Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2733: That is a dragon

Chapter 2733 that's a giant dragon

At this moment, it seemed to the outside world that it was a frozen starship floating there.

And there is no longer any life fluctuations inside.

Ye Hao retracted his hand and looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

It seems that the effect is quite good.

At this time, Ye Hao looked at the other two starships.

All the attacks of the other two starships poured out towards Ye Hao, and only after a minute of attack did they cause some cracks on Ye Hao's Kunpeng phantom.

And the next step will be Ye Hao's counterattack.

He used the object control technique to treat the frozen starship as a cannonball and fired it towards a starship.

Boom boom boom

The ice sculpture starship collided with that starship, directly obstructing all sight of that starship.

At this time, Ye Hao began close combat. He incited his black wings and directly broke through the shield, then penetrated the deck and entered the battleship.

Then there was a massacre inside the starship, and some of the glass was even splashed with blood.

The remaining No. 3 ship is in a dilemma.

"Report, Ship Four is requesting support. What shall we do now?" the adjutant asked anxiously.

The captain pressed his hands on the dashboard, his face looking ugly.

"What can we do? Now that guy is in the fourth ship, are we attacking the fourth ship?"

Everyone on the bridge was silent.

"Contact our main battle unit and ask them to support us!" The captain raised his head and said.

The adjutant shook his head and said: "Our main **** combat unit is now in a fierce battle, and the battle situation is very unoptimistic. It is estimated that it will not be possible to help us in a short time."

Hearing this reply, the captain roared angrily.

"Damn, damn, damn! How could it be like this."

At this time, a mid-level quasi-god came out: "Your Captain, I think this is our opportunity, as long as we launch the strongest wave of attacks to attack several explosive positions on the fourth ship.

Let the entire No. 4 ship explode, it must kill that person! "

"What are you talking about!" The captain directly pulled the collar of the intermediate quasi-god: "You don't know that there are hundreds of our compatriots on the fourth ship! You actually said such a thing."

The mid-level quasi-god said neither humble nor humble: "Your Captain, now is the war! Not a time for indecision. Use a starship to exchange the life of a mid-level master god.

Ask any commander, this is definitely a very suitable business!

And we are running out of time now. If you don’t make a decision, what happened on the fourth ship will soon happen on our third ship! "

This person's words silenced the captain.

The adjutant on the side gritted his teeth and stood up and said: "Captain, I think he is right. If we want to win, we must pay a certain price.

A starship and a central god, this deal is worth it!

I believe that even if the Captain of Ship 4 knew about this, he would approve of us launching an attack on them. "

The captain fell silent, and he asked in a deep voice: "How long does it take to prepare for the strongest shelling?"

"Twenty seconds!" the adjutant said immediately.

"Prepare now," the captain said.

The adjutant stood up straight in excitement: "Yes! All weapons departments are fully charged with energy, ready to carry out a saturation blow!"


The captain fell into his command chair and pressed a button on the dashboard: "Call me the captain of Ship Four."

"Yes... in contact."

Soon, the bridge picture of the fourth ship appeared on the display.

It seems that their bridge has not fallen, but some explosions can be heard from time to time. It is estimated that it is the battle inside the fourth ship.

"Brother, why don't you hurry up and support us! The usual places in our starship have been lost. That guy will attack our bridge in a minute!"

A young commander appeared on the screen.

At this moment, everyone on the bridge of Ship 3 was stunned.


Could it be that the captain of the fourth ship turned out to be the younger brother of their captain.

The captain was already in tears at this moment. He looked at his brother on the screen, even though their black mist races were all foggy.

But in their own eyes, that is a completely different face.

"Brother, I have already given the order. Do a full-load and saturation attack on your ship."

The other party obviously froze after hearing the answer.

Then the young captain said: "That's right, a starship and a middle main god, brother, you made a very wise choice.

I will cooperate with your plan. Send me an order, all combatants above the quasi-god, move towards the battle position, must entangle the enemy.

In addition, all personnel below the Quasi-God level have all left the ship! "

This was the last time the captain heard his brother's voice, and all communication was interrupted.

Then everyone can see through the windows that there were many explosions on the No. 4 ship in the distance. It seems that the battle has escalated.

"Captain, the full-load saturation attack is ready!" The adjutant looked at the captain.

The black mist on the captain's body was already a bit chaotic. He roared and said, "Fire!"

At this moment, almost all the energy of the entire ship was used in this round of shelling.

A huge beam of light converged in front of the fleet, and then directly aimed at the fourth ship and launched it over.

Everyone on the third ship saw that the attack hit the fourth ship, and they were aiming at some explosive locations on the fourth ship.

Just like some weapon matrix, this will form a series of explosions.

The last huge small halo appeared, like a small star exploding.


And this time, they began to wonder whether the battle initiated by their Black Mist King was right, until now.

They have damaged many combatants.

Even if they win this time, the strength of the Black Mist God System will be greatly reduced, let alone fighting for the position of the leader of the Dark Stream God System.

It is estimated that even ensuring that the status will not fall is very difficult.

"Report! In the explosion ahead, an eleventh-level energy body range appeared! And it is still a very high-level eleventh-level energy body range."

"After the radar matrix is ​​scanned, the enemy's body is very large, equivalent to a starship."

At this time, the news was that everyone on the bridge was dumbfounded.

Can other creatures survive this level of sabotage?

Next, a huge figure appeared in front of everyone.

That is a giant dragon!

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