turning back, they can only bite the bullet.

Almost every one of them has used far beyond usual strength!

Some people have played 120%, and some have directly played 150%!

The quicksand burial in the center of the Golden Lion Square has also been further upgraded. The sand that was originally like a small snake has turned into a huge snake python, hovering around Ye Hao, constantly launching raging attacks on Ye Hao.

As if wanting to tear the person in front of him to pieces.

But in spite of this, the man's hands with ghost symbols generally swing there, and it is difficult for a grain of sand around to enter his range.


Niluf heard something, he lowered his head and looked at the desert coral in his hand in amazement as a crack appeared in the desert coral.

Although the desert coral is indeed a one-time item, he heard from his father that it is a magical item that can be used for at least half an hour.

As a result, it took less than three minutes, and there was a crack.

That is to say, it's not that their attack is not strong, the desert coral alone is already overloaded here.

All this is because the man in the center is really too strong.

"Leveraging hard work, it's time to go back." Ye Hao opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

The weird behavior he is playing here is actually the most common Chinese gossip and five elements.

First mobilize the innate power to stabilize the peripheral attacks, and then restore all these powers.


Ye Hao yelled angrily, and all the sand dragons around him quickly dissipated, and all the sand flew out.

Don't underestimate these ordinary sands. At this moment, the power of these sands is no less than the bullet of an anti-tank sniper rifle.

"Defense, defense!"

The general in charge of the Golden Lion Plaza immediately shouted.

The soldiers in a circle immediately raised their shields and stood in front of the surrounding masses.

The crowds on the periphery could only hear the crackling, like the sound of steel collision.

Some soldiers were quickly knocked down, and the shields in their hands were even more pierced and beaten to pieces.

Fortunately, there were soldiers with replacements to resist, otherwise the masses behind would probably be unlucky.

This is only the injury suffered by the soldiers on the outermost periphery.

Those guys who were still besieging Ye Hao were the most unlucky.

Two people were directly pierced by the sand and fell into a pool of blood.

It is relatively good. People with intensive phobias may faint when they see it.

But they have at least a silver lining.

When this sand anti-killing ceased, there was only one person standing on the Golden Lion Square.

He hasn't moved from start to finish, and the clothes on his body are not even a trace of dirt.

The vicious one-eyed scorpion's right leg was directly broken, and a few holes were penetrated in his body. He collapsed on the ground, looking at the man in the distance with horrified eyes.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Niluf knelt on his knees, and he held a small golden shield with a broken side in his hand. This was one of his armors. If it were not for this armor, it is estimated that he would be better than the one-eyed scorpion who was seriously injured next to him. Much miserable.

The desert coral turned into a cloud of sand in front of him.

Niluf swallowed, and looked at the man with fear, who was this guy on earth.

Why is it so strong? In front of him, Niluf felt that he had no hope of victory.

Even the kind of temperament in him feels stronger than his father of the eighth-order pharaoh, making it impossible to look directly.

There was a strange silence around the Golden Lion Square.

But soon, there were shocking cheers.

They may not know Ye Hao at all before, but at this moment they are all convinced that this man is very strong.

In this world, the strong will be respected wherever they go.

[The optional task is completed, points +10. Total Points: 20】

Ye Hao's task was completed, and so far.

The task of staying in the sand lion kingdom had already passed for two hours.

"I abstained."

A badly injured cultivator shouted.

"I abstain!"

Along with the first person, the other injured people also abstained one by one.

In the end even the one-eyed scorpion and Niluf also abstained.

Because facing the man in front of them, they have no possibility of winning at all. If they continue to fight, their only possibility is death.

No one wants to die in vain.

"Okay, okay, okay! I'm going to make this man!" Princess Turing on the golden lion statue cheered.

Petra on the side also nodded in satisfaction.

Even if it was a victory at this moment, the man's face was not arrogant or impetuous.

With such a talent at a young age, this guy's future is absolutely limitless, even surpassing the current King to a certain extent!

Pharaoh Petra fell from the golden lion statue to suspended in midair a few meters above the ground. She raised her hands to signal the crowd to calm down.

After the surrounding was quiet, she opened her mouth and announced: "Okay. I now declare that the winner of this duel is this brave warrior, and he will be us..."

Before Pharaoh Petra finished speaking, she was surprised to find that Ye Hao turned around and walked outside the court.

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