Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2688: Who is the first quasi-god of the earth!

Chapter 2688 Who is the first quasi-god of the earth!

the next day

Almost the top powerhouses of all major forces on the entire planet have fallen into a retreat craze.

All the top leaders left a sentence.

I'm going to practice, and I will take care of the organization.

In addition, remember that you must not offend China, most of all the people in that city.

And through their respective information channels, I also learned that this time Ye Hao granted the "opportunity" not a single person.

Everyone also began to fight secretly, who can be the first to reach the Quasi-God level.


Ten Thousand Demons City

"I can smell a very peculiar smell here. It is a kind of racial atmosphere that was said to have been annihilated billions of years ago." When Ze'er stepped into Ten Thousand Demons City, this was the first thing she said. Sentence.

Ye Hao glanced at Ze'er, and didn't expect this doctor to have such an amazing ability in this respect.

"Because you are a doctor, you must not only have superb medical skills, but also excel in terms of smell and vision. In order to collect suitable medicinal materials, you have to smell the breath even if you are across a planet.

And some races are actually good medicines themselves. "

Ze'er looked at Zhuoyu next to him: "For example, angel wings, angel blood, and..."

Zhuo Yu frowned slightly. After all, being told that something on her body could be made into medicinal materials, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Seeing this, Zeer didn't say any more, but curiously interrogated what kind of race this subplane actually lived in.

"You will see it soon," Ye Hao said, and then he took the two women out of the Ten Thousand Demons City and flew towards the mist.

After crossing the fog again, a strange world appeared in front of everyone.

The ground is covered with black moss, and there are many beetles moving on it.

Looking further away, you can see some huge bugs and some strange buildings.

"Zerg!" Ze'er exclaimed, with a look of surprise in her eyes.

"You still have the Zerg here. It is said that the Zerg should have been destroyed long ago in the battle between gods and demons billions of years ago. Even the plane where they live has now become the plane of death!"

Ye Hao nodded: "This is indeed recorded in history, but it is inevitable that a small part of the zerg will survive."

"The body structure of the Zerg race is very different from that of other races. They have a kind of consciousness communication ability, and the insect king can use this to control low-level insects.

Therefore, the Zerg has a strict hierarchical system, and amazing ability to multiply and create, making them the strongest fighting race.

There was no one billions of years ago!

No race on any plane has the ability to compete against the Zerg! "Ze'er said endlessly, with a desire in her eyes.

"Ahem...These bugs are all of my friends. So without the consent of my friends, Miss Zeer, you had better not do anything embarrassing for everyone."

Ye Hao saw that Ze'er wanted to study those bugs.

Her research is nothing more than dissecting it.

"I know, I hope I can have the honor of studying this kind of magical race." Zeer said with a smile after recovering from the state of fascinated just now.

At this moment, a figure flew over.

"Young Master Ye." The light girl came.

It was the insect emperor Morgana, and she still treated Ye Hao with considerable respect. After all, it was Ye Hao who created her current identity.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. I didn't expect you to also break through to a high-level quasi-god. This way, you can share a lot of things for Isabella." Ye Hao congratulated: "We are going to the plane of the Black Great Wall. Please send us a wormhole. past."


Soon, the three came to the front of the wormhole.

It was the first time that Ze'er saw a wormhole, and she looked at the majestic wormhole in surprise.

"It's really a magical technology. I have seen many ways to travel through space. But this is the first time I have seen this kind of thing that a living body can travel through space.

Do you call it a wormhole? It is really amazing, how did it create a space tunnel? It can still exist stably for a long time. Ze'er was amazed.

If it weren't for Ye Hao to take her away, she would have to study this thing here for a long time.

It was dark in front of them, and then they appeared on the plane where the black was produced.

"Huhu." Ze'er took a deep breath: "There is no extra energy response in a peculiar space. You are really smart about setting up a battlefield and demon anxiety here."

"We have no choice. If we have the power of the gods and the world, we still need to use this small method." Ye Hao shrugged helplessly.

"Then you can ask the gods and all worlds for help." Zeer said subconsciously.

A smile appeared on Ye Hao's face: "Then I don't know if the person I will invite will come to help us or destroy our home.

I don't want my plane of the earth to become the second plane of death.

I also don't want our earth species to become a species on the verge of extinction like the Zerg. "

Zeer didn't say much.

Ye Hao didn't talk too much nonsense with her, after all, this shadow witch doctor was also from the gods and ten thousand realms.

Ye Hao and the three began to head to Demon Region City.

Along the way, Ye Hao passed several places and could see many damaged battleships floating in the void, among which there were many corpses.

Some void beasts will also come out to eat these corpses.

These places must have experienced fierce battles.

Fortunately, most of these are the corpses and battleships of the demons.

On the frontal battlefield of the Great Black Wall, the Great Black Wall still has the upper hand.

And with the help of the growing zerg, there is no problem on the battlefield.

After flying for several hours, the three of Ye Hao flew over to Demon Region City.

And a small team flew up from Demon Region City.

"Stop, the front is Demon Region City. Who is coming!" This is a patrol squad, which seems to be specializing in searching for suspicious people close to Demon Region City.

However, when the team leader saw Ye Hao's appearance clearly, he immediately stood up straightened vigorously: "Young... young... young master!"

"Do you need to check it?" Ye Hao said.

"No, please! Do you need us to notify them?" The captain said nervously and excitedly.

"No, I can go by myself. They are with me, so there is no need to check."

"No need to."

Passing smoothly, the three of Ye Hao entered the Demon Region City.

"Captain, this doesn't meet the regulations. The city lord has stipulated that anyone who enters the Demon Region City suspiciously must be checked." A recruit said.

The captain knocked his head and came over: "Check, check the size. Do you know who the man is just now? He said he might scare you to death.

The lord of all the cities of the Black Great Wall must respect him as the young lord! "

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