Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2589: twenty minutes! ...Two minutes?

"Oh my God, did he realize the power of the ice law in this battle?" Lord Dick was dumbfounded by this situation.

When is it such a light thing to comprehend the power of the law from the power of the elements.

Where did this monster come from!

Ye Hao stared at the two men who attacked him with black eyes. At this moment, he has no sense at all. He just fights instinctively and vents his inner desire to fight.

He raised his hands, and Black Ice condensed in his hands, ready to attack the two.

"Jennifer!" Lord Harper shouted.

"All right!"

Jennifer raised her artifact staff high, several iron chains sprang out from the desert, supporting Ye Hao and directly entangled Ye Hao's limbs.

At the same time, circles of sand wrapped around Ye Hao.

"Good opportunity!" Lord Dick immediately prepared to counterattack.

"Wait, that is the sealing circle that I prepared separately. If you attack from the outside circle, you will be broken!" Jennifer hurriedly stopped.

"Then are we just looking at it?" Lord Dick was a little unwilling.

"Do you still want to stand up against him?" Harper casts Dick a roll of eyes, and then interrogates Jennifer: "How long can you trap him?"

Jennifer panted and looked at Ye Hao, who was trapped by her sand chains and seals vigilantly: "This is my best sand dune chain seal technique. It is not a problem to lock the lower master god.

Just in case, I also specially arranged three circles of sand and dust enchantment outside! And there is a connection magic circle, if he wants to use his own power to break the sand chain.

That power will be guided to the dust enchantment outside, and the power to break the formation will be greatly weakened. With this series of things, it can trap him for at least twenty minutes.

However, we also cannot launch an attack in the same way, otherwise we will help him break through the circle without waiting for him to break the formation. This is the most perfect way I can do it. "

Lord Harper nodded with satisfaction: "This is already good. He should not be able to maintain this state for more than 20 minutes. When the time comes, the power backlash, or other situations, we can all face."

With that said, Lord Harper took out a scroll, and then tore the scroll.

When this scroll was torn apart, the gods in other star areas were searching for Ye Hao's whereabouts. The scrolls in their hands received this information one after another, and they began to rush towards the star area addresses sent.

"And our current message has been sent out. The person closest to us will probably arrive within half an hour." Lord Harper said.

At this moment, Lord Dick and Goddess Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief.

Lord Dick took the time to say: "If this guy is really the heart of the ancient demon god, what does Lord Horus want this thing for? Wouldn't he want..."

Both Lord Harper and Goddess Jennifer glared at Dick.

"Dick, no matter what Master Horus wants to do, it is Master Horus's own choice. We only need to perform our tasks well. Lower gods like us have no right to speculate about the thoughts of the upper gods." Lord Harper said solemnly.

"But... this thing is clearly classified as an evil thing among the various races. According to the rules... this thing has been discovered and must be destroyed.

If this is to let other gods know that our gods have such a thing. "Lord Dick said worriedly.

"Huh, something evil? Do you think there are no contraband in the treasure house of those guys? Maybe there are some people who are hiding the corpses of the demons for research, or they are storing some magical tools and props of the demon plane. Even the exercises.

These are explicitly prohibited, but as long as they are not discovered by others, there is no problem. "Goddess Jennifer said with a chuckle.

"Jennifer is right, so this time Horus has found us who are confidants. Remember, no one is allowed to tell the news that he has the heart of the ancient demon.

Even if reinforcements come later, as long as they don't take the initiative to find out, we can't say, it's best to pretend that you don't know anything in front of Lord Horus.

Sometimes, the less you know, the better.

As for what Master Horus wants to do with this thing, we don't need to think too much. If this thing...can create the second **** king of our Egyptian **** system, then..." Lord Harper stopped here and didn't go on.

Lord Dick and Goddess Jennifer also knew what Lord Harper wanted to say.

If Lord Horus can rely on this thing, step into the God King level.

That is a very good thing for them and for the Egyptian gods.

That means they have hope to return to the ranks of first-class gods.

Don't think that the difference between the first-class **** system and the second-rate **** system is only one level, the difference in cultivation resources between the two is at least ten times the difference!

This is why the Egyptian **** system has weakened so much during this period.

Some people might think this is unfair.


Are you going to tell those gods who stand at the top of the pyramid unfair?

The next day, your **** system may be caught in the flames of war.

The rules are formulated by these gods, and those weak gods can only develop within these rules, or they are...destroy.


Suddenly, the sand chain that blocked Ye Hao began to be eroded by black step by step.

"Jennifer, didn't you say it could be sealed for 20 minutes. This hasn't even come for two minutes!" Lord Dick swallowed, if it weren't for his face, he would have turned around and ran away.

"According to his strength positioning before, it was indeed possible to block for 20 minutes. Wait... his strength is still rising rapidly!" Jennifer's eyes glowed, detecting Ye Hao's strength.

Because Ye Hao lost his reason, he did not hide his strength aura at all.

"Oh my God, this has directly promoted his strength to the lower Lord God! The position I gave him before is just the pinnacle of the quasi God!" Jennifer said in horror.

"Quick retreat!" The Lord Harper was reluctant to think about it at this moment, and flew into the sky without saying a word. Jennifer and Lord Dick followed closely behind.

That monster is really terrifying. If it's another night, I guess they will be finished...


The blockade on the ground burst.

Around Ye Hao's body was a large piece of black energy, like a scene of hell, and he was a demon that came out of hell.

The black gas has enveloped Ye Hao's face, as if he was wearing a black mask, although not as hideous as a demon.

But there is no expression, no fluctuation, that feeling is even more frightening than the hideous demon.

Ye Hao raised his head, and at the same time he raised his hand.

"Pluto Twelve Heavy Cannons!"

Twelve black circles with terrifying shapes appeared on top of Ye Hao's head, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves was heard.

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