Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2611: Heaven, Earth and God Monument

After Ye Hao and the others passed through the aperture, they were teleported to an unknown place, the surrounding temperature was very high, a bit similar to the high temperature climate, and the volcanic crater could be seen in the distance.

Because Ye Hao imposed a bit of positioning on several people, they were quickly found.

"Is this the ruins of heaven and earth? It feels no different from the ordinary world." Daniel looked around and muttered: "This environment is a bit similar to our lava **** system."

Huo Ling said next to him: "This is because of good luck. It is said that the remains of heaven and earth are an inexplicable area. There are many wonderful things hidden here. No one really knows the vastness of the earth and the height of the sky.

Everyone knows that the closer you are to the monument of heaven and earth, the more opportunities you have! And in this world, you can see the miraculous climate that may appear on any plane. "

"Heaven, Earth and God monument, I'm talking about the one on the other side. Why look so close?" Zheng Yan pointed in a direction, and there was a golden monument floating in midair over there.

Huo Ling shook his head and said, "That's just the phantom of the Heaven and Earth God Tablet, and the general direction.

No matter where you are in this world, you can see this phantom, as if you are guiding everyone to find it.

It is said that the heaven and earth **** stele contains the origin of the law of heaven and earth, and those who can see the **** stele of heaven and earth may have the opportunity to understand the law of heaven and earth.

But so far, no one can understand the laws of heaven and earth. "

The law of heaven and earth, this is the first word Ye Hao has heard the most.

The name is simple and easy to understand.

But this law is the first law well deserved!

If it is the law of time, you can travel through time and adjust time.

The law of space can travel through space and even create space.

But these are nothing, and the law of heaven and earth can create the world!

It may not have any powerful fighting ability, but its creation ability alone is enough to establish its position as the first law.

In the billions of years of records of the gods and worlds, only one person knows the laws of heaven and earth.

That was the legendary creator **** in the Chaos Age of the Gods!

There are even rumors that all planes, including the earth plane, and the demon plane were actually created by the mysterious creation god.

But no one has really seen the God of Creation. Some say that he is dead, and some say that he has merged with the world he created.

All in all, there are various theories.

Ye Hao is also very interested in this law of heaven and earth, but he doesn't think he is talented and intelligent enough to realize the law of the day and earth.

After all, this is the first rule!

"Well, don't talk about it yet. We have to leave here first." Ye Hao said aloud.

"Leaving? Why?" Yanba looked at Ye Hao in confusion.

"You have forgotten who we came from." Ye Hao rolled his eyes.

Yes, they came in with the quota of the Star Sky God System.

Although I don't know whether people from the Star Sky God System will attack them when they see them here.

But to be on the safe side, it is better not to meet them.

Ye Hao led a group of people and began to fumble towards the direction of the Heaven and Earth God Monument.

Of course their goal is not the monument of heaven and earth.

But because the closer you are to the monument of heaven and earth, the better opportunities await them.

"Sister Huo Ling, how long will this world ruins be opened?" Huang'er asked curiously.

"I don't know. Some people say that the flow of time inside is different from that of the outside world. There are several relics of heaven and earth in history. I remember one day short and half a month long.

But no matter how long we stay here, the actual elapsed time outside is only nine hours. "Huo Ling has a lot of knowledge for the ruins of heaven and earth this time.

"Half a month? It will take so long." Huang'er was a little surprised.

Huo Ling smiled and patted Huang'er: "You, if we can really stay here for half a month, that would be great. You see how strong the law is here.

At that time, it is said that people who stayed here for more than half a month gave birth to two high-ranking gods, dozens of middle-ranking gods, and hundreds of quasi-gods within a short time after going out!

Almost anyone who is alive will advance to at least one level.

These are still second, some people have even realized the new elemental power, or upgraded the original elemental power to the power of law! "

Huang'er said excitedly: "That is to say, we also have the opportunity to promote our elemental power to the power of law!"

The difference between laws and elements is not a little bit.

The law is like the vast ocean, and the elements are just rivers.

No matter how wide the river is, no matter how vast it is, it will still be a river after all.

"These depend on our respective opportunities. I hope we can meet the elemental creatures." Huo Ling looked around with some expectation.

"Elemental? What is that?" Zheng Yan was taken aback.

Huo Ling rolled his eyes and glared at these people: "You were so excited when you knew the ruins of the heavens and the earth. You don't know the news at all if you dare to be emotional."

Several people looked at Huo Ling with a smile.

Huo Ling sighed: "Elemental creatures are unique creatures in the relics of heaven and earth. They are creatures that are completely transformed with elemental power. If they can be absorbed after being severely wounded, they can increase their elemental power.

This is why the ruins of heaven and earth are a treasure for the gods. Outside, it will take thousands of years for the power of the elements to improve.

Here, it only takes tens of minutes.

What's more, if you can hunt and kill the law creatures, then you can take a shortcut and enlighten the law! "

Ye Hao heard what Huo Ling said, he also knew a little, but he was not too interested in them.

After all, his system will naturally improve his ability.

However, if there are ruled creatures, then Ye Hao would not recommend hunting one or two and improving his abilities in advance.


Suddenly, a red phantom appeared on the rock in front, and then sneaked down.

"Be careful, it's an elemental creature of a high-level quasi-god." Ye Hao reminded.

Hearing it was an elemental creature, the eyes of several people stared out.

But then they heard that it was a high-level quasi-god, which made them a little nervous.

After all, the strongest fire spirit among them is nothing more than an intermediate quasi-god.

This made Huo Ling and others couldn't help but look at Ye Hao.

"That... Ye Gongzi, let's hunt this elemental creature together. The elemental power we get is divided according to the strength. You get 50%, and the remaining 50% is divided into five people. What do you think." Huo Ling said .

She had guessed that Ye Hao was a high-rank quasi-god before, and she had taken them to brave the Star Sky God System before, which undoubtedly affirmed his strength.

Don't even think that this is only a difference of the first level, they are willing to pay such a large share, this level is enough to destroy their group.

"I'm not interested in the power of the elements." Ye Hao's words made them feel ashamed: "But I can hunt this one for you."

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