Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2716: Is he still alive?

Chapter 2716 is he still alive?

After trying for a long time, Ye Hao was still unable to build a space that could accommodate the remains of these Titans.

Could it be that he really wants to look at these treasures, and can't take them away?

Ye Hao was tangled in his heart.

And at this moment, the lamp he was carrying with him had already burned more than half of the wick inside, which meant that Ye Hao didn't have much time to stay here.

Ye Hao was thinking hard there, and finally a thought came to him.

Try it with the inner world.

"Little elf, I ask you. Can these things fit into my world." Ye Hao directly called out the elf and asked about these things.

The phantom of the elf appeared beside Ye Hao, and she glanced at the things around.

"No problem, these are not living things, but it may take a lot of your energy."

"That's good, let's start now!"

Ye Hao was overjoyed to get such a reply.

He started his own relocation work, and he wanted to take away everything he could take away here.

Ye Hao began to evacuate the huge remains of the Titan Protoss.

Considering that there is not much time, Ye Hao directly used his strongest form, and at the same time created many clones to carry them together.

Under such circumstances, when the candlelight was about to go out, Ye Hao had emptied all the corpses of the hundreds of Titans on this land!

That's right!

Just emptied.

At this time, the candle in Ye Hao's hand was also extinguished, and Ye Hao felt that his body began to become nothingness, and finally he lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he found himself in a dark place, with a biting cold rock behind him.

At the same time, there was a huge wind and waves hitting Ye Hao's body above him, pressing Ye Hao heavily against the rock wall immovably.

Ye Hao gritted his teeth and lit a ray of light.

Only then did Ye Hao see where he was. It was a place like a gate.

This door is very big, big enough for the Titans to enter and exit.

At this moment, the door was closed tightly, and Ye Hao was pressed against the door by the strong wind.

"If I guessed correctly, I should have come down from there. If I want to go out, I must fly up again!" Ye Hao understood.

He did not leave in a hurry, but began to quickly recover the previous consumption in his body.

Although this strong wind is terrifying, it will even eat away the divine body.

However, Ye Hao's body can still hold on.

It took an hour to recover, and when Ye Hao opened his eyes again, he entered a demonized state.

A pair of demon wings appeared behind.

At the same time, the wind law is blessed on him.

Ye Hao began to leave the gate, heading against the wind.


Above the Great Rift Valley.

"How long has it been?" Athena asked as she watched the whirlwind blowing in the Great Rift Valley.

The smile on Ze'er's face disappeared at this moment, with a trace of silence: "Eighteen hours."

"Almost doubled the time, he may not be able to come back." Athena said, looking at Ze'er.

Ze'er squeezed her fist, she didn't speak, just looked at the big rift in front of her.

Athena knew that Ze'er was a hippie smiling guy on the surface, and she paid great attention to friendship in her heart.

Once someone is regarded as a friend by her, that is a lifelong friend.

Athena is very curious, what kind of ability this man has, can become the person that Ze'er valued in such a short time.

It's a pity that for nearly twenty hours, that man really couldn't get out of it.

"Wait for twenty hours, if he hasn't come out yet. We'll be ready to go. It's been a long time since I left the **** system this time. If I go back, it will be too late.

That will definitely arouse other people's suspicion, and there will be no small trouble. "Athena said.

"Then you go back first." Zeer said.

Athena couldn't bear to look at Ze'er. She knew that if she left first, then Ze'er would stay here for a long time, ten days?

A month?

Or a year?

Athena didn't want to see Ze'er like this, so she chose to stay, but she still said: "At most twenty-four hours, if he hasn't come out for twenty-four hours.

Even if I drag you, I will drag you away. "

Zeer didn't speak.

Time passed bit by bit.

Nineteen hours, twenty hours.

In a blink of an eye, it has been twenty hours since Ye Hao left.

Athena has completely lost her mind, she can only regret the disappearance of a genius.

Ze'er's eyes gradually turned gray, and after an hour and an hour, the brilliance in Ze'er's eyes disappeared a lot.

It seemed that it would be twenty-four hours.

Athena walked behind Ze'er and put her hand on Ze'er's shoulder. She was now considering how to comfort her good friend.

"Athena, could we be wrong? Actually, there is nothing here." Zeer couldn't help but said.

Athena frowned: "Zer, are you going to question our beliefs because of this? What is the purpose of our research for so many years?

I took the risk of betraying the gods, and for what! Here is our last hope, I don’t want you to say such a thing! "

Ze'er took a deep breath and closed her eyes.


And at this moment, a sound of breaking through the air came.

Ze'er suddenly opened her eyes, and she saw a figure blown out by the wind and waves.

"It's him!" Athena also exclaimed, with an incredible expression on her face.

Twenty-four hours!

He actually came out alive.

Ye Hao, who was thrown by the wind and waves, was thrown directly into the air at a height of one thousand meters, and then presented an arc, freely falling towards the bottom.

Ze'er and Athena flew out almost at the same time and caught Ye Hao before landing.

"How is he?" Athena looked at Ye Hao with her eyes closed, her body trembling constantly.

Ze Erdang placed Ye Hao flat on the ground and used his witch doctor skills to examine Ye Hao.

After a few seconds, Ze'er breathed a sigh of relief.

"He is okay, it's just that his energy has been excessively consumed, and his body has reached the limit of endurance. In order to protect his consciousness, the godhead temporarily put the spirit into a dormant state.

I can wake him up now. Zeer said, her hands began to seal.

Athena was watching, with expectations in her eyes. She had a feeling that Ye Hao, who had been down for twenty-four hours, might have brought them huge discoveries through millions of years of exploration. .

She felt that Ye Hao must have gained something below!

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