Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2659: Arrived in the Dabao God System

"Ru Qi, I know what you are thinking. You can't go this time. You have just come out of the ruins of heaven and earth, and the law creatures and elemental creatures you got in the ruins of heaven and earth are still not completely absorbed in your body.

If you swallow the rough stone of heaven and earth at this time, the effect will be very good. Maybe you can step into the **** king level in a very short time, don't you want to become the fourth angel king in the angel **** system now? "Sila Angel King looked at Ru Qi and said.

Ru Qi bit her lip.

"As for our three angel kings, Celia Angel King will soon have an appointment with others, so now we must ensure that we maintain the best condition.

The Angel King Rowling needs to investigate what you reported about the invasion of the Earth's plane by the Demon Plane. The threat is not small, so he can't get out of it for the time being.

As for me, I and several other high-ranking master gods are currently working together to build a god-killing weapon. As you know, this is a critical moment, and I can't get out of it. "Sila Angel King said.

Ru Qi nodded, she knew some of these things.

"But what you said is true, so be it. I sent Tier to go with Yao." Cecilia made the final decision.

Although Ru Qi was still a little worried, this was by far the biggest force that the Angel Race could mobilize.

Regardless of the fact that the Angel Race is a first-class god, it is also known as one of the strongest fighting races.

But because the number of angels is decreasing year by year.

As a result, many places and battlefields require angels to be stationed, and there is really not much manpower to deploy.

The Tier mentioned by the Angel King Cecilia is also a high-ranking god, and Ye Hao Cecilia Angel King's left-wing guard angel.

This is similar to Ru Qi's position.

In the angel family, every angel king will personally order two angels as his left and right guard angels.

This also means that these two angels are the objects that the Angel King values ​​and prepares to cultivate.

At present, these three angel kings were once the guard angels of other angel kings.

And to become a guardian angel, strength is naturally a part that needs to be considered. In most cases, only the ten-winged angel of the upper main **** has the chance to be accepted as a guardian angel by the angel king.

Finally, this matter was confirmed.

Ye Hao's identity was marked as top-secret by the three angel kings. Except for the two ten-winged angels who performed the mission, everyone else, even the angels who followed the team, didn't know what the goal was this time.

I only know that it is a person and needs to be brought back safely.


And this man who made the angel race worry about him, at this moment, ended his roaming travel in several gods.

After three days of continuous advancement, Ye Hao and the others finally reached the range of the Duobao Divine Element.

"Is this the Duobao Divine Element?" Ye Hao walked through the portal and looked at the star field outside.

The star field here is quite different from other star fields.

This is quite similar to the science fiction films on the earth about the illusion of the future.

Every planet has its own starport, and there are starships in the starport that can transport people and fight.

"This place is considered to be a multi-talented god, but it is only in the marginal area. We need to take a starship to reach our main star field for five hours." Su Mengmeng said.

"Then I will take you to fly over." Ye Hao was a little anxious.

Su Mengmeng covered her mouth and chuckled. She looked at Ye Hao and said, "Young Master Ye, you just don’t know about starships. The cruising speed of the starship we are going to take is almost equivalent to the extreme flight of the high-level master gods of the law of wind. speed.

And there is no need to recharge or stop midway.

Ye Gongzi, you are very strong, but can you maintain the flight speed of the upper master **** and fly for five hours? "


Ye Hao was silent, it was indeed somewhat difficult.

Such speed requirements, according to Ye Hao's current situation, let alone five hours, it is estimated that it can only support five minutes.

"Does your starship fly so fast?" Ye Hao had some doubts.

The upper main **** still has the flying speed of the wind law, that is no joke.

"You will know this after sitting down. The things of our Duobao Divine Element will open your eyes to those of you who only focus on your own cultivation." Su Mengmeng said playfully.

After that, Su Mengmeng took out something like a communicator, and soon some people in sci-fi style tights appeared to greet her.

After all, Su Mengmeng is the daughter of the ruler of the Duobao God family, and Ye Hao still understands this treatment.

After that, a luxurious new small starship appeared in Star Harbor, and Ye Hao Zhuoyu and Su Mengmeng followed along.

"Miss, the Starship has already arranged for you. The channel will be opened for you first. It will enter the space channel in ten minutes and enter the curved flight state within twenty minutes.

It is expected to arrive at the destination in five hours. Is there any problem? "A person with the appearance of a senior woman looked at Su Mengmeng respectfully and asked about everything that had been arranged.

The cautious look seemed to make Su Mengmeng angry.

"Well, I'm very satisfied. Thanks for your hard work." Su Mengmeng said casually.

"Then I will go down. It's an honor to serve you, Missy." After speaking, the senior woman got down from the starship with a sigh of relief.

And Ye Hao and the others arrived in the riding area, it was simply a science fiction style slowly.

It's not the kind of feeling of being an airplane.

It is an apartment-style room surrounded by transparent glass, with a sofa in the center, a swimming pool next to it, and various things.

"Sit down. Ye Gongzi, you dare to go this way. It would take a week. You just walked for three days." Su Mengmeng looked at Ye Hao.

For these three days, Ye Hao can be said to be non-stop, unless he sees the two girls are really tired, otherwise there is no chance to stop.

Whenever there is a chance, he directly tears open the gap in space by himself.

"Don't worry, if I go late. I'm worried that someone will wait for me at your father first." Ye Hao said with a wry smile.

Su Mengmeng was taken aback for a moment, and then she understood. She said, "Are you worried about the Angel Race?"

"I don't think your father will fight against the angel race for me." Ye Hao said helplessly.

Before Ru Qi and Ru Xi knew that Ye Hao was eager to treat his father, and they also knew that they were going to the Duobao Divine Element to find the Shadow Witch Doctor, so they would definitely stop Ye Hao from the Duobao Divine Element.

Ye Hao didn't dare to take the pressure of the first-class **** system lightly, so he could only hurry up.

"That's true." Su Mengmeng nodded, and she knew if the angel would really ask her father for someone.

Even if her father knew Ye Hao's help to Su Mengmeng, he couldn't keep Ye Hao under pressure.

After all, no matter how strong the Duobao God System is, it is only a second-rate God System.

But those who want Ye Hao are first-class gods.

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