Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2665: Su Mengmeng's surprise

Chapter 2665 Su Mengmeng's Surprise

"Dad, what will the angel gods do afterwards?" Su Mengmeng looked at her father with some worry.

Although she did not want to see her father arrest Ye Hao subjectively.

However, if the Duobao Divine Element was suppressed by the Angel Divine Element, she would also feel very sorry.

"I thought of my dad at this time? I thought my daughter was older, and if I had someone I liked, I forgot about my dad." Su Hong teased.

Su Mengmeng's cheeks were red, and she stomped straight: "What are you talking about, I...Mr. Ye and I are only friends. He also helped me a lot in my important research. I can't die. of."

"Okay, don't worry about this. Although we are not as good as the angels, but don't forget our connections.

Moreover, the Angel God System had placed us a relatively difficult list before. I originally didn't want to take that list. Since there is this time, I will continue.

In this way, the angelic **** system dare not take us anything. "Su Hong smiled and looked at Su Mengmeng and said.

"Thank you dad." Su Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"These are nothing compared to the resources of the original stone of the heavens and the earth. If we don't say that there is a **** king in our multi-talented **** system, as long as we can give birth to a high-ranking god, that is a very good thing for us.

Although our main direction is still the research of magic artifacts, we have to say that the level of our realm will also affect our own research of magic artifacts.

Mengmeng, I believe that you will become the best inventor of our Duobao God System in the future! "Su Hong looked at his daughter sternly.

Su Mengmeng was unpretentious about this matter, and she nodded firmly: "I will, I will definitely create an invention that shocks the entire gods and all realms!"

"Okay, it's my daughter. You go back first, and I'm going to deal with the angelic goddess." Su Hong said.


Su Mengmeng nodded, and then took the small shuttle back to the man-made planet in the center of the main star field of the Duobao God System, which was the core of the Duobao God System.

In the small shuttle, Su Mengmeng couldn't help but recall the scene when he discussed the invention and research with Ye Hao in the starship.

Although Ye Hao's scientific research knowledge is very backward, he sometimes asks quite naive questions.

It's as if the pupils of the Duobao theology department are studying accurately, but I have to say that Ye Hao's learning ability and ability to draw inferences are particularly strong.

After they arrived, the two of them were in the research room like partners for many years.

That kind of feeling is something Su Mengmeng has never had in her research life over the years.

Even Su Mengmeng had something to think about. If he could study with such a person, it might be a good thing.

"What are you thinking about?"

A voice suddenly came from behind Su Mengmeng.

Su Mengmeng is the only one on this shuttle, right? How could there be a second person!

Su Mengmeng stood up abruptly and drew a weapon from her waist.

But the people who appeared behind her surprised her in disbelief.

"You...you...didn't you leave? Why did you appear here?" Su Mengmeng looked at Ye Hao in surprise.

Ye Hao smiled and sat in the passenger seat next to Su Mengmeng. He smiled and said, "Guess?"

Su Mengmeng looked up and down Ye Hao, and soon discovered something was wrong. She took out an instrument to scan Ye Hao up and down.

After half a minute, Su Mengmeng said in surprise: "You are a life form that has gathered energy? No, it's not a life form, it should be regarded as an imitation life form, a bit similar to a clone."

"As expected of a great inventor, you are the first person who can see my clone at a level lower than me." Ye Hao applauded and applauded.

Yes, this is just a clone of Ye Hao.

And he had already left the Duobao Divine Element with Zhuo Yu, looking for the mysterious shadow witch doctor.

"Doppelgänger? This is your doppelganger? But the doppelganger should have a lot of limitations, or is it impossible to leave the body too far?" Su Mengmeng looked at Ye Hao suspiciously.

Ye Hao smiled and said: "These are really not a problem for my clone. Apart from the realm, my clone has almost the same combat power as my main body. Apart from being absorbed by the main body at any time, it has almost no difference from the main body. "

"Then why do you want to leave a clone here?" Su Mengmeng looked at Ye Hao puzzled.

"Because your research has made me interested. You said before that if I were there, your research might make great progress.

It's a pity that my ontology really has very important things to do, but I think my clone is the same here, after all, the amount of knowledge the two possess is the same.

You can ask him what you don’t understand, it’s better than you alone.

how? Don't you welcome me? "Ye Hao looked at Su Mengmeng with a smile.

"That means you can stay here forever!" Su Mengmeng said in surprise.

Ye Hao rubbed his chin: "Theoretically, this is true, as long as my body does not die, or there is no life-related danger.

In addition, even if my main body is on another plane, it will not hinder the existence of my clone.

But there is a problem that you need to solve. "

"What's the problem?" Su Mengmeng asked hurriedly.

Ye Hao showed a joking smile: "That is you need to hide me, after all, I am the most wanted target of the Angel God System.

If I let others know about my cloned village, then I can only disappear completely. "

"I understand! Don't worry, I will hide you. I guarantee it in the name of the youngest inventor of the Duobao Divine System!" Su Mengmeng vowed: "I have several secret private laboratories. It is used to study some prohibited inventions.

Even my father couldn't find it there! "

Don't say how happy she is at this moment, even if the man in front of her is just a clone.

I just don't know that the main reason for her happiness is because her research is promising, or she can stay with this man.

And still be alone without outsiders!


The largest starport in the main star domain of the Turbulent God System.

Su Hong looked at the huge fleet of angels in front of him, and his expression became a bit solemn.

What kind of person is that man, so that the Angel God System can send an entire fleet of angels to hunt him down.

You must know that such an angel fleet can even fight a second-rate **** system, and can easily destroy any **** system below third-rate.

Angels with pure white wings flew out of the starship, and were displayed in front of them like soldiers.

The hatch of the angel flagship opened, and two ten-winged angels appeared in front of everyone.

"The ten-winged angels are here? It seems a bit troublesome." Su Hong frowned slightly, he knew he needed to bleed if he wanted to prevaricate this time.

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