Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2697: I don't need to know the name of a dying person

Chapter 2697 I Don't Need To Know The Name Of A Dying Person

The island of despair.

An island located under the jurisdiction of the arrogant demon, the area is smaller than an ordinary continent.

And just like its name, the people on this island are experiencing despair at this moment.

On the periphery of Despair Island, there are hundreds of warships and tens of thousands of demon warriors suspended.

On the demon flagship, a goat-headed demon was holding a wine glass, and several succubuses were waiting for him.

"How is the battle? Is that stinky woman still insisting?" Naker took a sip of an unknown bright red drink.

A respectful report from a demon commander nearby.

"Martina's army has four hundred people left, and they have been concentrated in the middle zone. Our army is gradually shrinking their area." Demon Commander Hui reported.

"Very good, just squeeze them together step by step." Naker Yin smiled.

The demon commander hesitated and said: "My lord. The subordinates don't understand. With our strength, the battle can be ended in the shortest time. Why does it take half a month to spend here?"

"You don't understand it. This is the pleasure of the arrogant demon god, and the punishment for those betrayers. Wouldn't it be perfect for them to die happily?"

Naker shook her glass: "Martina is not a warrior who takes good care of her, she is called a wise general. Then let her see how the soldiers who supported her fell one by one in front of her. .

And all this is because of her selfish betrayal. But I really admire this woman a bit, this woman didn't even kneel in front of me, begging me to let her go. "

Naker looked at the gunpowder on the island of despair from time to time, and he smiled and said, "Then let her continue her usual despair."

On the island of despair.

Martina wielded her sword and killed a quasi-god demon. This is no longer known to be the first quasi-god demon she killed in the past half month.

The elemental power in her body has been basically exhausted, and she is dragging this remnant body completely by her own will.

The two thousand troops she originally brought over now only have more than 400 people left, and only this last little line of defense is left.

She raised her head and looked at the floating warships in the sky, as if seeing the people on those warships staring at her with mocking eyes.

It seemed that everything that happened on this desperate island was nothing but a farce.

A farce that cost more than two thousand lives.

"Master Martina, we really can't hold it anymore. If we don't support us and still have the last bit of strength, we will cover you. Take your tribe with you and leave!" A soldier walked up to Martina and pointed. A crypt in the distance.

Hidden in the crypt are the people of the Martina family.

"Evacuate? How to evacuate? The **** Naker wants me to evacuate, so that he can humiliate me face to face." Martina raised her head, a trace of loneliness in her eyes.

"It's me, Martina, sorry for you, and brought you here."

"No! Lord Martina, we were all prisoners. You gave us a new life. You are our true master. We can fight anyone for you, even the devil!" a soldier shouted, and other soldiers also Shouted one after another.

Martina looked at her subordinates, which is why she dared to lead them to betray the arrogant demon, because these were the soldiers she brought out.

"Okay, everyone listens to me. Although our death is doomed, we must not let the **** Naker look down upon. We are the bravest warriors! Our pride allows us to die in battle!" Ma Tina yelled, brandishing a sword.

"We are the bravest fighters! Our pride only allows us to die in battle!" The other soldiers shouted one after another.

Martina looked at her subordinates with satisfaction.

At this moment, she couldn't help but think of the letter she had sent out. Although she didn't get a reply, she was a little lucky now.

At least this way, their family has left a little blood.

Boom boom boom boom

At this moment, the battleships overhead began to explode, and the explosion scene was quite spectacular.

"How is this going?"

"How did those battleships explode."

"Fuck, ten ships have already exploded. Although these warships have not deployed their shields, they can kill the warships in seconds. At least they have the combat effectiveness of the middle main god!"

The people around Martina raised their heads and looked at the amazing scene of the sky.

One after another, huge fireballs were dotted in the sky like the sun.

Then a figure rushed straight down from the sky and fell among the enemy groups on the island of despair.

Suddenly, a huge shock wave overturned all the hundreds of demon warriors, causing death and injury.

Martina was surprised when she saw people walking out of the smoke and dust: "Is it you?"

"Um... I also forgot how I should call you. If you don't mind, I'll call you aunt first." Ye Hao looked at Martina, and based on the blood source, they should be considered relatives.

But Ye Hao really doesn't know the ranking, so he still said the old saying, the male is called the uncle, the female is called the aunt.

Moreover, Martina is not very old from the outside, and there is nothing wrong with calling her aunt.

"Why are you here?" Martina looked at Ye Hao in surprise.

"Because of some relationship, we received your letter from Aunt Martina half a month late. The first time we received the letter, I rushed over. I heard about you, so I came to rescue. "Ye Hao said five to ten.

"You... come here to rescue alone?" Martina looked at Ye Hao in surprise.

Ye Hao nodded: "Of course."

"Are you crazy? You don't know if the arrogant demon sent Naker to besiege me this time. He is one of the top ten demon generals, the strength is in the middle of the main god! There are also tens of thousands of demon army! Tina couldn't believe her tribe.

It was so crazy, this guy was even crazier than the devil, and he came in alone.

Ye Hao shrugged: "Aunt Martina, I know that it may be useless if I explain it now. And it seems that some people are not willing to give us time to explain.

You take your people to evacuate to a safe place first, and then leave it to me. "

Just when Martina wanted to say something.

Thousands of figures fell from the sky, and there were several batches behind.

This is when all demons have begun to log on to Despair Island.

The first to bear the brunt was a sheep-headed demon in black armor.

"You just attacked and destroyed my battleship?" Naker pointed at Ye Hao with a black face. He didn't expect that because of his negligence, he just entered and was destroyed by a guy who didn't know where it came from. More than a dozen warships.

This is simply a shame.

"You are Naker, right? You came just right. It saves me time and effort to find you, as long as I kill you. I think this battle is over." Ye Hao stretched out his arms as if he was doing warm-up exercises. .

"Hahaha... what did I hear. You said you wanted to kill me? Do you know who I am?" Naker said with a laugh.

Ye Hao smiled slightly: "I don't need to know the name of a guy who is about to die."

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