Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2704: No. 1 crime domain!

Chapter 2704 No. 1 Crime Domain!

In just a few minutes, the four lower master gods with the strongest power in this No. 5 crime domain were all buried in Ye Hao's hands.

Powerhouses from other forces in the Sin Territory can feel the powerful battle fluctuations here.

On the surface, there was no movement, but secretly they used various means to investigate what was going on.

After Ye Hao finished dealing with the four lower master gods.

The battle on Martina's side also ended completely after half an hour. All those who resisted were beheaded. The entire manor was plunged into blood, and the smell of blood was permeated everywhere.

Those who were enslaved, or those who gave up resistance, knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands, shivering.

They don't know who these people who popped up suddenly are.

They don't know what will happen next.

"Is it all done?" Ye Hao watched Martina walking in front of him, the blood on her body was naturally not her own.

"It's all done." Martina had a smile on her face.

Perhaps for her, only this kind of battle can quell her discomfort in coming to an unfamiliar environment.

The faces of those demon warriors also had a sense of relief.

"It's all blood, it's too dirty. Clean it up a little bit." Ye Hao raised his hand, and the law of water began to work.

A stream of water fell from the sky, clearing the entire battlefield. Except for the damage caused by the battle, all the blood was washed away.

Those corpses were also broken up under the current.

Everything was restored to peace.

If it weren't for the ruined walls, no one would have imagined that there had just been a fierce and **** battle here.

"How about? You like it here." Ye Hao looked at Martina with a smile.

Martina nodded: "Yes, it's very suitable for living. There is still farmland over there and my people can support themselves."

"Just like it. Then, what do you plan to do with these people?" Ye Hao pointed to those who were enslaved by the four kings, and those who surrendered.

"These people, I will choose between them. Either leave by myself, or stay and work for me." Martina said: "After all, we are newcomers, and some things are better arranged for the people here.

Our people still need to adapt slowly. "

Ye Hao very much agrees with Martina's approach.

If Martina killed all of these, it would be a hundred.

But in the same way, their murder will be laid down in this fifth crime domain.

Everyone will be afraid of their existence, and will not really cooperate with Martina and the others.

Even sinners would not like to cooperate with a bunch of murderers who have no bottom line.

And Martina made such a decision, it at least means that I am here to fight for territory, but I only get what I want.

I only fight those who are my enemy.

Next, Martina's soldiers conveyed Martina's meaning.

Those people were ecstatic, and the original forces basically chose to leave.

And those who were slaves before, because of their physical disabilities, coupled with their own lack of strength, if they leave, they will only be bullied by others.

In Martina, assure them that as long as they work for Martina, work.

Martina will guarantee their most basic needs in life and will shelter them.

This made the vast majority of people choose to stay.

"Thank you." Martina watched her warriors and tribesmen have begun to organize this new home, and she was very happy in her heart.

At least that way, she must worry about the threat of the arrogant demon.

She can shelter her soldiers and clansmen and live a peaceful life here.

This is like a traveler who has been erratic for many years and finally has a place to stay.

"Nothing, this is what I promised you. Okay, now that everything is arranged. Then I will leave first, remember...I will live in the domain of sin later.

You must not let others know that you have a relationship with me. "Ye Hao suddenly reminded me a little.

"Why?" Martina asked puzzledly.

Ye Hao said helplessly: "Because I am in the Gods and Ten Thousand Realms for some people, it is like you are in the Demon Plane to the Arrogant Demon God. So it is best not to let others know your relationship with me."

"I understand." Martina nodded.

"Then I'm leaving, I wish you a happy life here." Ye Hao said goodbye and took Ze'er away from this place.

At this point, there is an extra demon organization in the fifth crime domain.

No one knows where they came from, only that on the day they appeared, all the four notorious kings had fallen.

This made other forces in Crime Domain No. 5 dare not provoke this mysterious demon organization.


"Where shall we go next?" Ye Hao looked at Ze'er next to him.

Now that he has all arranged his own affairs, the next step is to fulfill his promise with this shadow witch doctor.

"Let's find some people to meet up first, and go to Crime Domain No. 1," Zeer said.

"Criminal Domain No. 1?" Ye Hao's expression gradually became serious.

"Yes, it's Crime Domain No. 1." Ze'er nodded.

Three days later

Ye Hao and Ze'er came to the legendary No. 1 crime domain.

Why is it said that it is in the legend, because basically few people come to the first crime domain.

Or in other words, few qualified people can step into this place.

The pressure in the No. 1 Crime Domain is very terrifying. The various factors here, such as gravity, wind speed, etc., are hundreds of times higher than those in other crime domains.

Even a high-level quasi-god powerhouse cannot survive here for ten seconds.

Only people above the main **** level can step into this place.

So this place is called the legendary No. 1 crime domain!

Almost all the people here are famous figures in the gods.

Either a galaxy was destroyed, or a powerhouse of a **** system was killed.

All in all, there is no small person.

Ye Hao's low-level master **** is here, and it can only be regarded as a drop in the ocean.

"How high is the strongest state of Crime Domain No. 1?" Ye Hao looked at the desolate world in front of him.

Huangsha Gobi is everywhere, and you can't even see the shadow of a city.

It is completely different from other crime domains.

"What do you think?" Zeer looked at Ye Hao with a smile.

"The upper master god, or is it a **** king level?" Ye Hao looked at Ze'er suspiciously.

Zeer didn't answer Ye Hao's question, but continued to move forward, as if somewhere in front of her was the destination she was going to.

Ye Hao glanced at Ze'er. He knew that this woman, a witch doctor, had many secrets.

As for the No. 1 sin domain that the main **** can step into, she can enter.

It shows that her strength is also above the main **** level!

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