Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2670: Ozawa? Zeer?

Chapter 2670 Ozawa? Zeer?

"Deal. I'll do something for you, and you will save my father for me." Ye Hao said sternly.

The girl took out a pill and placed it in front of Ye Hao: "Take it."

"Wait, we have eaten your food before we fully believe you. What if it is some poison!" Zhuo Yu couldn't help standing up and saying.

The girl didn't speak, but looked at Ye Hao, as if she was letting Ye Hao make a decision.

Ye Hao stretched out his hand to get the pill.

Zhuo Yu hurriedly grabbed Ye Hao's hand: "Ye Hao, you have to calm down, since we came here, we are all being led by the nose by this woman, and suddenly he took out such a pill. What if it hurts you? do."

"Zhuyu, I don't have time. It has been nearly half a month since we came to the gods and all realms. My father can only hold on for three months.

So, I cannot miss even the slightest hope. I can only take risks. After Ye Hao finished speaking, he grabbed the pill in the girl's hand and swallowed it.


"Now you are satisfied." Ye Hao looked at the girl.

The girl nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, now we are a collaborator. As my collaborator, the female angel said just now, you should know more about me."

The girl untied her black cloak, revealing her body.

A pair of crystal clear wings appeared behind, and the girl floated in the air.

"Elves! Could it be that the Shadow Witch Doctors are actually from the Elves!" Zhuo Yu said in surprise when she saw the girl like this.

"To be precise, I belong to the ancient elves." The girl emphasized: "You must be wondering why I am a shadow witch doctor and how can I be with the elves.

This starts with my father and mother. Originally, the race of Shadow Witch Doctors was not an elven race. They were just a humanoid race, and they were a lot similar to you.

It's just different in some details, such as hair, eyes, nose, skin, and so on.

My mother is of the original Shadow Witch Doctor race, and she is also a Shadow Witch Doctor.

My father is a descendant of ancient elves, he likes to wander around, and then met my mother, the two fell in love and gave birth to me.

My body inherited the blood of my father's ancient elves, but I also learned the medical skills of my mother, the shadow witch doctor, and the famous law of life! "

As the girl said, she pointed her finger to a dying flower next to her, and that flower instantly exuded its vitality, which was incredible.

"My parents passed away a million years ago. At that time, I was recognized as a Shadow Witch Doctor, under the pseudonym Deze. My parents were also surprised that my body was a child, probably because of an interracial relationship.

My real name is Ze. You can be Ozawa or Ze'er. My parents call me that way. My last name is very long, so I won’t say it. "The girl introduced herself.


Ye Hao muttered the name, always feeling that he had to say the next few words.

"Then I'll call you Ze'er. You can say now that you need me to do something for you. When will I save my father!" Ye Hao said anxiously.

"The time I asked you to do has not yet arrived. Let this matter go first, but you must remember that when I need you, no matter what you are doing, you must come over and do things for me.

And to treat your father, you can go anytime.

But you'd better tell me about your father's condition first. In this way, I can make preparations in advance to avoid the need to prepare a lot of things and waste time. "Ze'er said.

Ye Hao immediately began to tell Ze'er about his father's injury, and the description was very detailed. After all, when Ye Hao was on earth before, he was also relatively famous in the medical field.

Zeer also listened to these descriptions very carefully, did not forget to ask a few questions during the period, and Ye Hao tried his best to answer.

This process lasted about an hour or so.

"I know your father's situation roughly. It seems to be quite serious. If you want to be cured, you need to find some special materials.

But you are lucky, I have some of the materials, and the important materials can use the rough stones in your hands. Ze'er said lightly.

Ye Hao looked at Ze'er with some excitement: "That means you can guarantee that my father's illness will be cured!"

Ze'er smiled and nodded: "Of course, but you also said. Your father's time is only three months, and you are on the sub-planes of the earth plane.

I can promise to cure your father, and your task is to bring me there within time. If you don’t bring me... then don’t blame me. "

"No problem!" Ye Hao immediately promised, and now there was light.

No matter what the thorns are on the way home, Ye Hao will take this woman back!

"Then we set off now?" Ye Hao asked anxiously.

Ze'er rolled his eyes: "I know you are in a hurry, but you don't have to worry, you have to wait for me to pack things.

Give me one day and we will set off in one day. There should be no problem. "

one day.

Although Ye Hao was very anxious, he couldn't wait for this day.

"Okay, just one day!" Ye Hao nodded very seriously.

Ze'er looked at Ye Hao curiously: "You are really weird. You haven't asked me what the medicine I gave you is until now. Are you not worried or curious?"

Ye Hao shrugged and said, "Since you gave me the food, if you want to tell me, you will naturally tell me."

Ze'er rolled his eyes: "Well, that medicine is indeed poison. But I have an antidote in my hand, and if I don't give you the antidote.

That poison is a time bomb in your body. Normally, there will be no problems, but if you can't fulfill my request, then I will send the poison in your body at any time.

At that time, not to mention having so many laws, even if you are the upper master god, you will die, and everything will be burned out. "

Listening to Ze'er's terrifying description, Ye Hao remained motionless, and said calmly: "That is to say, as long as I accomplish what you asked for, you will give me the cure, right."

"You are really special. You are the first person to take my medicine and still have a relaxed look. I don't know if you are really like this or pretend to be.

Well, this medicine is actually not just a poison. If you take it with the antidote at that time, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation. "

Ze'er said casually, and then Ye Hao and Zhuo Yu walked down from the second floor and moved the debris to make a place to stay on the first floor.

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