Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2585: God's coldness

Chapter 2585 God's Coldness

Ten minutes passed.

Dick and Harper met on another part of the planet.

Dick and Harper looked at each other. Since they are both here, it has already explained the results of their search this time.

"Have you probed every place carefully?" Harper was also worried about whether Dick was careful, and confirmed again and again.

Dick patted his chest and said, "Harper, I want to kill that guy a thousand times, you don't know. How could I not be confident.

Coming along this way, whenever I encounter the sea, I dive directly to the bottom of the sea to search, and I turn over the snow and sand in the snow-capped mountains and deserts!

Where there are people, I use my spiritual knowledge to search the past one by one! Anyone who is suspicious, I will kill them directly with divine consciousness without saying a word.

Up to now, I have killed tens of thousands of people, but I haven't found that kid. "

Who could have imagined that this Lord Dick, in order to search for a person, would even kill believers who believed in him, just because of a trace of doubt in his heart.

Lord Harper didn't care, if they could catch that person, perhaps even if they sacrificed the entire planet, they wouldn't feel distressed.

"It shouldn't be. Could it be that that guy escaped from this planet?" Harper muttered, frowning.

"Then let's go after it. The kid is injured and he must not run far. In addition, there are several star fields around us who are also searching for us! We must be able to catch up." Dick couldn't wait to take off. , Fly to outer space.

Harper didn't speak, just followed Dick's back, but just as they flew over 10,000 meters and were about to enter outer space, his expression was uttered.

"Wait, there is another place we haven't searched!" Harper shouted suddenly.

"Where? We have circled this planet, how could there be anything missing!" Dick said in disbelief.

Harper stared at Dick.

Dick said suddenly, "The place where we fought before!"

Harper and Dick unanimously pursued them towards the other side of the planet, where they had fought before.

On the way, Dick still said uncertainly: “Where is that guy really going to be? When the previous battle ended, we did scan the area, and didn’t find the person’s trace, nor the strange space. The situation of hiding in different dimensions is ruled out."

"I'm not sure, but if he is still on this planet, that place is the most likely. Although we scanned that area at the time.

Even the three of us scanned it together, but don't forget that an explosion of that magnitude just happened there before, and it was filled with the power of the three of us. Maybe our divine consciousness scan was affected.

That guy is hiding under our eyes! You have to know that this person has brought us enough surprises, not to mention that this kid can escape under the eyes of Lord Horus! "The Lord Harper said in a deep voice.

"It makes sense, but if that's the case, this kid would be too courageous." Lord Dick looked vacantly, if it was exactly what Harper had guessed.

Not only was this guy amazing in talent and talent, but he was also very meticulous.

You must not stay here!

One minute later.

The two of them returned to the sky over that area.

Jennifer felt the breath of the two, walked out of the sandbags and flew into the air. Her face was still a little pale, but she had recovered.

"Why are you back? Didn't you find that guy?" Jennifer asked.

"We searched all other places on this planet, and we didn't find a trace of that person." Lord Harper said.

Jennifer frowned: "No, he shouldn't be able to escape too far in that situation..."

"Wait... Could it be that you are back. I suspect that he is still here!" Jennifer is indeed a thoughtful woman. She quickly guessed the reason for their return, and her expression became very serious.

At the same time, beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

If that guy is really still here, he healed here just now, if he attacks him...

Goddess Jennifer couldn't help but feel cold on her back. If that's the case, she would really be terrified of thinking.

"There is a kingdom over there with a large population. He might hide there!" Lord Dick pointed to the sand lion kingdom over there.

"Let's go and see, the range here, we searched it bit by bit!" Lord Harper said with a serious face.

"I'm almost recovered, I will help you too." Jennifer said.

The three immediately began to search from the Sand Lion Kingdom.

Jennifer's search method is a bit better, while Harper and Dick are quite straightforward. Anyone they suspect will release an attack without hesitation.

If that person is killed, it proves not the person they were looking for.

After all, even if the person is injured, they cannot easily be killed.

For the people of the Sand Lion Kingdom, this is simply a nightmare, after all, they are not an enemy of the lower Lord God at all.

They don't know why the gods they worshipped, why they suddenly murdered among them.

At this time, it is unfortunate that Lord Harper is eyeing King Bifitu.

Because in this person, there is Ye Hao's breath.

"Master Harper, I am the king of this country. I have always believed in you, and I admire your father, the great wind god..." King Bifitu's words have not yet fallen.

His body was cut into three segments by the invisible wind blade, and fell on a pool of blood.

"No." Lord Harper didn't care about the exclamation around this person, and continued his search.

Two minutes later, after the Sand Lion Kingdom paid thousands of lives, the three main gods left here.

But experts like Pharaoh Petra did not dare to act rashly.

Didn't you see that even King Bifitu was easily obliterated by the Lord God.

And it just killed a few civilians.

These civilians are nothing compared to their own lives.

Seeing the three main gods leave, most people were relieved.

"Father, Father!" At this time, Princess Turing looked at her father who was lying in a pool of blood in a panic. She herself did not dare to step forward because her father's broken body was really terrifying.

She can only ask for help from others. She pointed to Petra next to her: "Petra, what are you doing in a daze. Hurry up and call someone to help my father!"

Pharaoh Petra looked at Princess Turing like a fool.

"Drag this idiot to me and leave it to your disposal." Petra Pharaoh indifferently issued an order to the kingdom guard next to him.

The soldiers froze for a moment, and soon reacted.

King Bifitu died, the four great pharaohs, Pharaoh Dill, died soon, Tutankhamun and several other pharaohs were seriously injured, and their strength was not as good as before.

The strongest here now is Pharaoh Petra.

After this battle, the order of the Sand Lion Kingdom is about to be reset!

"You...Don't come here, what are you doing! Petra, are you crazy? Hurry up and let them stop... You dirty people, don't touch me!

You...don't...don't come...don't! "

Princess Turing was dragged away by a group of soldiers. At first, her voice was still angry and insulting, but in the end there was only a panic begging for mercy...

Princess Turing is in this kingdom, and most people hate her. The most important reason is that she has brought this disaster to their kingdom.

These people have a chance, and of course they won't let her go easily. What awaits this former princess will be a terrifying memory.

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