Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2632: A fierce battle

"Akastar, step back." A female voice came from behind Akastar.

Chi Xing turned his head, saw the person coming, bowed his head respectfully: "Master Luo Hui."

This is the other high-ranking main **** of the Star Sky God System this time.

A genius girl in the Star Sky God System for nearly ten thousand years.

Luo Hui was dressed in a star battle dress, with a cold and elegant face, which really felt like a star.

If Ye Hao were here, he would definitely say that this girl is a bit like Xingqiong.

"Since you guys want to pass, then our Star Sky Divine System won't stop me." Luo Hui generously let go, taking her Star Sky Divine System back without looking back.

A bunch of second-rate gods were left behind.

In a few seconds of silence, these second-rate gods immediately rushed towards the direction of the return of the star firmament gods.

"Cut, a bunch of clowns." Ares curled his lips in disdain, and looked at the dignified goddess Athena next to him: "Why let these second-rate gods be with us.

Although we don't necessarily have to fight with the Star Sky God System, we can block these second-rate God System outside. "

Athena walked forward slowly: "Our Olympus **** system is very strong, but you must also be aware that excessive complacency and suppression will become a prelude to the deity.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, I think you should have heard of the encounter with the Inca gods. "

Ares didn't speak, but the disdain in his eyes still couldn't hide.

Athena knew the mentality of her fellow robe, and she sighed: "The Inca God System was once a first-class God System, and it has a higher status than the current Star Sky God System. At its peak, it even had three God King Realm powerhouses during the same period.

But when the history of the Inca gods reached the middle and late stages, their management system changed. They treated other gods, most notably weaker than their own gods, and showed no face.

For example, because of a childhood, some things that did not flow into the gods were destroyed, and it often happened.

They were holding the mentality of being a first-class **** system, and they were confident.

But when they never expected, their behavior eventually angered some weak gods of the gods.

Those weak gods began to continuously attack the Inca gods in private.

Although the Inca gods are strong, can it be comparable to ten, one hundred, or one thousand gods? "

"Well, I know what happened at that time. Isn't it the fact that the two **** kings of the Inca Gods were attacked separately when they were traveling, in just 10,000 years.

Two **** kings fell one after another, thousands of master god-level powerhouses, and then were given the opportunity to take advantage of the first-class god-level position by the necromantic gods at that time.

After that, it was suppressed by most of the gods.

In less than 100 million years, did you slip from the second-rate **** system to the fourth-rate **** system? Until then, their leaders at the time had to apologize for their history.

He also changed the name of his **** system to survive.

I understand all these truths. I just said something casually. "Aris threw a cold eye at Athena: "You, the goddess of wisdom, are so good, you just like to reason." That's why I don't want to come out with you on missions. "

Athena smiled slightly: "Yes, if it's Hestia or Diana, and Venus. It's better than me."

The goddesses mentioned by Athena are all famous goddesses among Olympus.

Aris was sure of this statement in his heart, but in front of Athena, how could it be possible to say it.

He just smirked and turned off the topic: "Okay, let's go and see some ancient trees. I hope we can have a good fight. Zhuo Xing of the Star Sky Divine System, I look quite upset."

Athena watched Ares walk ahead.

In fact, she didn't say a few words about that matter just now.

Although this matter, Athena on the surface tolerantly gave other weak people a chance.

But in fact, Athena didn't think they could take away the original stone from under her hands.

Except for the first-rate gods, and the best of the second-rate gods, she didn't pay attention to anyone at all.

So instead of making these weak gods hostile, it's better to show them their magnanimity.


Because of the lifting of the blockade of the Star Sky God System, coupled with the credit of Ye Hao clone.

Over the next period of time, more and more people gathered here.

The five first-class gods, except for the Necrotic Gods and the Immortal Buddha Gods, basically all people from other gods came.

"Master Zhuo Xing, there are too many people here. Judging from this number, at least one-fifth of the people who have entered the remains of heaven and earth." Chi Xing said in a low voice.

Zhuo Xing folded his hands on his chest and frowned: "It seems that someone just revealed the news that we found ancient trees in the world here."

"This shouldn't be right. We searched this area before and made sure that there is no one else here. How could there be someone who could lower our eyelids, enter here, and then pass the news?" Chi Xing clenched his fists.

"The guys in charge of vigilance, you must punish them well after you go back!"

"Okay, don't talk about it here. Anyway, it's already the case, and what we need to consider now is how to maximize our interests.

There are only four original stones of heaven and earth, it is impossible for us to take all of them now. Fortunately, the people of the Necromancer and the Immortal Buddha have not yet appeared.

Our temporary opponents are only those angels and Olympus people. "Zhu Xing glanced at the other two first-class gods.

Luo Hui on the side folded his arms and said lightly: "With our strength, it is no problem to win a world of rough stone without accident.

But what we have to do is to maximize the benefits, that is, we must ensure that, in the case of winning a rough heaven and earth, we must try to win the second one.

I think those two gods must also think so. "

Zhuo Xing nodded, three first-class gods, and when the time comes mature, each **** can grab one, and the remaining one must be the focus of everyone's fight.

"Heaven and Earth rough stones cannot be put into storage props. If they are snatched, they must also be prevented from being stolen by others, and a part of the strength must be left to protect those who hold the heaven and earth rough stones." Luo Hui reminded.

Zhuo Xing didn't care too much about this. In his opinion, as long as he could grab a hand, except for the people of the three first-class gods, basically no one would dare to grab something from them.

"How to grab the second one?" Zhuo Xing frowned, muttering constantly there.

It is necessary to grab one, if you can grab the second, it is definitely a profit.

After all, a rough stone of heaven and earth has the probability to create a **** king realm, if the Star Sky Divine System has two more powerful **** king realms.

The Star Sky God Element can change its recent decadence, rise again, and closely follow other God Elements.

As for what Egyptian gods are, they are not their opponents at all.

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