Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2627: A chance encounter with an "old friend"


Ye Hao quickly left the battlefield and continued to move in the direction of the Heaven and Earth God Monument.

"That woman is really not calm at all. I told her the news that I can resurrect the angel's heart. She still doesn't believe it." Ye Hao said as he hurried to the road.


Suddenly, the sound of Long Yin came from behind him. Although there was some distance, Ye Hao could still feel the coldness of his back.

Shouldn't it?

Ye Hao turned his head abruptly, he saw Ru Qi's ten-winged angel flying in his direction.

Her golden eyes stared at Ye Hao, as if telling Ye Hao.

Want to escape?

no way!

Just now, I finally had the opportunity to take a break and slow down a bit, which made Ye Hao nervous again.

He didn't hesitate to enter the blood wolf state, the wings behind him stirred up, and the wind element moved extremely fast.

"I got this monster out, and I want to go!" How could Ru Qi make this **** feel better.

This guy released this monster and caused himself to suffer. He was nearly seriously injured just now.

He also wanted to escape without paying attention, how could Ru Qi let his wishful thinking succeed.

In addition, Ru Qi also knew that he was not the opponent of this evil dragon, and immediately chased in the direction of Ye Hao's escape.

Although Ye Hao had already raised his speed to the limit.

However, the speed of the upper main **** is quite amazing.

What's more, there are still a family of angels with five pairs of wings.

At the same time, Ru Qi was a little surprised at the speed of this man.

That kind of posture that has never been seen before, while still controlling the power of the wind element.

Only the strength of the lower main god, but that speed is a level that is difficult for the middle main **** to achieve.

"Is this guy really just a terrestrial species? How could the terrestrial species possess such strength? Could it be said that what happened to the earth plane?

This matter must be notified to Lord Twelve Wing Angel. "Ru Qi thought to herself.


The three evil dragons chasing Ru Qi and Ye Hao are still faster than them, but after this guy catches up to a certain distance, he can't help but attack once.

This attack caused its speed to slow down again, but its attack also brought a lot of trouble to the victim.

The attacked person is the slowest one, the closest to the three evil dragons.

"Damn, I can't let her catch up. Although I have teleported this hole card, if I use it too much, it will consume too much!" Ye Hao looked at Ru Qi, who was almost parallel to him at this moment.

Ru Qi did not attack Ye Hao at this time.

She is not a fool. She knew Ye Hao was not a simple lower **** in the previous battle with Ye Hao.

If you want to release an attack that can cause damage to Ye Hao, it will definitely affect the current speed. Ru Qi really wants to kill the man who killed his sister.

But it has not yet reached the point where he can be buried.

However, the current situation does not require her to act on her own.

She only needs to let herself catch up with Ye Hao, let Ye Hao fall behind and be attacked by the three evil dragons, and take advantage of the fisherman's profit.

Ye Hao also knew about this matter.

"Xiao Cui, lend me a little bit of your strength!" Ye Hao gritted his teeth and said.

"it is good!"

Xiao Cui also knew that Ye Hao was in a dangerous moment. If she hadn't recovered from her injuries, she really wanted to come out and become a dragon and escape with Ye Hao.

Ye Hao felt Long Li flooding his body.

After the previous few borrowings, Ye Hao's body has become accustomed to this power.

The wings behind Ye Hao began to change, becoming even bigger, originally like ordinary wings, but now they look like dragon wings.

Ye Hao fluttered his wings, and his speed rose to a level again at this moment, with a momentum that faintly surpassed Ru Qi.

"Is he still able to increase speed?" Ru Qi was a little surprised. Although her current speed has not reached the limit, the ordinary middle-ranked main **** can never catch up.

Is this guy really just the lower god?

At this moment, Ru Qi didn't have time to think about it, because the three evil dragons behind him attacked again.

Ru Qi's thoughts moved, and **** of light were behind her, forming a light curtain.

This is very similar to the scenario where a fighter jet is locked by an enemy missile and a jamming bomb is dropped.

This also succeeded in resisting this wave of attacks by the three evil dragons for Ru Qi again.

Boom boom boom

The explosion sounded in the air, and Ru Qi rushed out of the smoke.

"Can't follow this guy anymore!" Ru Qi's heart was straightened. This time she no longer hides her strength. The angelic elemental power fills her five pairs of wings.

The five pairs of pure white wings exude dazzling light, which traverses two arcs in the air like stars.

Ye Hao could feel the scene where the dazzling light surpassed him.

In this regard, Ye Hao could only feel powerless.

After all, he was only the lower main god, and the gap with the upper main **** was still obvious, and he could not be surpassed by a bunch of small means.

"Damn, you have to think of a way. Otherwise, if you are caught up by the big guy behind, you will be completely over! I don't have the ability to contend with the ten-winged angel." Ye Hao cried out inwardly.

Ru Qi, who surpassed Ye Hao, was delighted.

This sly guy will soon pay the price he has done.

Although he didn't do it by himself, as long as he died, then his sister's heroic spirit would be at rest.

"Lord, look! There are angels over there!"

"I saw it! The back happened to be the earth species you wanted for a reward before, my lord!"

"It's really effortless, this guy is flying towards us!"

"But that ten-winged angel seems to have something to do with that guy. It's a bit troublesome to **** someone from the angel race."

A group of Egyptian gods appeared on the top of the mountain in the distance. They were cleaning the battlefield. Just now they hunted down a creature of the rule of the lower main god.

Horus raised his head and looked intently at the angel that was approaching, the **** earth species that was already behind him.

Horus took out his staff, and said in a deep voice, "What about the Angel Race? I'm going to decide on this person. Today, no matter what, this person will be left to me!"

This is an opportunity to enter the Divine King level, how could Horus let it go.

Even if it is to **** people from the angels.

But Horus didn't care about this, because depending on the situation, there was only an angel family, a ten-winged angel.

"Angel Ruqi, Horus wants this person! I don't want to have **** with your angel family. If you are willing to give up and leave now, I, Horus, will thank you again in the future!"

Horus floated on Ruqi's only way, speaking very official words.

Although the battle is ready in my heart, the process still needs to go.

At this time, an amazing scene appeared, and Ru Qi didn't care about Horus and others.

Instead, it left an arc of light directly in the air, bypassing Horus and the others, and continued to fly rapidly toward the front.

Several black question marks appeared on Horus and others


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