Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2630: Ancient tree

Twenty minutes later.

Ru Qi, who was on the move, suddenly raised her head and looked in one direction. She was about to increase her speed to the fastest speed and galloped in that direction.

Five minutes later.

Ru Qi stopped, her beautiful face frowned again.

"What the **** is going on, I just noticed the angelic seal on him. Why is it missing now?" Ru Qi said to herself.

Just five minutes later, Ru Qi noticed that the angel's divine seal that had disappeared appeared again, and Ru Qi chased after him without saying a word.

But it did not get the desired result.

This happened several times afterwards.

Ru Qi frowned and looked at her surroundings: "It was all twenty minutes after disappearing, and then suddenly appeared for five minutes. It seems that he has some means to avoid my tracking for twenty minutes.

But this method cannot be used for a long time, there will be a five-minute interval in between. "

After these few things, Ru Qi has made an accurate judgment.

Then Ru Qi looked in the direction of the heaven and earth **** monument, her previous hunch was correct.

These few times, no matter how the guy moved, he was as close to the monument as possible.

Ru Qi continued to move in the direction of the heaven and earth monument without saying a word.

As long as you get closer to the monument of heaven and earth, the greater your chance of finding that guy!


"It's dangerous, I was almost spotted by that woman just now." Ye Hao breathed a sigh of relief under a hillside.

The speed of the woman was too fast, she hid it in time just now, based on her breath perception.

At that time, the distance between the angel woman and him would never exceed five kilometers.

It can be said to be under the nose.

"Next, I really have to take a risk. The closer I get to the Heaven and Earth Monument, the greater my danger." Ye Hao muttered.


It was six hours after the heaven and earth ruins opened.

For the third time, Ye Hao used the simplified version of the original world stone in his hand.

After using this time, the light of the original stone of heaven and earth was only a quarter of the original.

If there is no wrong estimate, it can only be used twice, or even once.

"I'm sure, it's in that range!" Ye Hao's eyes lit up.

This time he got a very clear response, and there was more than one.

The most obvious response was naturally the one that Ye Hao had sensed before. Because of the distance, Ye Hao could already pinpoint it to within a hundred kilometers.

Besides, Ye Hao also felt another faint aura this time, it was in the direction behind the Heaven and Earth God Monument, a little farther away.

Ye Hao remembered this general direction first, and now he has to find the heaven and earth rough stone with a clear location.

Ye Hao speeded up and galloped straight in that direction.

Half an hour later, Ye Hao rushed to the place after evading Ru Qi's pursuit in a dangerous and dangerous way.

But what I didn't expect was that he had already been listed first.

Ye Hao crawled on the distant hillside, hiding his figure.

There is a lake below, an island in the middle of the lake, and a small tree on the island.

There are a few black stones on the small tree, like the fruit of the tree.

And the surrounding lake is a wave of ripples, wrapping the entire island in the center.

Outside the ripples, there is a group of people wearing light blue clothes.

Star Sky God System!

Ye Hao also saw that the two high-ranking gods who had recognized their faces were also outside the Tiandi Ruins.

"Why are they here!" Ye Hao cursed secretly in his heart.

It seemed that they also realized that the tree should have something to do with the original stone of heaven and earth, but they didn't know why they didn't enter.

It is mostly related to the ripples.

"The original stone of heaven and earth should be the stone above the small trees, but I don't know why there is no fluctuation." Ye Hao observed the situation in front of him.

In any case, this situation is really a bit bad.

For the group of Star Sky Gods in front of them, let alone the two upper master gods.

There are only five middle main gods, twelve lower main gods, and more than 20 quasi gods.

This is also the powerful advantage of the first-class gods, and in this kind of relic opportunity, they can often put more power into it.

Ye Hao alone, no matter how high Ye Hao has the means, it is impossible to seize the original stone in front of such a strong lineup.

At this time, Ye Hao heard the voice of conversation from over there.

"Don't touch it anymore. Didn't Master Zhuo Xing just say that this is the self-protection barrier of the ancient tree of heaven and earth. Now the original stone of heaven and earth is not mature yet, if it is forced to open, the original stone of heaven and earth will also disappear. ."

"I just want to touch it."

"Hehe, see if it's useful. I just clicked it. There are only four fruits. No matter how round it is, it's impossible to get our turn. By then, it would be good to absorb a little energy from the ancient trees of heaven and earth."

"But how long will it take? We have all been waiting here for more than an hour. With this time, I might go hunting for an elemental creature."

"I don't know, Master Zhuo Xing seems to have said just now, maybe it will be mature in about an hour."

Listen to the information.

Ye Hao roughly got the basic news that the ancient tree of heaven and earth that gave birth to the original stone of heaven and earth has not yet fully matured, so now the people of the Star Sky God System can only wait here.

In order to prevent interference by others, their gang dare not leave here.

If I dare not get all the original stones from the heavens and the earth, this kind of effort is understandable.

"I need to find a way to create a little chaos for the Star Sky God Element, otherwise I won't be able to grab the original stone of the heaven and earth!" Ye Hao made a decision in his heart.

Subsequently, Ye Hao created more than ten clones, all of which rushed in all directions.

These clones will bring a lot of trouble to the Star Sky God System.


A battlefield is hunting elemental creatures.

The avatar Ye Hao was right here, he looked contemptuously at the person who was looking at him with a guard.

"Don't look at me, I'm not interested in your elemental creatures. Lao Tzu is going to find the original stone of heaven and earth. I didn't expect that there will be ancient trees of heaven and earth there. If you can get the original stone of heaven and earth, I will be able to step into the **** king level. !"

After speaking, the avatar Ye Hao left.

Leave a bunch of stunned people.

"What did the kid say? The original stone of heaven and earth?"

"Is he lying to us? Even if he finds the original stone of heaven and earth, he should keep it secret."

"It is possible that his behavior just now was too weird."

One of the middle-ranked main gods of this **** system said with his eyes lighted: "No matter if he lied or not, I have to check it out. If I can get a rough stone of heaven and earth, it is a supreme opportunity!"

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