Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2680: Run away

2680 Born-18 Mar 1974

Crime Domain No. 6

In a piece of ice

Three people appeared here out of thin air.

"Where is this?" The cyclops under the black cloak looked around warily.

"Looking at this terrain, we should be in the extremely cold ice region of Crime Domain No.6." Zeer said, taking off her headgear.

"Who was that person just now? Will we help us escape?" Zhuo Yu looked at Ze'er and asked curiously.

Zeer didn't conceal it, and explained with a smile: "That person is the steward of the person in charge of Crime Domain No. 3, the black bull emperor in the dark scene you set up earlier."

Ye Hao was a little surprised. He looked at Ze'er: "Just now you said that the favor he owed you was paid off?"

"Yeah, that's right. He had suffered very serious injuries before and hurt his foundation. If I hadn't rescued him. Maybe the third crime domain would not have the current Black Bull Emperor.

So he said that he owed me a favor so that I could instruct him to do anything whenever I needed.

Unfortunately, the controller of the sin domain has such a scroll that can freely shuttle between the sin domains. I asked him for one, so that we don’t need to go out of the sin domain at all, but only between the sin domains. Just walk through. "Ze'er said.

"You have already thought of your own way of retreat!" Zhuo Yu stared at Ze'er, she now thinks that the girl's city is very deep.

Everything had already been arranged.

"Of course you have to prepare your own retreat. If you know that I am a shadow witch doctor, I am equivalent to a walking treasure. I don't know how many forces want to know my whereabouts.

Some people say they just want to ask me to treat the patient, but some people want to take me as their own.

After all, a genius doctor who can bring people back to life is what any force wants! Zeer said helplessly.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things for now. When will we recover from this ghostly appearance? It will only take an hour." Ye Hao's hanky voice sounded.

The appearance of this cyclops really made him a little irritable, and he always felt like he was not his body.

"It should be ready soon, why? You don't like the size of Cyclops?" Zeer raised his head and looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao rolled his eyes: "How could I like such a big guy."

"Really? But you need to know the function of male cyclops in reproduction, but it is very powerful. Don't you men pay much attention to this aspect." Zeer said deliberately.

Ye Hao was taken aback and lowered his head subconsciously.

Not to mention, the function of Cyclops is indeed very powerful in this regard.

But no matter how powerful it is, is it necessary to ask Ye Hao to find a giant of the same model? That aesthetic... Ye Hao couldn't accept it.

Just at this time.

The skin on Ye Hao and Zhuoyu's body began to turn gray, and then the gray ashes began to dissipate little by little.

The original bodies of the two of them were slowly revealed.

"Is this restored? This thing is really amazing and convenient!" Zhuo Yu said astonished as he looked at his white skin.

At this time, Ze'er also recovered her girl's appearance, which was much more seductive than the previous goblin appearance.

"I've taken you out now, then it's your business next." Ze'er opened her hand and looked at Ye Hao.

This means that now it is you who took me to see the person to be saved.

That is to return to the earth plane.

Ye Hao clenched his fists, he could finally save his father.

I don't know if he left the earth plane during this time, and if anything happened there.

I hope everything is not too far from before I left.


Crime Domain No. 3

It has been 48 hours since the angel entered here, and now they have searched here and back several times.

But even Ye Hao Zhuoyu did not see any shadow of them.

And because of their repeated searches, the aborigines who had swallowed their anger before were a bit irritable at the moment.

After all, who can continue to tolerate a group of guys, keep entering their house and searching everywhere, the most important thing is that these guys are still aloof.

There have been many fights.

"Okay, it looks like we were fooled again. We should leave here." Yao looked at Tier, who had a dark face next to her.

"No, they must still be here. We must find them!" Tier gritted her teeth and said.

Yao sighed, this woman is too stubborn at this time.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the anger of the people in Crime Domain No. 3 has been suppressed to the extreme. If they continue like this, it may cause very dangerous consequences.


At this moment, Tier and Yao both heard a voice.

That is the communication of the highest level of contact.

After a few minutes.

Yao breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Ti'er, who seemed to be discouraged.

There was news from Sheila Angel King just now that Ye Hao's trace was found in Crime Domain No. 6, and disappeared without a trace.

Now the angel gods ordered them to evacuate the third crime domain, and then discuss the next step.

"I..." Yao looked at what Tier wanted to say, but Tier turned away without saying a word.

Yao didn't say much, she looked down at the No. 3 crime domain that had been tossed for so long.

She still had some doubts in her heart, how did that man escape from under their noses?

And also escaped to Crime Domain No. 6, and you must know that there are several planes of difference between Crime Domain No. 6 and Crime Domain No. 3.

Even their angel fleet can rush through in five days.

But they seem to have disappeared from crime area No. 3 out of thin air, and appeared from crime area No. 6 out of thin air.

"Could it be that the three people before..." Yao couldn't help but think of the three guys she had met before, but she quickly left them behind.


Five days later.

Angel God System·Angel Holy City.

The three angel kings are again ranked above the three thrones.

This time another record was created, that is, in the shortest time, three angel kings appeared again at the same time.

The last time such a thing happened was during the first war between gods and demons.

In the main hall, all the ten-winged angels were present, but there was no one else.

This is a top-level meeting of angel gods.

"This time I called everyone back, mainly because of two things. After searching by the Angel King Rowling, we found that the Demon Plane was indeed penetrating the Earth Plane, and the penetration was very serious.

Within a few months, there may even be a direct invasion of the Earth's plane. In comparison, our preparations are very inadequate.

At that time, it will be difficult to prepare an army to be sent to the plane of the earth.

So I am going to prepare a task force to jump directly to the demon plane and fight there to hinder the plan of the demon invading the earth plane.

At the same time, as far as I know, there is a place called the Black Great Wall between the earth plane and the demon plane. There is no suppression by the laws of the plane, so even the main **** level can reach there. "

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