Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2719: News from the Goddess of the Star Sky

Chapter 2719 News Of The Star Goddess

After a meal.

Everyone sat together and started chatting.

"By the way, do you know two people?" Ye Hao suddenly thought of something.

Madam Demon Puppet looked at Ye Hao, and enthusiastically took Ye Hao's hand, her hand was still on Ye Hao's arm: "Little handsome guy inquire, you are really asking the right person.

Don't you tell me who you want to ask, in the gods and all realms, there is no one that my sister does not know. "

"The former star goddess, and the dark goddess Evelyn." Ye Hao asked.

Ye Hao hadn't heard the news of the two for a long time, and he didn't know how they were doing in the gods.

I heard Ye Hao say the names of these two people.

Both Athena and Madame Demon looked at Ye Hao in surprise.

"Do you know the Goddess of Star Sky?" Madam Doll looked at Ye Hao in surprise.

Ye Hao nodded: "It's kind of friendship, but I haven't seen her for a while. So I want to inquire about her recent situation."

"It's really time for you to ask." Athena looked at Ye Hao.

"What? What happened?" Ye Hao looked at the two women in surprise.

From the words of the two women, it can be heard that both of them know about the Goddess of Star Sky.

"This is not a small thing in the gods and worlds now. But you were on the earth plane some time ago, and you probably didn't know it." Madam Golem took a sip of wine and continued.

"Almost half a month ago, the goddess of the star firmament, who had disappeared hundreds of millions of years ago, suddenly made a move...No...it should be said that it was a person who claimed to be the goddess of the star firmament.

According to the news from the Galaxy God Emperor, a person who was lucky enough to get the inheritance of his sister recently coveted the Star Sky God System and broke into the forbidden area of ​​the Star Sky God System, and has not yet come out.

The Galaxy God Emperor had personally stationed most of his troops outside that forbidden area, and only waited for the woman to come out before taking it down! "

A woman impersonating the goddess of the star sky?

Looking at the attitude of the Star River God Emperor, it is estimated that this woman is the Star Sky Goddess, but in order to make everyone believe in herself, he crowned the Star Sky Goddess with such a thing.

In this way, the ‘counterfeit’ can be dealt with in a fair manner.

Even if the Goddess of Star Sky came out to explain at that time, God Emperor Galaxy could completely prevaricate it on the grounds of sophistry.

"What about Evelyn, the goddess of darkness?" Ye Hao asked.

When it comes to this woman's name, everyone's faces are even more weird.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao looked at Mrs. Demon Puppet.

Mrs. Demon Puppet first asked: "Is this your friend?"

"It's a good friend," Ye Hao said.

Evelyn, the goddess, has no other big problems except for driving frequently.

"Then your friend is probably facing a lot of trouble now." Madam Doll said helplessly.

"How to say?" Ye Hao looked at Mrs. Demon Puppet.

The Madam Madame said: "This matter is more complicated. Let me talk about the identity of your friend first. In fact, there are many gods in the world, as long as there is the power of law, you can basically say the same. .

And the **** system she is in is the second-rate **** system·Hell **** system, the strongest **** system based on the law of darkness.

In addition, it originally led the Black Jade God Element, the Gray Black God Element, and the Black Mist God Element, which are also dominated by the Dark Law School.

However, Evelyn was assigned to fight on the earth plane because of some things, but who would have thought that she would never come back since then.

Instead, he went to a high-ranking main god, which naturally caused a serious blow to the Hell Gods. One of his younger sisters was the middle-ranked main god. Although he also mastered the law of darkness, she was still not strong enough to suppress it in terms of strength and courage. Live in Hell God System.

At the same time, several other gods also began to restlessly. In the more than two thousand years since Evelyn disappeared, they continued to grow their power, faintly trying to suppress the momentum of the dark gods.

Under such internal and external troubles, within a short period of two thousand years, the Black Prison Divine Element had a big problem, and the strong were constantly being poached by other divine elements.

If it wasn't for Evelyn to appear in time, it is estimated that soon someone would initiate a divine challenge to the Hell Prison God System.

But even if Evelyn appeared, the other gods now also appeared high-level master gods, and it was naturally impossible for them to return to their previous state.

At this moment, the friction between several gods is getting more and more serious.

If it were changed to before, it is estimated that the battle between the gods would have broken out long ago. Your friend is probably very busy right now. "Madam Doll shrugged and said.

Ye Hao frowned. He didn't expect Evelyn to face such trouble.

Think of the goddess who used to drive a car and talked about **** and didn't know what morality was.

This made Ye Hao start to worry about her condition.

"Then Madame Madam, what do you think of Evelyn's current situation?" Ye Hao asked.

Mrs. Magic Puppet shook her head: "It doesn't look good, the gods of the Dark Stream are all of the Necromancer. Unfortunately, the newly-emerging Black Mist God is the newly cultivated God of the Necromancer.

It looks like it is going to replace the current decadent Hell God Element. "

"But Evelyn is back! There is still hope for the Dark Prison God Element!" Ye Hao asked rhetorically.

Mrs. Demon Puppet smiled and shook her head: "But the Necromancer has already placed a bet on the Black Mist Divine Element, and the returned Evelyn is only the upper main god, and the current leader of the Black Mist God is also the upper main god.

One is the **** system he newly cultivated, and the other is the **** system that has abandoned two thousand people and suddenly returned.

If you were a necromancer, who would you support more? "

Ye Hao was silent. The answer to this multiple-choice question was already very obvious.

"But I heard that they are now in a way to avoid large-scale struggles and end this time of internal friction. There will be people from the Necropolis to mediate their struggle.

Will a new commander be selected at that time, if the commander is not the Hell God system?

Even if Evelyn came back, it would not be able to restore the fact that the Dark Hell God Element continued to decline. The ups and downs of a God Element, the strong could play a certain role.

But it's not just a high-level **** that can change something. "Madam Demon said.

"Then...Is there no way for the Black Prison God Element to preserve his status?" Ye Hao asked.

Mrs. Demon Puppet shook her head: "This is a matter for the subordinate gods of the Necrotic Gods, and only they can handle them. Other gods cannot interfere. This is the rule of the gods and the world.

However, the people of the Necrotic Gods are very... how to say... it doesn't matter... they only care about their own cultivation and will choose the right leader. As for who the leader is, they don't care at all.

If Evelyn's Dark Prison God System can stand out, then you can keep your position, but it's a pity that this situation is a bit too difficult. "

Ye Hao didn't say anything, everyone continued to enjoy the leisure after dinner.

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