Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2735: It's too late

Chapter 2735-Too Late

The captains of No. 1 and No. 2 ships have commented on this message.

It's all a reaction, and that is to ignore it.

Because in their opinion, the flagship of the Black Prison God System is already at the end of the battle, and will soon be wiped out by them.

If we evacuated at this time, the battle would be a complete failure.

Therefore, the flagship of the Dark Hell God System must be eliminated anyway.

"Ship No. 1, let's defend against the incoming dragon. You continue to attack the flagship of the Hell Gods! After destroying this flagship, we will evacuate the battlefield!" The captain of the No. 2 ship contacted the captain of the No. 1 ship. .

The captain of Ship One also agreed to this plan.

It was the plan of these two captains that completely made the two starships lose the hope of leaving here.

The second ship faced the attacking dragon alone, the defensive shield on the second ship had begun, and all the attacking weapons moved towards the attacking dragon.

They didn't want to destroy the dragon, but only wanted to give the No. 1 ship behind them a chance.

"Xiao Cui, let's stop it!" Ye Hao stood on top of Xiao Cui's head.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

Xiao Cui roared, corresponding to Ye Hao's decision.

Ye Hao raised his hand and aimed at the starship in front of him.

‘Divine Art·Hades Twelve Heavy Cannons. ’

"Divine Art·Death Storm"

"Divine Art·Dance of Flame Dragon Group"

"Divine Art·Wrath of Thunder"

"Divine Art·Ice King God Seat"

"Shenshu·Poseidon Trident"

One after another, the magic was released by Ye Hao, and countless laws and elemental textures appeared around his body.

These laws and elemental textures build up the magic arts.

Then one after another magical magic.

Boom boom boom

One after another magical technique fell on the defensive shield of the second ship, and their attack could not break even Xiao Cui's defense.

"Alert! Alarm! Only 20% of the defensive shield is left."

Under the indiscriminate bombardment, the defensive shield of the No. 2 ship suddenly disappeared.

Then, Xiao Cui used her "Dragon Wave" again.

In a gap that Ye Hao opened for her.

Boom boom boom

Ship No. 1 is currently launching its final attack on the flagship of the Hell Gods, but a huge spark suddenly appeared next to it, and the shock wave generated directly shook the entire Ship No. 1.

"What's going on? Where did the explosion come from!" The Captain of Ship One frowned and shouted.

The adjutant next to it choked and pointed to the huge fireball outside the window: "That...that should be the position of the second ship...the second ship was there just now."

"How is it possible? How long has passed since. How could the No. 1 ship be destroyed by the enemy!" The captain of the No. 1 ship turned on the communication device and began to contact the No. 2 ship.

"The second ship, this is the first ship, please answer when you hear it!"

"The second ship! This is the captain of the first ship, I heard it and answered immediately!"

"The second ship!..."

"Don't shout, the captain, our detection equipment can't scan the coordinates of the second ship in this star field." A person next to him said.

The captain of Ship No. 1 swallowed and looked at the dazzling flame in disbelief. He didn't want to believe that it was the last trace left by Ship No. 2.

"This...this...it's impossible, how could it be like this." The captain of the No. 1 ship was desperate.

Seeing him like this, he doesn't have the domineering style of Captain 3 at all.

But it's no wonder, because the identity of the captain of the No. 1 ship seems to have something to do with the Black Mist King, and it can be considered a related household.

"Captain, now is the time for you to make a decision!" The adjutant was a little upset about the captain's gaffe, he reminded loudly.

At this time, the captain of the No. 1 ship came back to his senses, and he asked a little tremblingly: "How much time will it take to destroy the flagship of the Hell God System now."

"After calculation, it will take another 45 seconds." A technician said.

45 seconds!

This does not seem to be a long time. At this moment, in the eyes of Captain One, that is a figure that can't be completed at all.

"Evacuate! Evacuate! Evacuate this battlefield immediately! Evacuate at full speed!" The Captain of Ship One said immediately.

The adjutant said with some worry: "Captain, you evacuated in a hurry, don't you contact the Black Mist King who is still fighting."

"Report our information to them and we will evacuate at the same time. You have not seen the situation of the second ship, we must hurry to evacuate, otherwise we will not have the opportunity to evacuate next.

Our result will be exactly the same as the second ship! The captain of the third ship is right, we have completely lost this battle!

No, this battle shouldn't be launched at all! "The Captain of Ship One has already screamed frantically.

In desperation, the adjutant could only convey the command of the captain: "Immediately convey our news to the main gate that is still fighting, saying that we must evacuate here.

Send them some coordinates and we will wait for them at those coordinates.

Others immediately started operating the system, and we are ready to leave the battlefield! "

Everyone in the bridge began to operate, ready to leave this terrible battle.

But soon they made a very amazing discovery.

"What's the matter? Why haven't we moved yet!" After a few seconds after the captain of Ship One, he found that his starship hadn't moved at all, and stopped there.

The adjutant glanced at all the data: "Our data tells us that our engine matrix is ​​running without problems, and our speed has also been raised, but why can't we move?"

"You ask me, who am I asking! Check it out for me, check it out quickly, I want this **** guy to move me quickly!" Captain No. 1 roared irritably.

The adjutant immediately began to calculate everything, and soon the Starship gave the answer.

"The report is that our hull is under the control of an inexplicable force. The source of the force is... overhead!"

Everyone on the bridge subconsciously looked over their heads.

Outside the bridge, Ye Hao and Xiao Cui, who had transformed into a human form, stood here.

Xiao Cui, who has turned back into a human form, has to say that it has changed too much from before.

The current Xiaocui, it is absolutely not wrong to describe it as a majestic style, and the aura on her body is very strong!

The men I saw couldn't help but have a desire to conquer.

"Xiao Cui, this starship is going to escape. You go in and tear it down." Ye Hao said to Xiao Cui.

"No problem." Xiao Cui said confidently, and then she raised her hand and smashed the defensive shield that was already imaginary.

Then he leaned on the hull and flung it casually.

A piece of the hull material was removed directly, but unfortunately there happened to be a starship crew below.

But the strength was only level 8, and it was directly attracted to the outside world by a suction, and then turned into an ice sculpture in the environment of the star field.

Although the eighth rank is already a holy rank.

However, the Saint-level powerhouse still cannot survive under the laws of the universe, which is why many gods have to build this kind of starship-like thing, in order to transport combat units above the eighth level.

If you want to conquer a place, you don't just rely on the quasi-god and the main **** to win the battle. The last thing must be left to the people at the bottom.

This is just like modern warfare. After the naval, air, and air force artillery has launched an attack, they have to rely on the army to rush forward.

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