Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2722: Test duel

Chapter 2722 a duel

The people on both sides are at war.

"Enough." A gloomy voice came at this time.

One was wearing a black cloak, and his whole body was covered by the cloak, except for his face with a black mask.

Seeing this person appear, everyone fell silent.

Evelyn did not speak either, even though she was very arrogant and informal.

But in front of this guy in front of her, she still didn't dare to make too much trouble.

"Master Shadowfang." Hei Mist King greeted him with a slightly complete body.

"Yeah. Go in first. I have something to talk to the ruler of the Black Prison God Element." Yingya said lightly.


The Black Mist King took his own people and walked straight beside Evelyn.

Evelyn could feel the hostile eyes of the Black Mist King, she did not speak, but looked at you and the shadow tooth in front of her.

Perhaps not many people in the gods and all realms knew about this person.

Because the people of the Necrotic Gods are very low-key, and more than half of the main gods are rarely known.

Only those gods under the command of the Necrotic Gods have a better understanding of the Necrotic Gods.

And the shadow tooth in front of him is the upper main **** of the Necrotic Gods, and is responsible for managing some of the affairs of those subordinates of the Necrotic Gods.

"Evelyn, we haven't seen each other for five thousand years." Yingya looked at Evelyn.

Unlike the previous race of the Black Mist Divine Element, the position of the eyes of this Shadowfang mask is only a faint light, which is like a ghost fire.

Anyone who is watching will feel shivering.

"Yes, Lord Shadowfang." Evelyn said calmly.

"Evelyn, what happened this time is not that I don't want to help you, but that some of the Necromancers want to support the Black Mist Gods.

And your Dark Hell God System has indeed declined a lot during your absence. "Shadow Fang seemed to be explaining something.

Evelyn smiled and said, "Master Shadow Fang, I know it's not your business. The two thousand years I have left are enough to happen."

"Actually, I think you can put this matter aside for the time being. You don't have to compete with the Black Mist God Element which is currently vigorous for a false name." Yingya persuaded.

"Master Shadowfang is trying to make me give up? Is this the meaning of the Necromancer, or is it the meaning of Lord Shadowfang." Evelyn asked directly.

Yingya was silent for a while, and he said in a deep voice, "It's not about anyone, but as a friend, I remind you. Sometimes, giving up is also a gain."

"If it's a friend, I also have a word for you. I don't know what your Necrotic creatures are like? You may think that all foreign objects are not important.

But I am different, I want to protect my things, I want to protect the glory of my family and my **** system! There are some things that cannot be given up! "After Evelyn finished speaking, she said to her sister: "Let's go. "

Yingya looked at Evelyn's back, with deep doubts in his mind. Perhaps in his concept, he didn't know what Evelyn's words meant.

"Yes, forgot to say. We are no longer friends." Evelyn suddenly said a word without looking back.

Eveli looked at the sister next to her. She didn't know what words she should use to comfort her sister.

But she knew one thing, that was the man who used to be a necromantic god, and was one of the few male friends of her sister.

Or rather, the suitor?

Eveli didn't talk too much, just walked into this huge circular building with her sister.

There are not many people here, and it can even be described as few people. Many places are lifeless.

This made Evelyn wonder if it wasn't for their group of people to appear here, would this Star City not even have a living thing.

Passing through the long passage, Eveli followed her sister to a huge transparent glass window.

The scene in front of her surprised Eveli. It was a very huge crystal sphere, surrounded by transparent glass windows.

This is not a simple transparent glass floor-to-ceiling window. Evely has seen this kind of material, and it is used on exquisite utensils in other places, almost the size of a palm.

It is said to be the strongest material among the few transparent glass products.

But here, a huge circle was constructed directly from this material, and she was a little curious about what exactly this place was used for.

Why is it possible to determine who will be the leader of the future dark system gods here?

"Sister, what is this place?" Evely asked her sister curiously.

Evelyn said lightly: "A battlefield prepared by the Necromancer."

"A battlefield prepared by the Necromancer? What do you mean?" Evely asked curiously.

"You'll find out later." Evelyn wasn't here for the time being, but she looked around her surroundings.

Outside the glass window, there were at least a hundred people standing, and these hundreds were from dozens of dark genres of the gods.

"I didn't expect that so many people would be thinking about this position." Evelyn's mouth made a small smile, but this smile also contained a lot of meaning.

At this moment, Shadowfang appeared on the top of the huge glass cover, and he looked around in a circle: "This time it is a contest for the Dark Stream God System to select the ruler.

Earlier we learned that because the current ruler of the dark element cannot be convinced by many gods, we held this duel.

The final winner of this duel will become the future ruler of the Dark Stream God System. This decision will be guaranteed by our Necromancer God System.

If any gods still do things that violate the rules after the duel, then our necromantic gods will give them certain punishments.

Do you all understand? "


Everyone said clearly.

A competition duel with a first-class **** as the organizer, who would dare to joke.

Although the people here are from the second-rate gods, they have not yet naively thought that they can fight the first-rate gods.

"I'll open the competition venue first. I have a word online. This competition duel is dangerous to a certain extent. Please take care of yourself and not cause unnecessary casualties."

Yingya did not forget to remind everyone of friendship at this time.

But this obviously didn't have much effect. The steadfast eyes of everyone present were like warriors preparing for a life and death duel.

Shadowfang raised his hand, and some inscriptions appeared.

Then a round black iron ball appeared in the center of the glass stand, and the black iron ball began to slowly open.

Soon a dazzling light turned on the entire originally gloomy environment.

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